Can something be done about the weather

Do you think the coming single player update, if it has this weather option, will work for you?

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Here’s what I don’t get. Ok, so the devs say they don’t want a toggle.

But one exists in game: build mode. It just comes with other unsightly junk.

Since it’s in the game, why not give us an options menu toggle.

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Only removes the annoying whiteout effect of snow. Doesn’t actually turn OFF weather particle effects that are obnoxious and annoying. The clear weather quirk does, it shows us they HAVE the coding available to disable the weather. It just needs to be in the options menu where it belongs.

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Poor you :rofl::rofl:

Rain double drop rate and snow 10x. Then meteorite hunting will become more interesting :smiley:

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I still don’t believe it belongs in the options menu, as “off” will just become the standard.

This is why I suggested allowing players to control weather in their own beacons only (along with the new tool quirks outside of beacons).


Just goes to show how universally obnoxious its effects are then. Doesn’t matter to me, the effects are just obnoxious, and I’d like them just gone.


Not really. Turning them off, offers an advantage to those that do it - hence why everyone would then be forced to do so to level that advantage.


Advantage? Being able to see what you’re building? :grin:

Come now, you know the game is not just about building (never thought I would ever type that as building is my favourite thing)


I’d hate to see the weather effects go away. I absolutely love them. I will say, though, that having the ability to modify them within a beaconed area (without holding some crazy weather tool) would be amazing and helpful. I love the weather effects, but there are certainly times when I’m like… please stop snowing! They can sometimes be a little too much.


Explain to me why the most developed feature of this game is its building capabilities then.

Must be in the minority, because most people I’ve seen post about it wants it off.

It’s also about getting the materials to… build?


Only if you explain to me where you get your building materials from…

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You know exactly where they come from, as you do the same exact things I do.

This is going way off topic though. The thread is about how obnoxious the weather effects are in this game. Completely obstructing one’s view of their own builds, even getting in the way INSIDE STRUCTURES where it shouldn’t even BE.

you see what you want
maybe people liking the weather effects are not bothered to post as much?

it is actually a psychological truth: negative feedback is expressed more often than positive (or, in other words, you are more likely to share your criticism than praise)


Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.

Instead of universally pushing for weather effects to be turned off, we should either be requesting for them to be controllable within our own builds, or for the internal spaces within those builds to be without weather effects - in much the same way as lighting was modified to respect open or closed doors.


Nah, outside its just as bad. Especially when its raining and snowing practically 24/7 with only mere seconds of relief before the effects are back.

Then I’m happy to agree to disagree with you.

For me, outside of beacons they add an element of survival to the game (i.e. not blindly running off a cliff when your vision is obscured by rain etc.)

Different worlds also have differing levels of weather effects, breaking up what could become monotonous if it was just all “Happy, clear weather” 100% of the time.


For me, the effects are just too strong. It snows all the damn time and it obstructs all builds. Kind of a bummer in a game about appreciating builds.

Also the fog gives me headaches sometimes, forcing me to stop playing. At this point I just avoid t5t6 planets because I know they’re going to give me headaches.

If there were an option to make snow 50% alpha transparency, I would use that option.