Coil Repair Linked to Main Machine

@hostage67 deserves the credit for this:


That’s a great suggestion. <- like spark cores, you repair one your repair all.


This has been suggested before, in fairness, and isn’t difficult too difficult to find some of the previous suggestions with the search function:

Mostly putting these up here for consolidating discussion though.


I don’t personally mind hitting them all and like to see how people made maintenance areas but I do understand how it isn’t great to be forced to do it especially with as many coils as we have to have.


Totally agree. Repairing them all individually is tedious and time consuming. I always feel like I missed one.

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I dont mind hitting each one, i design my workshops with that in mind.
What i dont like about this idea is that without changing much else, you would have to whack the one machine A LOT of times… unless they increase the amount of repair the spanner does to minimize tediousness, which would probably decrease the durability in exchange for damage…
But then we end up with costly-to-make tools that don’t last long.
They feel good the way they are.

I think the best change to the machines/coils would be to repair the machines at the same rate as the coils.

I like that they wear down at the same rate, repairing should too.

I would GLADLY do this if it meant not having to target each coil

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Hmm, what about AOE spanners repairing coils when you hit the machine?
(Would have to be all effect otherwise you wouldn’t be repairing all of your coils :P)


I love my maintenance corridor. Guess what? It was fun exactly once.

After that it was a chore. I have enough of those at work and real life.

I really like it! But like the zeppelin, the cruise ship, and fox hunting, some things are just not any fun after the first time.


What I don’t understand about this statement is how running around to multiple machines and hitting them just as many times is any better than only targeting one large machine and hitting it.

In regards to AOE spanners, they wouldn’t work well. It would be an improvement but not a massive one since the coils can’t all be placed flat in one or two walls. It would still let you repair at least a full row at a time instead of the individual coils, but it would still be a bit tedious and would still require access to basically all of the coils.

In regards to the solution for this where you can repair all connected machines at once vs individually I think adding a forging gum for your spanner that would allow for this would be a perfectly acceptable approach if you didn’t want to just add that as the default behavior. Maybe add this as a secondary stat for Venerable gum on spanners.

Repairing every single power coil is so incredibly annoying!

  • There really is nothing more annoying in this game!

  • absolutely nothing more annoying!

My wife and I share a workshop - we own 4x the maximum in every species! And we have to fix them 2-4x a day! There is a lot of time on it!

It would be a dream if it were like the Spark generators! Or to put it in the words of Ps4 players: “This is for the (Boundless) Players!”



But what if we made the aoe boon work just like in the suggestion, fixes all attached coils, regardless of their arrangement.

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Maybe use a machine that. Has to be connected to spark generator that should be fueled, but all it does sends wear fix on price of fuel. Something like that.


That’s not true. I have max coils on my extractors and only have 2 walls. In fact I believe the one workshop I don’t use any more all of the machines are set up that way. And I have another where they are lined up in 3 walls. So aoe would manage to do great on those set ups.

The one it wouldn’t work well on is my newest workshop which I did not set up myself.

This would be a great quality of life update for a lot of people I feel like. It would make using spanner mastery plus the appropriate gem spanner not a total waste.

I think that repairing coils is a grindy chore and I craft less because of it.



I was just saying this to someone last night. Would be a great improvement of life.

The only fix I have ever found (not really a fix but easier) is mount your machines to the ceiling and coils around them above and this way you can stand in the middle and not have to move much to hit each one plus you will have no fear of lagging into coils and dying or hammer going crazy in a lag busting up your machines.



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