Boundless world maps for download

Just a curiousity question, how come the Storis Map is captured with a different center focal point? I was used to Lacuna being split in half on the very top of the map, now I find Lacuna Split on the far west edge of the map…and whats worse…its really only my house thats over the edge of the natural map cut off from the city proper…

It’s not just Storis. Seginiakai position has moved as well.

Is this a one off or permanently different?

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Seems to have been that way for a while now - I checked back as far as the 2020-10-29 download and they’ve been like it since then.

Looks like that was the change point though, as prior to that (2020-06-14) they are different positioning.


This is coincidentally the last map I have uploaded in my dwg until the most recent. lol


The new system that allows us to generate maps whilst the servers are running is clearly iterating the chunks from a different origin compared to the old process. I don’t think this is a deliberate change and likely a side effect iterating the chunks.

Apart from being different - does it matter?

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It probably does not matter but I guess it would be like taking the world map we have and redoing it so Canada and Europe now show up at the bottom. People are used to the originals.

Personally does not bother me at all.

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It doesn’t make any difference to me - I wasn’t really using the maps in any meaningful way for coordinates etc., so all good from my end.

Isn’t there something like that the original maps were upside down compared to how they’re seen in the sky? I think maybe we flipped them? @lucadeltodecso??

i did check that they weren’t “upside down” compred to the maps site, but i do think they origin did shift yes

To be honest I think I must have mentioned to at least one or two people once, but, I’ve always noticed that sunrises in Boundless seem to happen in what in-game is the West rather than in the East, and in the Sanctum view, the South is seen to be at the “top” of the visible world.

Edit: Also, I should note that this isn’t that important and to be honest I doubt most people even notice this at all but it would likely not make a lot of sense to change this now anyway. Just posted this in case it was useful in finding some discrepancy.

Here are some screenshots for illustrative purposes regarding the “South” top, showing the Sanctum view and a South-facing held atlas of the same area where my beacon is.

As for the sunrise in the West and sundown in the East, I have a structure at my build that has two stylised arrow shapes representing this. Here’s a screenshot with a Westerly rising sun.

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how do we tell which planet is which?

so not that the maps are upside down, but that they are rotated 180 degrees :stuck_out_tongue:

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No, does not matter. I just noticed and thought id ask.I can adjust on my end easy enough.

Shouldn’t about half of the sunrises come from the east and half from the west?

Any chance of another dump of world maps? I want to test out my auto-generation script of the world images on my website :smiley:


Thank you james

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Perfect, thanks James! Auto-generation worked a treat :smiley:


oh man i need coffee, for a moment i saw the portals and warps section of the site and went hold up a minute where is this portal data coming from. totally missed this is the distance calculations.