I don’t agree with this at all. If someone wants to blacklist something for their own personal use, then thats fine, but to create a public blacklist is not good.
It opens up pathways for abuse, if someone or a group of people have it out for some one else.
It opens up pathways for False positives, This data is obviously not real time. Therefore the item/stand in question might be gone by the time someone reaches it, and then they report it because they thought it was a lure.
It opens up pathways for misunderstandings. The program is able to collect information that may not be ascertainable via normal game play. for example shop stands that are locked behind locked doors that may be designed only for guild use. And therefore a player might report this when they can’t find the shop stand.
Why should any of the above mentioned situations (and other cases) be punished and publicly named and shamed by having their shop name and/or location on a „boycott“ warning list?
If people can NOT understand that there is a large RISK in trying to market based off of stale data and based off of data that may not be intended for the public eye to see. Then they should not use your tool.
The moment you add public blacklists. You have crossed some lines that are maybe bad to cross. All it takes is one mistake. One innocent person who is incorrectly punished because of a mistake. And then we have a major problem.