Besevrona construction

I think this is absolutely true. If after 18 months, the existing player base has plotted 15% (I have no clue as to the actual amount this is just a guess) of the planet’s surface then in another 18 months will it be 30% and then 45% in a year after that? If players continue to gain plots and build, there is a point where entire planets will be plotted and since most player build on the surface, most ground level resource spawn areas will be plotted and built on. So ultimately another solution to the issue may need to be found.

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Side note: The plotted area restrict where meteors fall and reduce meteor spawning in area Which equals less meteors :frowning:

I recall in something james said on if a planet gets filled up to a point then that will cause a new planet to spawn. Yes yes lets plot the planets! Ofcouse if one was to plot above the ground where say plateaus will still spawn beans then this would be a farm? Guessing some players are looking at choking out bean supplies?

For me it is simple -

  1. get the pitch forks and push on @James to have “farming 2.0 with beans/trees and the other surface resource farming” raised a bit in priority since it was something considered before.
  2. ask the devs to do another base resource generation of the Universe with this upcoming Patch. This will redistribute the resources
  3. ultimately resource regen will be less and less in areas controlled like that since things are distributed over a large area. So trying to plot and control resources just doesn’t really work like that form what I remember.

Yes, they said Exos cost more than perm planets :+1:

Some players were saying we needed a break from Exos, they happened too often, & they were glad there were weeks without any. I find this to be too extreme imo (unless the devs need a week or two without any Exos spawning so that they don’t interfere with an event or an update…which is totally understandable).


I want to toss my final two cents in here, and if any mod feels like my post is either shaming or inflammatory i support them deleting this.

I care about official rules and i want to stress, that plotting any ressource in the game, and denying others access to it, is allowed, which in my book makes it completely viable for anyone to engage in.

On the opposite side of that allowance, however, is a sense of solidarity and politeness. It goes for any sandbox or mmo, just like in real life, that certain actions are considered rude or socially shunned, but at the same time not against the rules.

Its all a matter of being pro community or pro one self.

I love actions that try to include such sense of solidarity and i feel the opposite about actions that do not.


I ve always got what i needed. Im not the one who complains here. If this is rare for people they shouldve played early access… where rare was actually… rare

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Just no… totally no

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I’m betting the first few public rental planets are primarily bitter bean planets lol

The outcome when every natural resouces be plotted and walled is foreseenable, specially as time goes and newplayers show up more and more.
When that time comes, everyone here who didnt care about this before, will be punished by not able to get resources to progress further, they will be ended up rage quit the game, render the game even more dead.
As for those who has plotted/walled resource hotspots, normally they dont think it furthur - as more and more people quit, soon they would be also.
Since it is “Just a game” as people say, they can just plot-and-forget, despite they left a huge impact on how the game runs.
Someone said “leave it to the dev to solve it”. Yah, you are right, they are the ones who care most for the game, arent they? Except when they try to solve the problem, you are already quit.

So, I hope every current resource hotspots would be plotted and walled, noone can even get a thing - thats when the Devs would take action.

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I assume it’s primarily being done by people who aren’t kind and/or wise enough to air plot resources so everyone can use them (people, seeriously LEARN TO AIR PLOT so we send love at your name rather than…) — however, they may not realise they’re screwing over the surface resource because they have deeper ambitions in mind…

I really wish everyone would pick up an element of voluntary culture where resources remain harvestable and regennable on land not being intensely developed at the time. But it’s voluntary, I won’t tell you I’m entitled to anyone doing that – it’s just a big big happy appreciation thing when you do and the world is better. That being said I still have some projects to move to air plotting since I have a ton of learning to do before I’ll have time to get back to them, if you run into one it’s ok to ping me, people who have done so have been really nice so I’m getting less and less feral about it and I do get happy sparkles in my heart about those interactions. :slight_smile:

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I’m not thinking about balance, just very attracted to it on the surface. I’m also loving this game because I feel the balance making the adventures and new revelations in technique and such as exciting as they are. So THIS but acknowledging balance is important and Gatherers should not be left with nothing.

I don’t like the moving around resources thing at all, but adding new spots in unplotted places sounds awesome. Maybe the game needs to try and keep a planet’s amount of harvestable resource somewhat steady by letting the resource spread into more still-regenning areas with some level of balance/proportion/etc. Finding words to describe what I mean was awkward just then.

It was advertised as feature of the game.

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I have farms but I still gather. It’s actually faster and easier for me to gather stacks of berries or yams then harvest and replant them. Plus I still generally gather while I’m hunting or exploring.

I believe that area is on the opposite of my fave hotspot there and sadly it’s riddled with beacons last time I was there :frowning:

Care to elaborate? Why not?


Rather has the price maybe go up more :wink: imagine paying 500 for a bean :joy::rofl::joy: maybe even more in the end then for oort.

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That’s gonna be fun then for forged gear prices!


Why do feel you, I, or anyone for that matter have a right to judge what someone else does with their plots? I dont feel that is any of our business …

For most plots or builds - sure, people can do what they want and anyone else cant really judge.

But if someone is walling off an underground hotspot specifically so others cant utilize it ill judge them all I damn well please. Although its not against the rules, I think its terrible and needs to stop.