Can plots be transferred between characters?

it seems to be the case - any further acquiring of skill points wouldn’t make sense as the extra points are not needed for skill pages anymore in the proposed system; one gets the final 359 at level 180 and can spent all 359 in any skill page paid for with cubits (and need for skill pages is limited to having different hunting profiles and maybe role playing or continuing with ones bought in the old system)

now the other question is, how do I rake in additional cubits after that? I have so many plots I know I will need later.

leveling keeps going after that 180, only skill points are not given then, I suppose

cubits remain unchanged as I understand- meaning they are earned indefinitely (same for cleanse points);
no mention of them so its only skill points and pages that are the focus of the changes

After you’ve maxed your levels, the chests only contain cubits.

It looks like they’re not dropping cleanse points after you max either.

Hmmmm :thinking:

This guy can’t get out of sanctum but he’s not maxed and his chests don’t show cleanse points either.

EDIT: well I went ahead and opened those chests and TBH each gave a cleanse point. In that codebase the description is just wrong.

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was thinking that when answering above

it only makes sense as the only use would be for switching between hunting epics
some tinkering after level 20 and before maxing all skills out could be a thing too, but in general it seems unneeded

Lol just read the last bit. Still I wouldn’t be surprised or unhappy if they get rid of them cleanse points and they could throw the reset token out the window too for good measure, as they lost half of its value after introducing free reskilling until level 20 and with full maxing out possible in the new system they will become almost fully redundant

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I had to dig for this which I’ve been wanting to do anyways since I sometimes reference this comment and wanted to be able to link to it properly.

There’s no promise that any of the features from release 249 will ever go live. It’s certainly not top (or even ‘high’) priority.

Personally I still think wonderstruck was shooting themselves in the foot (again) with the private server thing. But since they had gone to huge monolithic updates all these features are integrated and any new team would have to sort out how to separate the existing code and re-integrate it with what’s live before they could bring on any of these features piecemeal.

I have no idea what sort of source control they used or how the codebase looks so that’s just pure conjecture on my part, of course.

But I believe we will see other changes and perhaps even entirely new features added before we see any of what was in release 249.

I mention it whenever the conversation turns to people waiting on those features because it seems like there’s a vague expectation that getting that out will happen when there’s a new team (I was hoping for this too) but that expectation is likely to lead to some disappointment.



I am patient at least. very patient.

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I think the safest assumption to make is that the game will never get any updates. :woman_shrugging: That seems to be reality.

then that would be an utter waste of buying the game.

Tax writeoffs have their value. :rofl:

anyone who is in the acquisition business for the tax writeoffs is bound to get bankrupted in short order. There is a plan, and it’s going to pay off or this game is shutting down.