Can someone also change the title to [Boreldi] --[T7 - Savage Umbris Exoworld]-- [Active]
? I do not seem to have perms for that.
Is this the birthday exo?
I don’t believe it’s a birthday exo.
The birthday Exo will be a lower tier planet…ie T3 lush.
Somehow I didn’t realize your API has historic exo info. Do you know if you have all of them?
Finally got a formatted list of the block colors up. Still will need a real explorer to get all of the other data in the post.
Sorry for the delay, but I had some other issues I had to solve.
@georgegroeg !!!
Gleam location???
Good luck. I never saw any of it tho @Huntsman said it was in small quantities in the tress. Wish I would have found some
I didn’t see any either.
I guess bring regen bombs and toss them in trees lol.
Boreldi (T7 Savage Umbris Exo) Samples and tokens are up in my museum… Location: PS G-TE - Lil Porkchop Block Museum (behind PS Gleam portal)… Note: Gleam (Shadow Red) is an EXO exclusive color so here is your chance to grab some more BUT… could only find 1-2 pcs in trees (foliage) Special thanks goes to Cuddlebug15 for helping me with this one … Tokens for the following are available: Ancient and Lust trees, Ash, Clay for my fellow farmers, Sponge, Tangle … Concrete mats: Sand and Gravel for my fellow concrete makers… enjoy my friends
does anyone have a location for gleam?
I have in my museum but its like 1-2 pcs in the trees (foliage)
99c atlases are up in Exo Shuttle, DK Mall, Tana, US East
What is this birthday exo you speak of?
Was referring to this. Thought we were gonna get an exo that looked like it had some birthday colors
@rossstephens was this just a test world for you developers? Or are we gonna see this type of exo before the birthday event is over?
And this one
There should still be a birthday exo coming.
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