Boundless top 500?

I’ll say farms don’t make really anything unless you sell tools and pies, even then all that money goes for running portals.

Nope lol I usually only have 50k-150k in coin because I can’t stop buying nice things and giving things away :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s what I do so my Coin usually don’t have for long (O.O)


I’m currently on 4.5million :man_shrugging:t2:
But I do pay people to build for me and i have donated millions to different guilds & to people to help them out with projects for the community

A never actually thought this was THAT much, but based on the thread I’m starting to think maybe it is…or I need to buy things rather than make them


Yeah I used to make everything myself. Once I hit 15 mil I figured I had too much. So now I try to buy more. I’m down to about 5-7 mil plus a few mil in request baskets. @ghandymarshall

Lol I buy a lot from you. I hate crafting :sweat_smile:

I’m currently trying to buy some things so I can refill the stands…bones hmph cant find em cheap anywhere

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i was just thinking about that being the opposite here. :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems like most people have a threshold where once they have said amount of money they start buying things, which is awesome for the economy as long as we have plenty of sellers. My magic number is about 250k, and any time I go over that I tend to spend it all lol. I want to be a millionaire for a day eventually and plan selling a lot of clutter when I get back from vacation which should put me in the 1-2 million range.

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I recently got a payed a lot to build something and now I can call myself a Millionaire :slight_smile: Although I can now make my life more easy by buying stuff I find myself hoarding the money like I do with everything I collect in boundless. Spending on only things I can not do in this game…forging.


Well I don’t have millions of coin in my hands. If i sold all my mats an empty my baskets i would probably have millions.
If I didn’t buy all mats and oort most of time and just hunted/collected all mats by my self I would have millions.


@JaceyLive that’s what I’m saying we need like a top 40 list or something. Would be awesome

Wow, it’s an interesting fact, I was always curious about how much a shopping center like Gyosha, DK Mall or iLlumi could generate

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Any malls that are led by guilds pretty much use the FF to pay for portals and guild buffs. Same with hubs run by guilds.

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I think most of them generate a lot.

Unfortunately, I set up the mall/guild in a way that is apparently not conducive to earning much ff (3,000 coins to 20,000 coins a day). I don’t want to change it now because it will effect everyone else that’s there. I didn’t have prestige, footfall, or anything else in mind…just a fun little place where a few people would set up some shops together.


Even so, it is a very good figure, I only got 2k per day or something with my small store, and I would like to open more stores little by little

You have no idea how many times I’ve hit 15m before, or close enough, and then decide to go on a shopping spree and I drop to 7m, then I go back up again, rinse, repeat.

Every time I go below 8m tho I decide to stop buying so much and make more myself, but once I’m over 10m again…

You forgot Nova Gold Market there :wink:

All the ff it generates, which is not a low number BTW, pays for 4 level 2 guild buffs and for the oort to keep the portals open.

There usually is a little bit leftover which is used to buy cheap yams for instance to throw in a furnace with some alts to get Endeavour up so I have enough of it to get the guild buffs…

Like @AeneaGames says, the ff earned by a hub or market usually all goes back into maintaining portals, buffs, materials, etc. I personally still maintain a couple of stores & go hunting for coin/oort for myself.

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