[Closed] Universal capital city discussion

Here is a basic concept of the city layout we’re considering the strongest from the small group. The black diamond is the position of the proposed portal hub / palace thing, and the blue diamond is the spawn point.

We’ve not discussed this yet, but I’m proposing we call the portal hub / palace / senate building thing the Nexus. Yes, it’s over used, and yes I know it was considered for the city’s name, but that actually pretty well describes it’s function as well, and is generic enough that other cities on other planets can have their own nexus’ too.

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Huub is still unused cough :wink:

For the design: How ‘round’ do you want it to have? Was the latest version already pushing the limit?

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Havok if you can, outline where the districts would be, I’m very curious. The perimeter around the city, is that’s just the border of the city, or the walls that are going to be built.

We’re musing over this very topic in the small group as well. Perhaps some input from you guys can help us out?

This quote is something we’re considering, as well as a wall just to keep wandering creatures out. Which would appeal to the community better?

As for districts, that’s still being worked out.

I have to say,the towers idea is really growing on me,but I don’t see how it would keep mob out. Unless you build “Oort glyphs” on them
This would be cool for story,“The sacred stones have been protecting the city of _______ for thousands of years,against all threats that come its way.” But really we just using the Beacon.

At the moment a wall wouln´t protect us either since mobs spawn anywhere.
I think we should go with the solution we think is the best in regards of design. I´m sure in the future there will be features that protect us inside beaconed areas regardless if they are surrounded by a wall or not.

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I think your idea of the towers and beacons, would be a great idea, it would look nice with the city, and protect as well.

The idea that maybe magic / totems are protecting the city and not necessarily physical walls, is growing on me. Incorporating the beacon into the build and not that it just happens to be covering a cool thing that we built.

Can a beacon be any shape or does it have to be a square?

So I think we are going to be able to shape beacons exactly how we want them. I don’t know if this is already possible though.

I think if we can shape the deacons, it would be a great idea to have towers instead of the wall. Plus it also gives the city a little bit of a background story.

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Here’s an idea to build a residence if we ever get stuck on finding out where to build the foundations. This is to give more variety of shapes and sizes to each building.


BUT we need to be careful we dont actually end up swearing somehow


We could write some secret messages though :smiley:





Off-topic: I don’t speak Oortian though.

How do you do that?

its a secret only the enlightened ones know

Come on please, and this is off-topic

Smiles are the key

It just a img.:expressionless: