Boundless Multiverse

The main thing that pulled me to this game was the community and uniqueness to this game.The ability to travel multiple worlds and play with anyone from around the world and see such unique and awesome designs people have created. The fact that it has an ever growing economy and Community Drivin events to get players playing together… This sorta just feels like a we are trying to change everything about what we have been doing for the last few years kind of patch.

I feel this has more potential to kill the game than bring new players to the game… Nothing about this new content sounds inciting and after reading over half the posts on this forum post, not sure many people wanted this to begin with…

This sounds like they have given up on main ideas for the game. The last patch was personal worlds, now personal Universe.(sounds like they don’t want to host servers and this is their way to say goodbye.)

These are just my opinions and take them however you will but this does not seem like a good path to follow down in my eyes.


I can’t imagine moving to mandatory subscription would do anything other than kill the game on the spot. I wouldn’t worry about that.



Hmmm. I can’t even.

I’ll just ride the tide. I though sovs would be detrimental, but it turns out the were something I wanted all along and didn’t realize it. Maybe this will be the same. Maybe not. There are a lot of things out there to spend my time and money on.

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It would be a good way for them to make a bit of money before shutting down the main universe servers though, if doing so is already on the cards.

I want to be wrong, and I’d be thrilled if this somehow brings an influx of new players to the main universe, but private servers are the next tick on a checklist I’ve had in my mind since the sovereign worlds were first mentioned. It’s a pretty clear sunsetting plan for the game in the long term.


Oh hell yes. Best news I’ve heard in a long time… Sign me up. :star_struck: :raised_hand:t2: :100:



I would like to introduce this to my friends to replace social media / chat / text messaging!

Let’s just create our own BOUNDLESS, and everyone meet up on Tuesday for a drink! :laughing: :100: :beers:

And, like others, I see this as completely separate from the paid, proper, boundless, and I wouldn’t even have the same character. :slight_smile:

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You have had pants since day 1!


We have pants?


I’m genuinely curious as to why anyone would want to play Boundless single player anyway. You can already play in the main universe without interacting with other players. Is it just for people who don’t want the requirement for an internet connection? Single player would be a pretty lonely experience with a limited longevity once you’ve unlocked everything, and you’d lose out on exploring all the wonderful builds other people create.


Well, I like playing in the main universe and probably always will.

But my cousin doesnt really like the main universe and has spoken about a private modded planet that we could have advanced tech and magic on. Kind of like some minecraft mods.

I’m not sure I can get him to play the main universe unless it gets more content updates.

But I enjoy playing on the main universe.

So I’d play with him on a private planet and then play at other times in the main verse.

But that will only be a thing if there is modding. Since that is what he likes.

This is spot on with how our whole guild feels. I legit woke up to angry peeps flooding my DMs saying how they feel this will destroy the game itself. (It may not and maybe only a select player base will move to this) But it sure doesn’t seem like the proper path for an MMO. Imagine World of Warcraft saying they were releasing private worlds that you could play on alone or with a few friends… Over half the game becomes unplayable… All aspects that revolve around community are tore away.


This. So much this.

I’ll admit I have a knot in my stomach after reading the main post and subsequent responses, but I love this game and its community too much. I am remaining positive and hopeful that others feel that same draw and that this update will have a positive effect.


At worst, they could just go “it’s sovereigns only now, have fun”. No reason to shut down everything, and no reason to cash-grab on the few thousand dollars they would earn from mandatory subs for a few months before the game dies out. Going this route would mean at least some chance of continued revenue from game sales for MMO-style players.

I have seen a handful of people on the forums express extreme social anxiety over things like the idea of trading with players, or having to chat with them, let alone someone moving in near you. I’m fairly certain its bad enough for some players that they would rather reclaim an entire build than to have a neighbor.
Obviously, that’s an extreme example, but there is a whole spectrum of people from “Yeah, neighbors are okay” to “OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO DO IF SOMEONE CLAIMS NEAR ME???”, and they would all prefer single player.

This is a thing, just not officially sanctioned.


Ya i know of private servers and such but even most private servers have the player base of a Normal wow server these days.(way higher than boundless player base as it is)

While I sympathise with those people, suffering from anxiety myself, you have to wonder if maybe this just isn’t the game for them. You can’t please everyone and still have a successful, thriving MMO without severely fragmenting the experience and running the risk of people just not understanding what the game is.

To some extent sovereign worlds meet their needs, as you can prevent other people from visiting your world. You could then just dip into the main universe whenever you’re feeling brave or need to buy a specific item. But at the same time, it feels like they’re not really playing the game the way it was originally intended.

The main selling point of the game has always been that it’s an MMO universe with exploration and cooperation at the forefront. Take away other players and you take away the essence of the game.

If at some point the developers were to introduce “infinite” procedural worlds along the lines of Minecraft, and populate those worlds with pre-built settlements, dungeons, etc. I could see single player being enticing. But in a finite universe with a definite end to progression without interacting with other players, I can see a lot of people being disappointed if the game is pushed as a single player experience.


You do if you speak British English. :wink:


This will definitely finish boundless as an MMO, but maybe it wasn’t going to get enough players anyway. :man_shrugging:


No, the MMO part of the game isn’t for them.

If I’m not mistaken, an offline option was in the original design for the game, which is part of why some people are asking for it, as it’s one of the initially promised features.

It sounds like you can generate as many worlds as you want/your computer/server can handle in your personal universe:

I think they are addressing this here, but we’ll have to wait and see:

To be clear, though, I don’t care for this update. It isn’t for me. I’d rather have combat updates, decorations, dungeons, lore, titans, more monsters, monster nests, consequential weather, etc, but I don’t think this update is bad for the game.


Yup, definitely in the original plan to release offline worlds as well. It’s also the only place where you can have any sort of real modding (using LUA), as you will not be able to do that on the live universe.