You can request a scan on the site.
My other concern is:
If a shopowner can’t run the client program for whatever reason the data will be stale most of the time.
I can already see this happening. People not coming around to sell me stuff for instance because the website still states the coin is gone even tho I just re-coined them all, etc., etc.
But let’s say that is being solved, somehow, then I do think it’s something amazing, but… I really do have mixed feelings about it! As a consumer I love it, as a shopowner, meh, had to lower some prices and up buy prices
I’ve also seen a huge decline in footfall even tho the currently player numbers aren’t really that much different than a few eeks ago
Yes but we need more details, what does a scan request do?
Ugh. I was afraid of this coming. It reduces Boundless to … nothing. Game-breaker for me.
By looking at the site I can only gather it requests the administrators of the site to find your area and scan. (When you create a shop you must add the coordinates and tips on how to get there) so I believe is manual process.(this are my observations so far)
I believe if you want it done quicker you can do it yourself (at some point, I don’t know if it works yet) or you can request which like all things you have to wait until your number is up and someone will venture out and do it.
I would probably suggest folks to check it out and do it yourself as some details may be changed depending on biased opinions. I like it so far but you should check it out and figure out if you like it.
Most client-server games would put this in the category of “trainer”. In fact many actively block this as it would be considered cheating and a ban. If this was, say, World of Tanks and you were reading opposition stats it would be a ban if discovered.
It’s clever though. And I admire it from a developer point-of-view.
I’m now concerned about the security of the Boundless client. I’d like to have an official view from the Devs @james
I think is more of a utility thing. Many games already have things like this on place and the ones that don’t get it added as a add-on. I.e. ESO has a price checker and gives you an average, this is a great help to figure out prices set by the community that would otherwise be all over the place.
I can see where world of tanks a mod giving stats and location would be a definite cheating but this to me at least is just utility. Where boundless is already time consuming to play this allows me to find the price of an item to reflect that in my own shop as an owner or if I am a consumer I can stop searching for an item when I arrive at a shop with a comfortable average price instead of spending an entire playtime looking for and item the cheapest possible without knowing what a good price is.
@fuzzylkd made the site. I just did the client
EDIT: more details about the site and how the scan requests work etc will be revealed in a week or two. We’re still working out all the parts of the system. The client will be made public soon too.
EDIT 2: I just scanned PS boori, grov te, lamblis, biitula and gyosha mall. Go find deals guise!
The shop stand info is public though.
To examine more thoroughly than my previous post.
A consumer does nothing but win from a system like this (its not wide enough in its current reach to accomplish much yet but given time i’m sure it will be). It allows them to find X for the lowest price on a wide database. keeping as much coin in their pocket/spreading it across the largest amount of things they can get.
From a Shop owner, creates a secondary advertisement for what goods you carry and where you are located (that you don’t have to repeatedly spam in game or discord or somewhere). Allows you to see where your prices compare, and where a likely more accurate mean is for prices for X. Exposes when you don’t have the cheapest price for X.
Personal take away. I still like the system. I know that I am not the cheapest for everything, but I run a variety store. I try to be close to the mean on anything that I am not competing for a lowest price on. The low price gets people in the door, but the convenience of having everything you need to make X Y or Z is worth something too (as it saves you even more time than going to 3 or 4 shops to get all the cheaper goods). “Time is money, friend” to quote goblins from Warcraft. This tool will help me determine the Mean on all the things I don’t wish to rush to the bottom for. Allowing me to spend less time scanning my competition and more time farming up stock for the store to sell in the first place. So even as a store owner I love the system.
My opinion may be a little biased but I can comment on the intention. Two of the key motivators to building this project are:
- To make item values and volumes more transparent.
- Save people a whole lot of time trying to find things.
These are two things I think are very healthy for everyone. Will it upset or otherwise shake up markets? Undoubtedly. Is that a bad thing? Maybe not as bad as it sounds. Healthy supply and demand markets tend to balance out. This will aid in accelerating that process.
Everything the scanner and web application are doing can be done manually, and shared publicly. All we’re doing is accelerating the process significantly and making it widely available information.
my thoughts exactly, if you didn’t want people to know the location and price of your goods… why are you trying to sell them.
I am not sure why this thread is open.
The above poster isn’t the creator of the website. The website creator isn’t asking for feedback at this point and it is still developing the tool.
I mean, can I start a post where I take a screen shot of builds in process in the game and just ask what people think and if it is ruining the game? I mean…we won’t name and shame or anything it will be fun…and for feedback they aren’t asking for.
Can we close this thread? Mods? Anyone??
There was a thoughtful post the other day in the “grinds my gears” thread where the player suggested each character has their own personal version of this site in their client. I would prefer that implementation cuz it can be done exactly in the way the devs want it and also still incentivize players to look at shops themselves.
I think the site may go a little too far in terms of providing an “all seeing eye” as I could write content scripts on top of it to search for convenient arbitrage. Especially for Gyosha. But if they removed the coordinates column it would be a great price lookup tool still, so the project has immense value to the community no matter how it plays out. Could even have a discord bot like /price iron ore
and get a readout thanks to this data
!pricecheck iron ore
Works already
Now that’s service!
It’s just a little spam-ey at the moment, but apparently gets it’s own channel or will send the msges privately in near future…
#bot-spam channel added =D
I love it! it allows me to buy up at low prices and sell for higher. I did better numbers this weekend than usual not sure if this is due to this program but I’m not complaining.
How does this work?
I see some of my stuff on here, but not all. For example, it captured my oort shards for sale in Finata, but not on Tana.
Still, I’m impressed!