Changes I would like to see to the centraforge

GUMS add 33.3% chance for each one applied so x3 would give 99.9% chance
Effectively making it easier to obtain the desired trait.

Make all transmutes never give a previous boon/ quirk/ defect.

Often times forging gets cut short by 200-400 points would like the vigour and stabilization to be rounded up to 2000.

When forge is complete get to name what you forged.
You create it why not be able to name it.


I would like to see all RNG gone from the centraforge and replaced with skill based events, but this would be a step in the right direction.


Oh no, another centraforge change thread :crazy_face:

I don’t disagree with your suggestions @Blackmage2015, Although I think having to name all of the gear you make would become a chore. I do like the option but I think adding that after the forging process would be fine (so default no name). I start up like 5 different forges at once, and I don’t want to be spammed when I log on the next day with it asking me to name everything is all I’m saying there.

mostly this!
and at least a reduced % from the previous added effect for the removal ones


Yea perhaps something a little less invasive maybe just being able to place the item on a crafting table would give you an option to name your gear.

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Or a “rename the item” button between the cancel and start round buttons.

GUMS add 33.3% chance for each one applied so x3 would give 99.9% chance

Please either increase this to 100% or make 4 gums be 100% :slight_smile:

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If you make 4 gums 100% that’s worse then what I stated having 99.9 % is better then spending another 50 vigour to get 100%

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I just want an option to discard all rng from the boon category selection. Even with 99% there’s still a chance to leave the player very disappointed, even when they spent resources trying to ensure the correct category they got another one. With the current system I’ve rolled another category with 8(eight) gums active… It’s not fun, at all.

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Yeah it seems the rng LOVES to play against our odds. It would be nice for it to be scaled back a bit towards our favour.


Yeah it really encourages me to forge when quite often the boon bar can be 3/4 full and it misses but the defect bar is less than 1/4 full and it lands on it :unamused::sob:

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All the time lol :joy: there is no reason to even have the rng centraforge much better ways of crafting forged gear have been developed that dnt include a way that drives people nuts.


I like forging as it is. I like creating items that people want to buy. I dont want you to be able to have what I have with zero effort put in.

Forging is in a great spot, dont change a thing.

Edit: I do want to name the forged item tho. Good idea

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The proposal doesn’t make everyone able to use the forge, just make the RNG more bearable. The current boon selection system is way too harsh, even with 8 gums it can throw you a random one, that doesn’t feel fun, at all.


I use 3 gums max. Sure I get stuff I dont want and have to start over but that’s why it’s called forging and not crafting.

If it was easy everyone would do it.

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It just gets old fast if you hit a bad rng streak, I’ve wasted an hour just rolling boons on a single forge with 4 gums. Waiting for the animations to finish (even with the .ini tweaks it takes too long when you’re repeating the same thing hundreds of times) and clicking the same ingredients over and over… Maybe if there was a queue you could put them in? Or remove the animations? :smiley: At least don’t block UI interaction when they’re on and show the result faster, the animations should be an extra, not a hinderance. Or “quick sets” that would contain a mini-queue and you could hit that up with a single click.

I cancel out to get rid of animations. Yeah I get what your saying and I often quit forging for a bit after nasty rng streaks. Frustrates me too but I’m just afraid of making the game too easy

I’d rather vote to make it skill based, rng is just rng, nothing you can do about it (other than the devs making it more or less forgiving). One surprisingly good skill based crafting system I’ve come across was in a DS game called Fantasy Life. Three stations, you move between each one with a different minigame, rhythm and speed. Just throwing ideas out there.


A small fix I’d like to see is removing Effect Adjacent from possible Fist boons. Magnetic is already not great imo, but at least it does something.

A probably more complicated fix, but making Effect Adjacent work on spanners would be great. Until then it would be best to remove it from possible boons as well.

I think an option or button to skip or speed up animations would be great, canceling out and back in isn’t very intuitive, having to mess with game files even less so.

And even if not, at least stop doing the slider animation for quirk points when there are already 3 fully leveled quirks and nothing happens anyway. Probably applies to all sliders as well.

Might I add