Buying raw gleam 1c

Hey buying any raw gleam 1c.

This beats refine/mint payout, and it’s instant so if you’re farming please …

Silk yellow is fine.

Request baskets are in my factory, you can reach it from my hub:

Portals to the hub from Ultima Raxxa

PS Raxxa:

TNT Megahub:

Kindred Bay Tardis hub:

You can also come from PS Biitula through the Sunken Storage portal:

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But what is your dastardly plan for all that silk yellow?


Probably marble

Yeah some is for blocks and excess will be processed and minted.

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Need a weekend bump here.

Zero purchased so far!

ill bring you some, have to check my baskets first…

Thanks. This one isn’t high pressure, but I was hoping that one or two people who have been refining for coin would want the instant coin.

I realized I also posted it on a weekday so decided to bump it up for the weekend.

how’s it work?
got “enough”?

I can get some and bring it by – I have been in build mode for the last few weeks and haven’t done any mining.

I also shared this post with my guildmates-- we have a lot of newer folks looking to make some coin. This is a great opportunity as they learn the game.

Thank you, I used most of it.

I’ll be buying continuously for a while, if it helps some people get going that’s great!

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I’ve been working on a large build and I’ve just forced myself to close boundless 3 hours after I was planning to sleep. I’m sure many of you know the feeling :rofl:

These baskets got flooded. If they’re out of coin or full right now, I should have them recoined and ready by 2PM MST.

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It looks like a few of them made it through the night. There was quite a flood of gleam yesterday.

21 baskets are fully coined again.

Got the midweek blues!

No gleam for 24 hours I almost caught up with you guys. Baskets are ready.

Also I’m building a facility on Serpensarindi. I will be offering network links and I hope to get some portals from other gleam farmers as well, directly to baskets on Serp.
