I dunno blacklist/boycott whatever you name it is pretty much just one step away from naming and shaming in my book. Just instead of the persons name you’re telling people not to go to this location. Big risk to take there. Cause it can cause a Lot of problems for you if it does get seen that way.
Just to sort of clear the air about blacklists and the like. Any kind of blocking or automatic filtering will be implemented from the perspective of the individual.
As long as it’s per individual and you don’t have a box somewhere that is clicked to let everyone have the same blacklist. Also the repeat offenders thing is kinda hard to judge too. I had request baskets specifically for guild members at one point so only they had access to it not the general public, but it would have been picked up by the scanner and shown on here. Lot of grey areas if you ask me.
Awesome. Super helpful!
Can I ask for another thing? Links, I have a forum post explaining multiple routes to the mall, with images, and I put a url pointing to it in the directions field but it’s not clickable. If you don’t want to implement link conversion in the directions field, maybe a new field that’s only for a link? Forum post, website etc.
Game Changer! Thank you
Is there anything I need to do to make my stands searchable? They don’t seem to be appearing?
Your stands will only appear on the website if someone with the scanner client comes by (are you using the scanner client and it’s not appearing?)
If you don’t have PC or don’t want to run 3rd party software, then take a look at these two alternatives:
Ah I’m PS4 and outside the Ultima gate on lamblis so hopefully someone will pass with it
Still use the site constantly, it’s great. Got some more feedback/questions.
Are unrealistic prices like these removed from the median calculation? Should they even be displayed? I don’t know if any price over 50k is a real price.
Can these quantity=0 entries be hidden on buy orders? Seems exploitable in addition to noisy.
Can we get a “first page avg price” or “first 50k avg price” stat added? Take iron ore for example, there’s enough on the first page to build a small city completely out of iron. So the median price isn’t actually accurate unless there was an unlikely huge rush of buyers.
Thanks for the feedback.
I had considered removing very high unrealistic prices, but in the interest of keeping everything 100% transparent I decided not to auto filter/manipulate the data in any way. Who am I to decide what an unreasonable price is? However, the answer to this will be a user threshold preference. It is on the list of to dos. The answer to your question is, currently yes those very high orders do count for calculating the median, but it should not be very impactful in most cases since legitimate orders tend to significantly outweigh ridiculous orders.
I have not had time to figure out why exactly this is happening, but I think it’s a rounding issue. Eventually these will no longer show up.
Not a bad idea. I abandoned mean averages when I decided to leave the outliers in. The problem still remains, if there is a very small sample size with high outliers and I use a static volume (say 50k) you could still see absurd mean averages. There are ways to work around this but the truth is averages are a bit of a pain to work with no matter how you slice it. It’s not impossible, but I also don’t want to spend a whole lot of time building complex logic for a number that really isn’t all that useful in the end. Perhaps some better averages will come at some point, but for now they will remain very low priority (sorry
Makes the site unusable too!
Hopefully I just pushed a patch to fix this. It was a very minimal problem anyway (of the ~44,000 active records only 211 had qty=0) and wouldn’t cause the site to be unusable by any means whatsoever.
Give it a rest Aenea. You were just in another thread complaining about how much it sucks when one person makes it their mission to ruin an experience for another player just because of a disagreement.
You made your point, several times. Showing up over and over it just replicating the same behavior in a different format.
Recipes updated to include new items. If you search and cannot find something you think is missing, please let me know.
Reminder: Simoyd’s scanner client is down due to patch changes. Keep an eye out for his announcements.
Also since the recipe game files had a little change to better support it, you can now select an item in place of the “Any -----” placeholders . For example:
With the sub-coin update, the website is now showing prices in sub-coin units. It was painful for me, so I wrote this userscript that converts the values to coin units. I only tested it with Greasemonkey, but it should work in whatever userscript extension you use. Just remember to delete it after Fuzzy updates the site.
@Simoyd I noticed with the newest scanner the jumping lag is back to the levels it used to be before your previous update before it (which reduced the amount and frequency of the lag). Not really a complaint, just wanted to see if this was just an issue with my internet or a more widely experience from people who scan shops.
This was the first time I’ve ran the most up to date scanner, and the first time scanning since the Chrysominter (however that’s spelled lol) was launched. I ran my normal routine route, so the areas I was traveling through, and the shops are the same each time. Now I did not get the strange lag spikes from a few releases ago that sometimes happened even when no shopstands were present around me so maybe it’s just a side effect of decimal values for coin?
If you open up the network latency graph in-game, is there a green line in that graph?
I’m trying to figure out which part of the app is causing the lag.
I can try to tomorrow, I’ll have to figure out how to pull up such a graph in game first lol.
in game options go to the bottom and enable debug windows.
go back to the game and press F1
click the menu option that appears at the top and a drop-down will appear.
click network latency.