Biggest Cities/players and most plots

Awhile back someone grabbed the data on the biggest cities. And highest prestige players and numbers of plots. With lists of the top 100 or something. I couldn’t find the original post. But I’d love to see that updated if anyone has the ability to do so. Thanks.

Okay I did find the link.


I have to be in the top 10 by now I think


I’m not sure if there’s a live page still for a combined list at @Stretchious’ site but you can view them per-planet at least:

Baby cookie lookin good.

Pretty sure that 2nd line is HOST solo :rofl: about the same as Cookie, at his main build.

I just checked a few top planets, @BabyCookie that might be a close call.

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I’ve got a pretty heavy workload at work right now, but if I have the mental endurance for it, I’ll try to write something up for this during my breaks. Should be pretty quick to do.


I just like the universe wide standings that @xyberviri did. And really wish this was something that was viewable in game. I like to see stats like this.

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cookie kingdom always in my top 10, @BabyCookie

I think my solo Park on Biitula was 120k-ish plots and 140mill-ish prestige (might be wrong…memory little fuzzy) but my new build is and will be a lot more modest (probably…)

might still make into list of highest level toons though :man_shrugging:

As @georgegroeg says, would be kinda interesting to see some stats but ofc course doesn’t really mean that much, apart from players loving and playing the game far too much.


I have a ton of unused plots at this point :frowning:

Okay, here is the JSON export of the All-Public-Worlds Leaderboard!

You can do ctrl-f to search for your name and see your rank!

I do plan to make a not-terrible UI for this data and set it up to refresh nightly or something, but the sun will come up before I fall asleep if I keep working on this, and I have other things that need to get done.

Side note, I was using Raxxa for testing, so here is JSON of the Raxxian leaderboard.

A note on the data: I’m just using the Boundlexx API endpoints to retrieve, combine, and sort the data. I don’t currently remember where this data comes from or how often it is refreshed.


Rank 5 \ (^-^) / but my prestige is like way higher than what it says :laughing:


Same. My prestige/plots are also higher then what it says. But thanks @Rydralain for figuring this out.:black_heart:
It must not be update too often. :cry:

Edit: I also like the idea of a plot to prestige ratio.
Prestige divided by plots
3,754 prestige per plot.


Do you think the prestige number might be in line with the last time we got map images from James? I think Angellus may have set it up to only update when those are ingested.


Maybe. If it’s not automatically collected. It would make sense that it would be done with the world maps. And 7 million is about what I gained from my pyramid. Which has been around for some time. So probably around when the last maps were done.


Interesting, okay. Well damn. I don’t have a key for the official API, and I don’t think it’s likely I’ll get one, so this project may be dead from my end now.


What’s the API do we just need james-chan to update the maps

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So, the Boundlexx API probably just would need to be manually refreshed by Angellus, and he probably does that when he manually triggers ingestion of the updated map files so that the maps and the beacon data match up.
Angellus doesn’t come around much and I don’t want to bug him with a ping or dm about this since this would probably be more than just a minor change.

Alternatively, I could ask James for an api key for the official api and just get the data directly :upside_down_face:

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Lol. Seems like getting that Api key maybe be difficult. That’s completely up to you whether you want to try and contact James about it. And if he’ll even respond. Lol. But it would be awesome to have a universal leaderboard that was regularly updated.


Id love to see a leaderboard based on ACTIVE players.


[If we had timely data] it would be pretty reasonable to retain the last, say, month of scan data and compare the oldest and newest plot and prestige numbers to determine who has plotted or built in recent history.

Doesn’t take long to toss him a message, so I’ll try :man_shrugging:

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Seeing Red-chan tagged Angellus in last exo um um um you should ask him about this API @Rydralain while opportunities popped up :laughing:


I could ask on Discord but, to overshare, I don’t want to make suggestions/requests of Angellus. I have had some negative interactions with him, most likely because of my historically aggressive personality, and so I am choosing to just not go there for now. I’m making improvements, but I don’t feel comfortable making requests because of how I have been generally and directly with him in the past.