Boundless Multiverse

Think the reference is to the lack of foot fall due to people browsing for items. I used to get a lot of people running through looking to see what I had, in case it was what they needed.

The new system of butt is certainly waaay more effective but has definitely reduced the casual shop explorer’s. People go where they want for something grab it, then warp on home.


indeed that is certainly the case… that is why im slowly learning to get into the habbit to walk thru shops on my way to my destination, the shops that have pass thrus especially help themselves this way.


The mythical Boundless elder, @the-moebius.


all this talk of pants reminds me of the good ole days where Brainiac demanded pants XD


Nice, good thing to have, and brings the game to more complete state regarding basic functionality.
However, no meaningful content update since July 2019. Wow :man_facepalming:


what is RS? Not familiar with this one.

Ahh good old tunes runescape. Still have my red and white party hats on there :grin:. Thats a blast from 2000 that I haven’t gone near in 20yrs lol

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You mean you haven’t memorized every item on every stand in every shop in DKM? :stuck_out_tongue:

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im one off the last pantsicon protesters my icon stays pants until i get some lol :grin:


Hi!, so, I was thinking a bit about what a boundless multiverse might be like.
So when you create a multiverse, it will be just you in it, if you don’t have a bunch of enthusiastic friends to bring along.
There won’t be any portals, no portal hubs to get to other planets. You will need to warp, which will take coins, but there also won’t be any footfall to get coins.
And there won’t be any stores to buy forged aoe tools, and any stuff you don’t like to gather.
It’s going to be very slow to get gem tools, and coils, and what else might you miss?

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I think they are talking about addressing this by creating new world configs that change how the game flows and make the single and small-group multiplayer experience more reasonable, but we’re going to have to wait to see how they do it. They do seem to be aware of the issue, though.

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A lot of these things have been considered, the player universes will be balanced around this.

Portals will still be a thing, and Oort stone can even be found in the wild in super rare quantities


Does anyone else want to stick their hand in that oort seam to see if it bites? I sure do!! :crazy_face:


For sale: Oort in real life.
Price: Give 300 rift slingbows in game :smiley: xD

Edit: For those interested in it’s name, this is amethyst :).


I’ll buy that.


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You even have to die first …
… to find it :innocent: :+1:



Looks like a very shiny maw of a cuttletrunk.

It’s amethyst :smiley:


Wow, it’s beautiful! :heart_eyes: