BIOMES: Request for creative ideas!

lol not really sure how to do that lol

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It is freakishly hard to do right, but sum noise and remap with clamp is very important tools.

I would like to cast my vote in behind flying/floating islands
they are the BEST


Kinda like this?


Yeah that looks awesome! Any chance you can send me the world file or pm me if you prefer?

Sadly I can’t :frowning: this is an old world I did a really long time ago :confused: The download doesn’t work for some reason so there’s no way for me to get it back.
(except if someone still has the world)

bummer - I’m going to have to have a play with the world builder I think… see what I can come up with that comes close to to what you had (if I can!) as it looks really good

Hmm, I see all this ideas and concepts and just can say “Well done!” :smiley: :thumbsup: … for my personal preferences, there are just 4 wishes from my side:

  1. Flying Isles made of rock and may be covered by vegetation, but I don’t need to post a pic of them, cuz there were some real nice ones already :wink:

  2. Caves … large dark and majestic caves! … may be also with rivers and own fora and fauna in there, but not only small mushrooms or similar ^^ …

  3. Some nice dark worlds, which sem just somehow normal but corrupted … may be even a bit creepy by colors … Think of this image and make it a bit more grey or darker in mind :wink:

  4. Some nice surreal color scemes, like white grass under a red sun in bleak white skies or somehow other real surreal worlds …


I think it would be really cool to have as much diversity underground as aboveground.

Crystal caverns with rivers running through:

Caverns with glowing moss and rivers:

Ancient forests (with fallen trees and maybe forest ruins):


Dangerous biomes such as:
Large flourished forests like that of felucia from star wars, but with acid pools and giesers. Weather elements could of course be acid rain:

Or gaseous plains, with pungent gas emitting plants:


I would really like to see large, dark forests with huge trees. The relatively large biome would be home to several dark predators. :open_mouth:

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Would be cool having a mix of the two of them, a large underground world with some normal with many entrances being connected betwwen routes and caves. I mean, no holes, just stairs going under the ground with bioluminiscent cristals of many type colours, some parts of it without light and having some holes in the ground that the light can get through. something like this.


How about one that is like Mann from Interstellar? There is no bottom to it it just keeps going down (but not underground) know what I mean? :sweat_smile:


I really would like to see rivers flowing down a mountain to lakes! And maybe we can use the force of water somehow?


You mean a circular world?

Can we mess up that much with gravity? :stuck_out_tongue:


How about land of geysers? :wink:


The cave biome!

This is biome full of spiders, spiders eggs and spider web… also i’d like to see there something that designates previous guests…liiiike… broken items or maybe dead corpse in web…


I love the idea of cave biomes but how would they be incorporated into B< where worlds mostly consists of “surface biomes”?
One cool way to make such a “Spider cave hive biome” would be to put it into a “hollow” mountain like a Termite Mound:


All the Pictures! They are M-a-g-n-i-f-i-c-e-n-t

I love this interaction between the community and the devs, it just is great to see people shoot their unique ideas for this game. I myself, have been planning on getting the world builder, and have come up with several worlds I would love to see.

Reclamation Lands: These are worlds with many deterioration unnatural structures. They range from rotting cities, or unnaturally shaped landmarks. Nature can play a part on them, making them prone to sudden collapses and dead ends. They can also be a home to a cast of spooky gremlins and monsters.

Glowing Jungle: These ancient worlds are home to wonders displays of bio-luminescence, in both the plants and animals. The flora and fauna blink, flash and can even disorient would be attackers with their displays. Being a jungle, however, their is still a steady supply of enemies under the canopy.

Oortian Worlds: (this is a revision on my part of the technology biomes suggested above) The Oortian’s Empire linked together hundreds of worlds, spanning the void of space the the Portals. Leftover from their age, are the Observers. They were created to keep particular worlds cleansed of invasive flora and fauna. However, many of these Observers’ worlds have become corrupted, turing the world into a stormy wasteland.

Pure Oortian World:

Corrupt Oortian World:

Thats it for now. Feel free to give some feed back if you enjoyed!