Boundless News Speculation Thread


It’s pretty simple it you give players more options some players will take those options.

Some do sovereigns and some don’t. Some will do private servers others won’t.

New players already say it seems so empty and we can blame sovs for part.of that and oddly many friends of mine view sovs as a P2W system. We can argue that later.

Point is people want to do their own servers for admin rights, cheats, and basically adding and doing the things the devs haven’t and won’t do

I see the draw and Id reclaim my stuff if I could claim it again on a priv server.

Hahaha. Awe thanks. Now to just get James in on this suggestion. :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crossed_fingers::eyes:


OMG I can host a planet!

Starts up boundless, attempts to Gen a Multi-tier Large Exo. Insta gratification syndrome kicks in where is my planet and why hasn’t it loaded in 10+ minutes? To get planets…it takes a good amount of time.

My desktop takes about an hour or so for one 64 region planet.
My Laptop takes about 3 hours to generate one.

Some would be dissappointed unless downloading existing worlds becomes a thing.


From what I remember there was some discussion of the developers providing some pre-generated planets so players that wanted a planet quickly or who did not have the hardware sufficient to generate one could still get one. Of course you could get a lot of repeated planets.

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I’m not sure if these planets are still available and work for a local home computer world.

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I did the “3 world” one that it offers a few days ago and it took around 15 mins per world to generate for me, so around 45 minutes or so for a 3 world “universe”. Not sure how long it would take to download 3 complete worlds, but it I have heard it has taken others multiple hours to generate worlds so its very PC dependent and downloads may be a better option in that case.

I had the downloaded worlds from before, but I kinda wanted to see what it would generate from scratch to explore.

I think somewhere they said it uses 50% of your CPU. So if you are rocking an i3 or less, there’s only 2 cores for all processes to work with (or less).

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Yes but you failed to state your chunk size. 3 worlds @ 384 chunks aka 64 region planets will not take 15 minutes :slight_smile:

192 chucks, will generate pretty quick.

Yeah, lots of variables. Was just saying that it took me about 45 minutes to get up and running with a basic 3 world universe that I could start exploring.

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This is definitely one of the reasons the update never came out. I (probably too aggressively) made a big deal out of new players bouncing and getting refunds as soon as they saw the world gen time.

So, one of the big problems is that a 3 hour world gen eats your full 3 hour gameplay refund window. A download is just a download, but a 1-3 hour world gen is an instant refund because people don’t want to be stuck without that option.

Iirc it was total cores minus 2 get used for worldgen, but you and I probably have about the same accuracy of memory :joy:

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My predictions:
Boundless is re-entering development,
plans for a new marketing push,
Boundless goes free to play, increases cosmetics to include other races
Season pass that gives access to a new set of worlds
gleam club gets something new, possibly reduced oort shard consumption in portals (not removed though)
No pants… hopefully new cloths for us though, gotta show off those body paints
Multi-platform, boundless comes to Xbox and Switch!
Roadmap that includes new mobs, worlds, boats, and Titans!


This would suck and make things look and possibly be more P2W than it already appears.

I say this as about 10 people I know view it as such.

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I honestly don’t know how boundless can honestly be pay to win in it’s current state. It’s a sandbox mmo, everything needed to progress is available to you, on one character. You can even change the colors of blocks with the pigment system (which is more involved than I’d care to get into but none the less it exists) no single color or block is winning boundless, the “best” gear in the game comes from building with mats that are both limited and cannot be bought for currency, and although you can swipe a card to get more cosmetics and land to build in quicker (lumping sov/creative worlds in here) you don’t get anything that makes you “better” or “more of a winner” over any other player…

A season pass set of worlds would be a way to give player’s who want fresh starts and the progression reset to have it (never understood this desire personally but there is money in it so :man_shrugging:).


I’m predicting only a few folks return at first and work as best they can on getting 249 out. The recent BG3 Panel from Hell had Swen indicate that development was nearing an end (roughly around 1:26:00 he mentions there’s a few more months of development). I’m sure their need for developers is dwindling as they finish internal testing/polishing of Acts 2 and 3.

So I think we’ll see a few staff return and try to push out 249. But I think future updates will take more time than they did in the past due to fewer staff members as others potentially remain with Larian through all of the issues that will likely be found during launch.

I do not see roadmaps suddenly becoming a thing and I do not predict changes in communication/transparency.


I Would Be Happy With Update 249 Releasing and maybe 1 more update (Hunters Update) after that Releasing. Concepts that are already there just needs polishing
Monsters like

  • Hunter
  • Ground Basher
  • Stone Thrower

Just so we have more to kill with the swords and shields


to add:

  • Protectors
  • Guardians
  • Titans

PWEEEEAAASSSEEE :slight_smile:


They also have models of advanced crafting stations I would love to see sometime.

But yeah. Don’t expect a fast pace developing race. To see 249 pushed over the line within next 6 months would be huge already.
And permanent community manager with support handled properly again.


I am skeptically optimistic…. I would love to see an announcement that they are back to making Boundless a priority. I would love to see the Hunter finally become a reality.

I would also like to see them put the game on XBox and promote it better than they have in the past.


Boundmore is our community manager.

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omg the pressure

can be too much too soon :joy: