I’ve caught these things from the forums recently but I don’t check out their Steam page very much, don’t have a twitter, and rarely use facebook. Please feel free to share anything from those sources that they’ve leaked!
From the discussions here and other threads one thing is clear. The overwhelming passion for the game is strong. With passion there is the desire for more content to add to the experience, and there is nothing wrong with that. Devs see these threads and can measure the pulse of the community.
I have to hand it to the studio, their vision was spot on. I get so involved in this game it becomes, at least for a while, like RL.
Fyi I am MrFreeze in game and don’t post much on the forums. Sugar & Spice Bakeries are my shops. I love this community and the enthusiasm in everyone you meet in game. No other game like it!
Bob’s says no road map. Bob enjoys the mystery. Bob has spoken.
Bob is James in disguise 100% confirmed
That explains it! They show similar teasing ways in-game! Hmmmm
Hey Bob when is the next update? Bob! Bob? Cuetz is pulling my hair, Bob! Do something Bob! Bobbie! Bob! Come on Bob! Update? Bob??? BOB???
Next update:
New earthyams testing 1023:
Aenea Earthyams:
Effect when consumed you hear a faint voice that says “rental world’s”
gives Bob a Teaching Pie Sure needs it!
You want to use green and black for your texture maps IIRC. I don’t think it’s 0000FF green but not sure. I think there’s two colors of green (for the two colors in any boundless color)
The World According to Bob!
You mean the no longer secret private worlds?
Wait is that new? “Most beloved RPG franchises”?
Yes, posted today…
Dragon quest builders MMO? Final fantasy boundless?!?
Whatever it is, I’ll buy it!
dang all these coarses i follow on tripeds for nothing
It means soon. Thats all we know. Big things are coming soon xD
You could have those in a road map from a year ago and that wouldn’t change a thing without knowing when they are being released (if so)
I say build for what you have right now and then just update your build you won’t be time proof.
Things is, I don’t care if they come in 2020 or 2021. But I’d like to know how they will work. Maybe we could already give some feedback on that.
Hytale is not supposed to come until 2021, and I’m patiently waiting because we get a monthly blogpost showcasing something new, with videos galore.