Remove centraforge and replace with?

We dont always see eye to eye, but you are spot on


Agreed way off topic

Edit and partially my fault. sorry

I won’t tell you my numbers, but I wouldn’t consider myself all that casual and am still an advocate of the gum change. You’re afraid of more competition in the shops and demand falling, thus tanking the economy. But the economy shouldn’t be fixed with an rng machine where the rng can’t be influenced enough to make it possible, with resources, to remove the rng. The problem with the economy is the deflation, coin is starting to become something you don’t want to spend since it’s so rare. Every economy booms when there’s small inflation.

Also, the rng machine could be replaced by an even better system that requires more player skill than luck.

The other problem is possibly that the money doesn’t find the demand or it’s too hard to sell the resources you might want to sell, but that is just speculation.

Insert plug about
:oort_r: Request Dimension :oort_z: Now Open! (request-basket-only-mall)

These are just the feelings I’ve had during my playtime, I don’t buy things that much since I either need all the materials I do gather, and since I’m pretty much gathering all the time and I still don’t have any extra, my few coins start looking a lot more precious than they should probably be looked at. And I’m not even that casual with 700 hours atm.


Some people think by removing rng from crafting forged gear it’s going to destroy the economy. If you can’t think of another idea besides rng based forging then this thread isn’t for you and you should go post a thread giving your reasons why it should stay. :roll_eyes:

  • I personally play way more then what I should I’m no casual player by any means I log on for hours every day I make my own gear I hunt I build and that’s about it. If I’m up for the long process of getting mats myself I will go farm them.

  • this game has several different ways it could change the rng centraforge into something more skill based and progression based.

  • this game is lacking any real concept of progression with the release of new content and eventually a complete overhaul of the leveling system and crafting times/requirements this game will start to have a definitive progression.

  • in my opinion skill based should start to replace rng. What is actually good about rng yea it limits the amount of success in the centraforge but so can a skill based progression.

  • if this game is about an alien race who came into contact with advanced civilization technology they dnt just roll the dice and get lucky. They progress from wood tools to stone to metal to gem to whatever else and with that progression they would start to learn how to use this alien tech. So if we could change 1 thing in my opinion it would be removed 90% of rng over the course of some sort of progression that eventually allows you to become skilled in the area that you are progressing in.

  • I would suggest either timed button click or the more you use the centraforge the more you craft a certain something the better at it you become allowing you to craft higher level items. Thus creating a real market for skilled players you could break this down as much as needed to allow more players to make a stand in the market. You can break it down the more you work on a certain tool the more skill you you gain then once a threshold has been acquired you would move up to ores then to gems

  • the amount of skill points a person gets would be scaled to not make it so you will get the best gear the first day but not make it so a casual gamer would never achieve the best gear either.

  • this is my idea of how I would like to see the rng changed into something else others may not like it but it adds progression

  • just like craftable armor in the game something I greatly wantto see in boundless. If this game had tiered craftable armor that gave environmental protection it would create a bit more of progression instead of just farming levels after a couple days to survive on t6 planets.

  • for me if I feel like I’m progressing in a game and able to do side things like hunt, fish, build, farm, ect Then I would feel like the grind isn’t really there. But that’s just my opinion


Then solve that first before making any changes to the forging process.

Problem is tho, if it becomes so easy that everyone can do it reliably forgery shops will stop selling those items. Which means, in my case for example, that also half of my request baskets will disappear. And it means I have less coin overall so the baskets I put up for mats I really do not need in order to help lower level players will be gone too.

All that’s then left are the baskets for brews and pies, but those have been dropping in price so much already that it’s starting to become silly to even want to try to continue with that, especially as one’s sole income.

Besides, the trend with these things is that then peope are going to ask for shorter crafting times on everything inluding pies and brews, oh wait, that’s already been done, then they ask for recipe changes so it will be easier for everyone to make them.

Because that’s how I see this going. If devs give in to this who’se to say they won’t do the same for all the other items in the game.

In the end I can then close my shops that sell and buy since no one is buying and I need less and less mats myself.

I could think I might be able to make some coin by selling to baskets myself, but those will end up in the same situation…

So no, making these kind of huge changes now seems rather unwise.

And honestly, I don’t get why people are even asking for this. If I can run a shop with forged goods and apparently can get the results that I want most of the time is it then really that bad as people think that want these changes? I don’t think so…


Oh and the gum change still leaves rng in there, the intra-gum boon selection, so would making 4 gums cut out a small part of the rng be that much? I mean it’s something like 90% now with 4 gums but you can’t get it to 100% even with 8, that’s considerable investment in trying to minimize rng in that one roll of many. We have rng on the sliders as well.

edit: Wait, this is not that other centraforge thread, ■■■■.
edit2: Yeah I thought we were talking about this :sweat_smile:

God I need sleep…

If they introduce a coin machine then the request baskets are not as necessary for the economy to run. The coin machine becomes another way to introduce coin into the game and the request baskets are for gathering materials to craft.

Its weird, I know of quite a few skilled forgers that put out a TON of tools with 0 quirks and 0 defects at rank 350+. That is already skill based. Its all in the process people use. It is already skill.

Most that want this RNG out is all because quirks/defects. If you get them a lot, then change your process.

You do realize this will HUGELY benefit the hardcore 10+ hours day players over the casual, hence will create a WHOLE different argument about “I cant do this because in a casual player”

I will agree on it needs more gear, and the addition of farming, and ideas like fishing would help create side objects to explore & create.

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But if people don’t need coin badly enough since they can get it easily elsewhere then why gather spicy beans and sell if you can smash up some rocks much easier and sell those instead?

It means that prices go up for those reqeusted mats, which means the pices of the goods that they are used in go up as well.

I would think this is probably true, but have players not been saying that the only thing holding value is forged tools and would this not make other items more valuable in a store? At least players might be able to afford them.

I am not against coin machines totally, But whats that got to do with forge RNG? Or time based skill progression on the forge?

Adding a coin machine would help and hurt the game. But that is a totally different subject lol.

Youll help the specialized stores. & hurt the general goods/mats stores.

I did not mean to tag you with that response (sorry).

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All good, I am not here to argue. I am just here to let the devs know there is people that like a lil grind to keep their attention in the game. I dont make these comments to hurt everyones feelings. Just casual people need to learn that MMOs cant be that casual. Or there would be no crowd to help fund the game.

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I’m just throwing this out there but it really seems like James was advocating the coin machine it’s probably going to happen.

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It’s a bad solution. Doesn’t solve the root problem of the game when it comes to the economy. But at this point, I think it could be a temporary solution. The problem with it is we aren’t going to get content fast enough that gives us an actual true robust economy.

I still want this game though in this video. Boundless use to be called Oort Online too.

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Yea IF done right a coin machine would help a lot. But If its a coin machine that buys at avg in game prices, itll hurt because no one will go find a basket. hence taking stuff from the game and forging prices will skyrocket.

But if done to where people can sell byproducts like rocks from mining. etc it would help the economy a lot

Yea I can see this going in 2 directions

  • players get the coin they need from the coin machine some players still sell to shops

  • players get the coin from the coin machine no longer sell to shops.

Now if people stopped selling basic items to shops then that means more shop owners will have to grind or buy there stuff from other shops. But now that I think of it the more coin that gets circulated will supply players with the means to buy basic resources. For a lot of people coins enough to buy mats is hard to come buy so as long as they can sell off there :poop: resources then it should be okay.

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They said they’ll adjust the prices manually. And if they were dynamic, obviously it shouldn’t be avg price, but the median of lowest quarter of trades or something so players would most of the time be outbidding the machine.

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I’d rather we keep the centraforge. I find it fun, but I’m afraid of anything that makes the process much “easier” since we already have a resource surplus as James stated in another thread.

Yea we do but hopefully that will change as time goes on. I still think :thinking: another system could be in the cards down the road if things gear towards it.