I didn’t read all of the posts all the way down here cause some were getting childish. But I do like seeing that when a dev posts, they don’t shoot a persons opinion down or delete the threads, like we have all witnessed in many other games.
Think of James’s above post as an update on where thoughts are behind the scenes on getting fluids involved. And his last paragraph, an open mind and invitation for us,the community, to come up with something similar to redstone that will actually work in Boundless. A+ on that post for sure!
Odinsraven will be back. They are smart enough to not let all of that time/money just float away into expired beacon Regen dust. There are many other people that feel the same way I’m sure, and have stopped playing. Waiting for the next update,but chose not to publicly speak out their decision on the forums. On this topic, I choose no sides.
Thinking about it, 95% of us have had to put games down because we bought into EA and got bored with that games current content then chose to move on. There is a percentage of players here on the forums that are this deep into boundless because of that same reason. Bored with previous game. It happens. That’s how I stumbled upon this gem months ago. Now I’m 900hrs into this game! Hahaha!
One huge difference though between other devs, and these guys/gals. Is that these developers are open to ideas from us and give us developmental roadmaps. Where others, have disappeared into thin air after a huge update that didn’t have the feedback that company was hoping.
But could there be a much simpler logic system? or at least something more interactive? Blocks that are invisible doors, toggles for lights, etc… Those could all be just made as separate items to craft and are interactable…
I think that would already be a really, really awesome addition!
Is it possible to give atleast a small amount of logic gates? Like trap doors or buttons or would that tax the system too much as well? Idk how complex people can get with switches but I’m curious to know if the developers are looking at adding small amount or just none at all atm.
Tbh if they are most likely to never be added I’ll just have to get more creative with my planned labyrinth but would be nice to know if someday i can add a few traps in.
Suggestion maybe one button (logic gate) per plot?
Couldn’t we put them in the test server to see what the game could handle and then creatively come up with solutions around that? Seems far harder to come up with solutions without testing then to test first. Ofc the developers could have already tried in which case that point is mute but maybe release the data to the players. Maybe they will think of something you guys didn’t. Gonna cut it off here as I’m making assumptions at this point and wait for an answer on the questions
The OP said nothing of change and offered zero suggestions. As for your question… no, I am not European and see zero reason why my nationality is at question. What I am is old enough to know that bringing about change means more than complaining.
To bring it back to the game… I can’t stand Minecraft. Visually is too pixelated for my taste and even though I’ve tried to get into it, I couldn’t… just not my game.
While Boundless has many of the same features as MC, it’s kind of similar to how COD is similar to Battlefield… you run around and shoot things… it doesn’t mean one is trying to be the other. Boundless is not Minecraft… Minecraft is not Boundless.
Mix magma and water to form obsidian (new mat, better than titanium)! Magma-powered forges! Screw pumps to lift the magma up to where it can be used to power spark cores!
Remotely-operated trapdoors over lava pools to use to dispose of excess earthyams!
Use Spark with pre-fabricated devices, such as large vault doors or power generators or powering up lanterns. I think that’s a good place to start. If we’re going to be getting airships and other vehicles in the future, I think it would make sense to functionally provide things to support it ahead of time.
It doesn’t necessarily need to be exactly like Redstone from Minecraft. But I think having a bunch of intractable powered game assets would work. Light switches, pressure plates, massive automated doors, elevators, etc. could really work well. I do think this would require new methods to get spark though so there’s some sort of progression involved and to provide crafting material sinks for certain items, such as elemental fusion.
So if we have enough stuff that we can power up and have function automatically that are pre-fabricated things, then I think that’s a good place to start. It could be an experiment to see if those things lag up the servers too much and if they do start working out quality of life changes for it.
Just a suggestion on how it could progress into a full redstone logic system in the game.
Honestly, hoping we never see Redstone or anything like it.
A server I played on, someone built a stall. The stall was about 8x8x8, not very large at all. This stall was in a public shop area. Within the stall, mostly invisible, was a redstone circuit. This little redstone circuit, when activated, would bring the server to a crawl.
This was a small 8x8x8, on a local, decently powerful server.
Then I think about what people are already building in Boundless, how massive some things are, how laggy certain areas are for me, and then add a Redstone-like mechanic on top of that? No thank you.
Eh, I would say he came in a little hot with his original post. His concerns are valid and I wouldn’t call it offensive, but it’s probably over in debbie downer territory. You’re right, many other threads asking for the same or similar stuff get made, most though are a little less negative (the post title is can’t have anything fun…).
Anyway I get the frustration on Odins part, but I’m not surprised someone though it was the same guy advertising game X earlier. I mean, you don’t have to have flowers up your butt at all times, but how constructive was the OP, really?
You’re right, that’s a long time to enjoy any game, and maybe he’d be over the game regardless what was in it. Still, the things he’s complaining about are wanted by many… not just people who are potentially burnt out.
Placeable liquid seems pretty basic as something we should be able to do (not basic as in code, of course). And it sounds like it is inc, so thank you devs- that’s awesome.
Lack of complexity/interactivity was one of my biggest complaints about Trove club worlds, and it’s arguably lacking in Boundless (we have doors that open and close and other stuff, so it’s a bit better). I think devs should try and improve that aspect of the game, whether it’s “redstone” or something else, even if there are limits placed on it for performance etc.
Idk how long I’ve been playing but I’m no where near bored, some days I find easier then others to want to play but that’s anything.
I think the lesson(s) that needs to be taken from this thread is success is about how much you make but the fun make, and that we need to be a constructive community of support.
I think mostly what he means is how many uses redstone has… Creating circuits and hidden passage ways. Levers…
Dispensers and pressure plates, thinks like that. I do agree boundless lacks in that department. It would be nice to be able to make cannons and such things for defences at the base. I do believe you can certainly do a bit more in mine craft.