Hardcore mode - drop all items upon death
Perma death…you lose…make a new character
Grapple only stays attached for 2 seconds
People can downvote your build or store so you lose footfall/sales coin
Warping has an RNG chance to send you elsewhere
Going into a harmful atmosphere stays with your character for 24 hours
You can only change skill pages or characters once every 7 days
You can only use 25 skill points per page
No footfall
Make all items purchasable with $, ptw ftw
Natural weather events that destroy property
Have to pay property taxes on every beacon
All Sales hand trade only, no malls
using the minter cost coins
You can only trade and obtain certain items on certain days
Slingbows use spark
Mobs that steal your inventory or placed blocks
Light sources have chance of catching fire and burning down builds
Monthly Server Hard Wipe
Blocks do not regenerate
Plots should be harder to get
More Items should take Super Enriched Bonding Agent to craft
Portals should take more oort
Full PVP and griefing
Add every piece of clothing and paints as $ DLC
Add everything ever including updates as $ DLC, free updates…psh
Characters should have to sleep 5+ minutes to rest every day cycle
Machines and Coils should break like tools
Guild Buffs are too Cheap
Warping to friends is too easy, remove
Warping should cost oort
No Chrysominter
Creature swarms if you AFK too long.
diseases, and extreme weather conditions that require fur diapers!
Everyday one random account is terminated.
The devs block access to the game servers everytime 3 or more threads are locked.
Devs secretly send out the Hunter Wraith, on a whim, a few times a week.
Monthly Subscription to play
Leveling should be harder
Characters should age and die
Make planet tax rates controlled by viceroy and go to them, rich get richer
Regen Bombs to easy, remove
No Hud, only see chat
Mobs should be harder
All drops should be more rare
all blocks yield the same exp
all blocks with seams have a 1% change of dropping
no chisels. at all
Add Hunger Meter separate from energy meter so more stats to maintain
Add vitamin level needed to maintain to stay healthy
Thirst Bar
Heat and Cold, weather sensitivity to body. Freezing Cold reduces speed and energy, Scorching Heat reduces hunger and thirst, both damage over time
Weather has negative effects on plants
Make things more rare/expensive
Tools should break faster, and 3x3 too easy, 1x1 only
Make forging harder
Disconnect the universe and make everything server based you have to manually load into
Get rid of survival mode completely and make everything creative so people don’t complain about plots or lack of availability of items
This post is to bring attention to how great boundless is, and how bad it could have been. Give the devs some credit guys. Things could have been way different.