🎮 Boundless Gamer Poll - is this your 1st game?

Some Americans dedicate an entire day a week to this :slight_smile: we call it Taco Tuesdays


I used to only play sports games (mostly fifa) and shooters (COD, Battlefield etc, and oh someone mentioned “GOLDENEYE”) then I was bored and someone said try this game called “Skyrim” and a whole new world of gaming opened up to me. I was one of the typical “that games for nerds” type of player until then. So I started dabbling in other things but mostly Skyrim at that point.
Not playing games on PC I had heard of this Minecraft thing and had come across easter eggs in games referring to it (Skyrims Notched Pickaxe which I had no idea, and those strange green block things hidden in a cave on Borderlands 2) and then one day my daughter wanted to download the demo for minecraft on ps3. We did that and she was young and struggling with learning the controls so I took over to learn them for her. Next morning I had built a tower out of dirt lol and was so proud…
From then if I wasnt playing other games with IRL friends my time got consumed by MC, I played, learnt, watched, built, started running servers, built hunger games maps and distributed them via YouTube and so on… I then started playing modded MC on PC cause I wanted more, more things to do, more blocks and colors, I discovered economy servers, Tekkit and FTB, all sorts of wonderful non PS things I could play…
It may have been on an E3 stream, Im not sure but when I first saw Oort Online and those Portals I was like wow, this could be great. I got early access just to check it out, played a little and found it quite good but got dragged back to MC. Then the announcement comes for Sonys partnership with the game to bring it to PS, I couldnt believe it, this game which has so many of the things I love from modded MC coming to PS4, fantastic news it was.
Now I know Im not the type who hangs around forever, but I think its a credit to the Devs that I do indeed keep coming back and starting over again. When I do play here I play hard, go big, burn out, rest, come back again later. Thats just me lol. But I would like to say that this game whilst having some issues here and there, generally i think its headed in a very good direction and has so much done in the right way. I tip my hat to @james and all the other devs on a great journey so far, and to all the Boundless community who on the most part, are a joy to interact with both here and in game. TNTs recent event highlights this.

Apologies for the rant it was much longer than intended
Mr Ando


dropped it long ago - ever tried War Thunder? they have 3 modes: arcade (still more realistic than WoT lol), realistic (no markers over tanks, no auto aim) and simulator (only crew view available)
larger maps!! :sunglasses:

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Ahhh Conan exiles
Such a good game

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It was free on PS+ not long ago!

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This is a true life international relations success story right here


Super Mario RPG
I just remembered what was probably one of my favorite games of all time. it was the first game I used a game genie for. When you used it you couldn’t save the game, because of the modification the genie did, so you had to beat the game in one play through or leave it on and home no one turned it off. But that was really only fun for being silly with. The game itself was my first “group party” game.


Not to ignore everything else you said, but Battlefield has to be my favorite fps series ever. Just the right amount of realism and fiction. Loved it! I have some great memories playing battlefield 3 with the boys


Yep BF3 was my fave


Goldeneye is my fave followed by perfect dark, not because I think they were the best fps but because of the fun I had playing them with my mates


Try paper mario
It’s the spiritual successor to mario rpg


So many Friday nights at a buds house ruined because of the fights over who would play oddjob.


Only the first 2 tho

First MMO and first online game


Since i moved three weeks ago I’ve had 7 chicken tacos, 3 fish tacos and 2 ground beef tacos.

The chicken and beef were traditional hard shells, the fish were soft corn tortillas with typical baja style dressing except this place uses lettuce in them instead of cabbage.

One day we went to a local food truck and had street tacos like the ones in @XxymoxX’s pic up there. They were small though so I had a pork belly taco, a carnitas taco, and a pork green chile taco.

One night we had tostadas instead but yeah, they’re flat tacos … :rofl:

Never heard of it :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:


Haha you guys too, all because he was the only small character in the game iirc :joy:

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As much as I like the topic I am kinda wondering if it shouldn’t be moved to the off-topic category…

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Oxygen Not Included, anyone?

Sooooooo psyched that they’re almost finished with a new DLC.

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I’ve played games in just about every genre and most machines over the years. Lot of classics mentioned, my first online game was Genesis MUD back in the early 90’s played that on and off for 20 years (telnet client originally), its still running has guilds etc. First sort of builder was probably simcity.
In terms of building games, i’ve done terraria, starbound, minecraft, no mans sky, space engineers, creativerse, trove, factorio, satisfactory, ark, rust and more, but those are ones i’ve done more recently, couple with toxic communities even if the game itself is good.
Got boundless in a humble bundle in May and have enjoyed it enough that i’ve basically stopped the other building games since getting into it, helps it has one of the best communities i’ve come across. So its doing something right :smiley:


My wife and I are trying to eat vegan and I still picked TACOS!