As you may know, the world [Chromis I] --[T3 - Rugged Lush Sovereign World]-- [Active] changes it’s colors based on community survey each month. For December’s color change, we will be doing the polling in two stages. First, we will pick a theme, then we will pick specific colors. Each survey will be open for one week.
Some blocks may not have perfect matches for the themes, but we’ll do our best to get close for each block!
Without further ado, our theme options for December!
Winter (Pale blues, greens, pinks, and whites)
Christmas (Strong reds and greens)
Winter Cabin (Browns, greens, whites)
Nightmare Before Christmas (Blacks, whites, reds and greens)
Holiday Lights (Vivid everything)
Feel free to discuss the themes, colors, and future theme suggestions!
Alright! It’s decided! The theme is Holiday Lights!
I did my best to get as bright of colors as possible for each option, focusing on colors that aren’t already available somewhere.
If you have a request for any block type (like flowers) not listed here, or if you don’t see a color you really love that fits the theme, PM me or put up a comment and I’ll try to make it happen.
Yeah, I tried to come up with a good way to do that, and I’m really not sure there is an easy way to do it.
I might write a script of some kind to generate the text & images of the colors for next month. I considered making images of them in creative, but that would take a very long time.
I did not respond to the above poll, but I would have if there were visual references for the colors
Thanks! We’re working on some renovations to the Welcome Center, including better information on where to get the main resources. Hopefully we’ll have most of it set up before the color change Monday.
We have tokens up for all major block types. Should have portals and more world info up by Monday
I’ll try to make sure we have some flower and mushroom info soon.
Thanks for voting, everyone! We’re really happy with how the theme voting went this time! I’ll try to get a script set up for visual examples for next month.
Please put your theme suggestions for January here!
I think there should be enough colors for most things to have a few options for each block. It would also be a nice change of flavor from the current… vibrant… setup…
So far we have that and the Winter Cabin (Browns, greens, whites) option in mind.
Last minute for theme suggestions. The holidays had me distracted and I forgot I need to put up a theme survey. I’ll put it up in 12-24 hours. Not sure if I’m making another new thread or continuing this one or the main Chromis post.
Ideas so far
Fuzzy Blanket (muted colors)
Winter Cabin (Browns, greens, and whites)
Campfire (Blacks, browns, reds, oranges)
Winter (Pale blues, greens, pinks, and whites)
Oh, and the biggest hurdle for adding images to the color survey is that I would need images of each color. Does anyone happen to have this handy? It would have to be a separate file for each of the 255 colors.