Building giveaway

Hello oortlings!

I played a lot with this game, and I follow the forums too, but I have others right now which ones take my time. I think I will come back one day, at least when 1.0 arrives, but for now I want to hand over my “legacy”.

The build I would like to give to someone else:

But I can think about these two too:

Have a good day and have fun!


I am interested in preserving the sand box. Do you know rougly how many plots are needed?
I have 188 free plots on my alt character named Troll, would that be enough?

Looks like it is 5 wide, 13 long and 2 plots high = 130 plots.


For museum i can take over but cant plot it if ya give me fullrights to the place i can keep it fueled and link it to plaza so i get more known its a handy build forpeople i do it with swede :slight_smile:


Rif ya quiting at moment why unplot anyway @swede is an amazing builder would be a shame to cut down on his olots :slight_smile: i will also update it true means off donationsC after updates

it wont be gone pinky promise like it to much for that maybe we just replce the sand walls with something better
Oh on other hand give swede some central plots for footfall for the effort :slight_smile: if you good with all thiss offcoarse


Depending on how many plots are needed I would be happy to take over Iron Sky, because that’s a very cool build. But, if you would arrange to find me and give me beacon permissions as long as I’m still playing I’m happy to help keep it fuelled for you. (Probably there are more than a few community members on here who’d also be happy to share the responsibility)


I don’t have spare plots, but I can help with fueling as well.
Amazing Builds.

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Well I can give you guys and girls the permissions too, since I do not need the plots. PM me when you will be online.

im logging on now but maybe im allready in ya list ill be just there to put a portal
and provide what swede needs to maintain it cool man

While it makes sense to just add us to the beacon, I think that I would like to plot it if that is ok.

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Today I can be online GMT (UTC) 14-22h

Perfect, see you then. I am likely online GMT 18:30-21:00.

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All builds have been given away! Thanks for all whos volunteered! :smiley:

Anyway still anyone can join the Iron Sky club (getting permissions for it).


I can hop online now to watch over the iron skies. :smile:

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Is there another way to get to Iron Sky or just the portal on the bridge? Just thinking that if people are still using it, I better keep it fueled! :blush:

There’s now a portal to it via my build on Munteen, which you can reach through the portal in Munteen Paradise

Only portals, but if you want, you can keep the portal to Iron Sky from the tower. Do as you want! :wink: