Brick Mixture rebalance needed

looking at the new brick mixture ingredients. Are you guys Serious ?
10 clay & 100 spark to make 1 compact clay
4 ash
4 mud
so lets say i want 1000 bricks,

i need to mine 10,000 clay soil
4,000 mud
4000 ash

1 soft coal makes 100 spark = 1000 coal for spark in compactor

  • 1 coal makes 1 brick in furnace =1000 coal in furnace
    plus i would guess probably 20 iron hammers + 30 iron shovels
    this is ridiculous. its all very well for the PC Dupers to have grand palaces etc. But us console players need a fighting chance.
    it would take me 3 weeks of mining to make 1000 bricks. You need to reduce this cost. otherwise everybody will only build with stones.

dont forget if you have a crafter mass craft reduces the costs down,and it wont take 3 weeks unless you only clock 1-2 hrs a day,about 5-6 days if you play for atleast 3-4 hrs.

spark isn’t a huge deal,just stuff 150 or so compact peat in spark gen,will net you more than enough spark.


Things go down in mass. Spark goes down with power

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It’s 50 heat per brick, 200 base heat per burning, 4 bricks yield (up from 2 in the previous recipe).


Each set of 50 mixtures needs:
36 compact clay
144 ash
144 mud
10,000 spark
and the yield is 200 brick

The difference in the recipes from before and now are actually not a lot material wise, the issue people have with it is that the recipe requires materials from so many different biomes.


I’ve come to terms with the new requirements now and see it as an improvement, although I was definitely resistant to begin with .
Overall, for me, I’m getting many more bricks for a little extra work.


Like wrote earlier in this read you have taken account single recipe, it is not efficient way to produce large amount of anything. If you feel that gathering stuff for bricks is too hard, you might be trying to collect stuff too early or build/gear that is not suitable enough. If current recipe, tools and skills do keep like those are now I would say that collecting all materials for 1k bricks would take maybe under 30min after locating good spots for needed materials :slight_smile:

When I heard about new recipe I didn’t like that change and I still don’t that recipes change without official patch notes aren’t listing changes detailed. Now after trying new recipe, I feel that it gives more bricks than old one because mixture output was increased from 2 to 4 and compact clay amount was kept same.


This gives 200 bricks I think its more than fair when they are supposed to be rare and it does not cost alot of tools


i wouldnt say too early, i am now lvl 31.
however there is just 2 of us, and i am the gatherer.
to be fair we have relocated 3 times till we found our ideal location. and we do like to build large.
last castle i demolished had 300 plots. this one is over 500.
i just find the process a little slow with only me gathering materials and crafting

but isnt that a trade off, as you need spark to compact the peat ?

it gives around dubble as much back I think

I think it’s not really the recipe that’s the thing here. It’s more about expectations. Enormous build like a palace are best done as a community effort if you don’t want to gather all day. You gotta talk your friends into it and gather the resources or you could offer alternatives for their time.
I think it’s pretty cool we will see giant builds made of nice looking blocks and be amazed once in a while of all the effort that went into it. There’s this portal to a work in progress underground city in Ultima Aquahub, I am absolutely amazed when I peek around the corner and look at it. Stuff like that takes ages and multiple people to build and it shows.
Edit: and on the other end of things, on a solo level, I think a certain amount of effort should be made to gather nice looking things and giving a good feeling for gathering it, which results in smaller buildings being doable solo but for larger builds either more time or people is needed.


i craeted around 3000 bricks in 1 day (yesterday) and i only use copper and iron tools.
i like the new recipe, at first i hated it before i figured out it doubles the output

if you need bricks come to gellis prime, go to the green temple like thing next to the PS portal, i sell bricks there 12 each =P


Genuinely curious, do you have any evidence of PC players being able to dupe items? I follow the forums closely and I haven’t seen any mention of duping at all.


Level 31 you can go quite well for needed attributes that makes gathering fast, power, dex and needed tool skills for one hitting soils with item like copper shovel.
Still you might not have been able to your hands to some fancy 9 block shovel what will increase your brick materials enormously.
500 plot build plan sounds quite massive. I wouldn’t expect something like that to be ready in week or two in Boundless, if it would either you would have known much about game and design would have been solid from start :smile: If I would make 500 plot build I would like to work it for a while so that I keep my interest to game alive :slight_smile:

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this, big projects (as a 500 plot project is) MUST take a lot time, otherwise i see no sence in making such big project.

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because there is no duping, its just a new thing here #Ps4LivesMatter

You can contact this guys [PS4 USWest] Boundless Mercenaries Recruiting and Guild Hiring Information and get a lot of mud/ash from them

We are a space faring race of pseudo-advanced peoples who have mastered instantaneous interstellar travel, yet we can’t wear pants. You do realize that bricks (in our society) should not be rare? The only reason that they should be, at all, is because we have used our technology to use better materials to build superior quality domiciles.

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good thing this is not real life :slight_smile: