The Bridge-Tower-House

Hi there! I want to share pictures about my largest building in the game yet, take a look. If you want to come here for a visit, the coordinates: EU Therka (2252,90,1799). There is also more buildings around it in our little settlement.

The far view, with other parts of the settlement too.

The bridges.

From front.

From down.

From a bridge.

The middle square.

Inside the brick house.

The “basement” window.

The workshop in the “basement”.

The way up, with not the safest stairs. Only for brave souls!

The top with some visitors (Vollmilch and Trizer).

The scenery from the top.

And a video for the end (not a great quality, sorry for that):

PS: Many thanks for the help for Vollmilch, Hungryfatguy and many others!


Wow this is awesome well done!!! I def going to visit it today

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That’s sweet!, Impressive.

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What the… That is awesome! :smiley:

And by the way: grass to @Vollmilch … I really love such outofthebasicliving names (I once had a char in an old MMO named Dönersechsfünfzig ^^)

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Nice screenshot and video Kawwak!

After hours of mining in the desert or fighting with spitters with no more HP left, I’m happy to see it from afar. It mean I will be soon in a safe and cosy place again :smile:

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Looks very nice :slight_smile:
I walk over and take a look.

Been there, some very good buildings in the area.
I walked the tower up and down, and survived, But it was scary.


The tower and the homes near are very cool looking

and just why not I just made this gif


Can we have parachutes?


I never quite realised how amazing the falling animation was until now.


Wow! Looks like a lot of time and effort has went into making this “bridge house”. I enjoy checking out these large player made creations.

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Thx guys, you should definietly take (took) a picture from up with yourselfs :blush:

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Found it :smile:


Hello fellow bear-cat-like-things, after a little break (nearly half a year), I made a little addition for my bridge-tower-house.

So from now on, you can make your way not only to the top but to the bottom of the world too!

The trapdoor from the workshop.

The hub on the water.

Looking down.

Looking up.

Deep down. Some trampoline, if u want to go down fast.

The outside cave. Beware of lava!


Looking good! … and welcome back :smiley:

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So you’re the one who dug up all the graves!

Nice build! I’ll come visit some time tomorrow. You’re not too far from me based on those co-ordinates.

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Just visit and put up a portal from market.

Very nice build, i like tha waterfall into the lava-lake :slight_smile:


Thanks to @Heureka I am connected to Therka Market.


Yep, but it was easier back in the day without the cuttletrunks. :blush:

Awesome build !!!
A question: Did you use beacons to keep those long bridges from being lost to world regeneration?

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Thanks! And I use only one beacon: in the middle of it.

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