Comments from a friend looking at the game:

Yeah reclaim is a good thing.

But this game is like ark and Conan as far as land claims go. Except you get 16 weeks instead of 3 days. I think that’s more than fair.

Even my friend was like “you get 16 weeks fuel and people complain?”


its so generous the beacon times that gleam club is near to useless as for fueling if you are just using a few.
if u however use many then yes gleam club is worth it

it takes u about max 4x a year to fuel your beacons this is more then fair indeed
so those ‘‘i lost my items because plots disappear if you don’t login in and refuel your beacon’’
it should say i was to lazy to focus on the game mechanics and to lazy to fuel my beacon once in 16 weeks haha

overal tip, don’t blame the game for your own mistakes and lack of reading

only thing that can be done is add more info related to plots maybe by some huge popup message when u start the game like how we get event popups and with added checkbox with agree of reading


I can relate to DKs friends points. Players ARE crybabies, when they lose their beacons to regen. Coming from Conan and Ark myself, I always thought the time to refuel is fine - forgiving even.

The character models in boundless are hilariously simplistic, even to the point where it’s sort of a stylish dev choice.

What I think DKs friend means, when he criticizes the char models, is the lack of Armor/weaponry. In ark and conan, you distinguish yourself through what you are wearing for amor, and which tools and weapons you roam with.

One thing that may sway him (DKs friend), may be to enlighten him on the advanced tools in the game. As a noob back at launch, I had no idea, that the tools I had were entirely different from what id end up using as an endgame player. That goes a long way for an equipment freak like myself.

That said, i still think this game needs armors and more weaponry.


In regards to the whole “cry-babies” subject, I already made a recent suggestion to display the date at which a beacon will expire in a beacon’s tooltip.
I’m 100% sure that this would be instrumental in reducing how many people complain about loosing stuff to world-regen.

The reclaim feature is a step in the right direction, but you still lose your work.
The display of the expiration date would be a far more player-friendly way to help us be more organized in that regard.

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I’m the only Baby Here and I cry when me no get ma :cookie:


That’s the only fair reason to cry


Cookie is on quarantine and is out of cookies. I’m going to start a gofundme to get her cookies.


George-chan @georgegroeg gave me a :cookie: yesterday


Its still in the wrapper for freshness! Such a nice gift!


IMO losing everything because you couldn’t fuel a portal for one day, would be soul crushing.
I also think it is a little harsh.

I also wouldn’t mind more customizations/armor/clothes/races.


This post is not about what the game is, this post is how outsiders view the game and community without joining, and ways we can try to address it for the effect of making it more appealing to those who do not own or play the game.


Well, the outsiders I know don’t wanna play because of the more PvE-oriented gameplay. They’d rather be able to build in peace without having to deal with weapons, food. Gonna be honest, since I’m terrible at the whole economic aspect of the game (making coins, selling ressources), I kinda get it.

Creativerse recently unveiled their Creative Mode (which includes powerful color tools, camera functions and a lot more), and it is pretty cool. When Wonderstruck figures out how to add something similar, that will change a lot of things.

As for losing everything to a beacon-fuelling mishap, same as GrayFrequency, if that happens to me, soul crushed, but then, me, I’ll be gone forever, reclaim feature or not.

Again, I went back to Creativerse with friends recently, and all of my stuff on public servers was still there for me to spill my nostalgia all over it.
If I stop playing Boundless for a year, I won’t find anything I did if I come back. Kinda makes me feel like I’m losing my time making temporary builds. Boundless is not a game for people who want to leave a more permanent mark in a game-world.
< sigh >

Do you think the devs could update the store page videos with more updated clips?

If so, will the community help get cool shots?

If so, will it help?


I’m thinking maybe if we help translate the creation post for peoples in game builds to professional videos maybe the devs could use it for the store page to help promote current game?

Someone running through the epic or detailed builds that have been shown off, on the forums. With boundless music playing in the background?

Maybe a meteor hunt and its craziness?

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I, for one, would like to show up to a dungeon and stun any titans with my sartorial splendour.


Most of the folks on this forum are Boundless fanatics. They play hundreds or thousands of hours of Boundless and have been playing it for quite a while.

Nothing wrong with that, all good. But many people do not play like this. In another thread, @LeeD0g pointed something out to me and LeeDog is very correct. Many players play a game for a month or two and get burnt out. Then they move on to something else for a month or two. Then they come back again. Boundless punishes this type of gameplay.

This revitalization system sounds promising but it is not perfect. I think a blue-print system also needs to be added to it so returning players can find an empty spot and be up and running quickly.

@DKPuncherello relayed that his friend said, “I’m all about building, and dressing up my character, that’s why people play this kind of game"

I have heard things similar to this too.


Creativerse has chiseling?

It has curved slopes and round pillars.

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I gave it a try a while back, even after the last update…


It’s basically a solo game, just like MC…