This thread is to celebrate everything the community does! Whether it’s an awesome new player-made event, another player who has gone out of the way to do something nice, someone has helped out on a challenging build, or any other Random Acts of Kindness!
There are so many positive interactions that happen in-game daily and we don’t want to miss any! So shout about it here and they may receive a forum badge or two…
@Orrian for sure for all his community events. They’re always a blast.
Also @Lesioui for running an incredibly consistent daily hunt.
Too many players contribute to the community to name them all but those two come to mind pretty quickly
What a wonderful thread!! Love this sort of thing so much!!
So many people who have given me so much help on so many fronts… I’ve named some before in the community praise thread, but for more recent stuff, want to give particular thanks and praise to a few of the many wonderful people here - help, trades, creating incredible things, and just being all-around awesome folks - @AeneaGames@Creegle@georgegroeg
@DaOne82 and @Zjawcia for their great job at getting locations from exos and being amazing people, also sorry for my horrible bone building skills lol.
@Lesioui for being such a good guy, hosting high quality hunts every night and showing me how to forge lucents.
@PrincessMaude for showing me her hidden lightning spell and helping me with white paint for my building.
And many others I can’t mention right now because I’m at work and will take too long
@AeneaGames for whom, despite real life challenges, has created a(nother) great market place and keeps me constantly supplied with amazing speedy hammers, food, drink, concrete and so on.
@Piblo found me within my first hour of game play and showed me the ropes. There is no question if he hadn’t I wouldn’t be playing this game right now. He introduced me to the fantastic community that exists here in Boundless
Kind of more forum based than in-game, but anyway:
Have to credit @Nightstar, he’s made a lot of informative posts that have helped me, the minter one in particular.
@Vurtadelic and @blinvir Appreciate the help you’ve given newbies and others.
Toumashii seems gone but in case they read this someday, appreciate all your posts. Many times you said what I was trying to say better than I could on discussion threads, and I found your funny posts/memes well placed and generally well… funny.
@willcrutchley for helping me figure out how to access some of the boundless APIs @zerosanity for helping me figure out the compression on some boundless APIs @RISCX for helping me setup burp suite which ultimately lead to development of an MITM