Community Highlights Shout Out Thread!

DD Reaper has noticed me! O.O flail @georgegroeg. Thanks for being an awesome guild leader and being active in the community! I love checking out all your builds <3. Even the sewage pipe dumping into my beautiful Lake :joy:. Going to need to build a purification plant now lol.


Awww, that was so nice :wink: thank you !!! And i hope you will still be using our network :wink: and all other things we build for ppl :wink:


Now dis dat wholesome ish.

I just want to thank my whole guild honestly- they all are the best group of people and I’m glad I ended up in the mix. They’re a fun group of helpful people and together we have tried our hardest to help out all new players we can find.

thanks an extra special ton to @Gondor who tirelessly keeps HSE running with no issues- yes I know we don’t really do the whole “one person in charge” but it is awesome to have such a good crew running the show.

I’d thank @ginabean but i can only do it five times…:laughing:

also thank you @Dupix for always helping out the guild as well- i don’t think he always gets enough credit for how much time and energy he pumps into the game for us either. Thank you again for organizing all those dolls for everyone and the spiders- you’re the freaking best dude.


Playing with you has and always will be a pleasure mox :smiley:


Thank you very much @shortyd856 I really have never been mentioned before I appreciate it means a lot.


Don’t be soo jealous Alex, there’s enough room in my heart for you too, Just not as much as Gina! :smile:


You deserve it! I’m calling truce on lava wars tho!


I would also like to add to my list… @powerman and @CanadianEh, Lorelie, @ginabean, @Damagekai an many others for their daily hunts and for being awesome!!! and of course @CrazyClaws, @Trickyy90 , @ladyoscar for being my hunt buddies and as well @TPranara… you all make my day on boundless fun :slight_smile:

oh yea @HOST you cool too lol… always stops what he is doing to say hi :slight_smile:


I owe @Cookviper a big thanks for helping me out when I first joined the game way back. I think he was one of the first players I met and he made a good first impression for the game’s community. :slight_smile:

gotta say I’m impressed by the players who are active and friendly on the forums - @bucfanpaka and @Trickyy90 and many others who make the forums a more pleasant place.

and thanks to all the players who are always welcoming and willing to stop whatever they’re doing to chat and help out: @Stretchious @Peyago @Pseudonym84 @Jeffrotheswell @Coolpants @Aragorn @Rumplypigskin


Lol ok one day you will be bored and it will be game on!!!

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:relaxed::relaxed: Can I shout out @Venom specifically for shouting me out and giving me a big smile this morning? My man’s a supernova if I’ve ever seen one.


Can’t thank you and @ginabean enough for welcoming me into such a great community. You both embody the neighborly cooperation this game is meant for! And thanks for always throwing out new ideas to keep the crew motivated :wink:


Awh thanks for the shoutout. Makes me wanna come back in-game to build. :3
I gave quite a number of AoE hammers and golden fists to several new Raxxian players who stumbled in the Sanctuary. I guess if they manage to make it there to say ‘hi’, they deserve it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if he was already mentioned, I’m also giving a shout-out to @Lesioui for the hunts.
Sadly, some people I wish I could give a shout-out to aren’t on the forums. I’m thinking about Docker who gave me a space to build a tower in Kindred Bay.


@shortyd856 I ditto what you said! I missed sooo many people! :nerd_face: @CanadianEh and Powerman! How could I have not mentioned them! :joy::joy: Duch fun peeps to play with and Uber generous to boot!

@Loco-Is-Back and @KushChapo for always keeping us laughing and for their support for our community. :blush:

@Durangotang thanks for making chat so fun! You’ve been a great addition to our group! You and @Deathwhisper are so appreciated! Thanks to you guys were soooo close to hitting Great City!

@IM2COOL4U001, out little chatty friend! Thanks for always being a friend to me and iLLn.

I’ve been super lucky to have come across so many awesome people! :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:



Yeah. All of them.
Thanks for adopting me.


Oh wow, I really didn’t even think anyone noticed I streamed. Now that I’ve finally moved into the new house, I’m hoping to get back into streaming again. But thanks again for the shoutout! I can see a few people have already mentioned you, but I’ll put another in for Nonie!

Tonezone, BuggzBunnie, Fante, Savior and Powerman are also very wonderful and helpful to people at all stages in the game. That’s obviously not to say there aren’t others out there who are helpful, just I’ve had direct experience from those individuals.


I’d like to shout out @Doc for giving @Goblinounours a space to build a tower in Kindred Bay :rofl:! Haha I think he made that account for one post.


Wanted to also thank @DKPuncherello and @Larky from when I first started playing and helped me get my footing with gems and coils. Oh and DK gave me a flower to :kissing_heart: lol

As well everyone who was involved in this!
I learned how to mine from this group.
@Merln a player from some time ago. Awkward also though couldn’t tag :sob: (FYI this link below is old and not active but only thing I could tie them all to.


I’d like to give a shout out to the wonderful people that I hang out with almost every night now in game!
@MarinaraCane @Cactopod @Lennexfox Galdrien, Angelea, Stormpuls3
Also @LordBoogieBlue you are all awesome!! :slight_smile:

Tiggerness isn’t on here but I give her a shout out anyway cause she created the Tigg’s Tunnels. Awesome work!!

I know he was mentionned a couple of times but a big shout out to my RL brother @Lesioui : you love to help people even when I just want to run away and go do something else! Also the hunts are okay too I guess.


Awwwww, Thank you so much for the kind words. You, yourself deserve special recognition for spearheading GlitchWorld along with the other founders out there and building such an amazing city.