Could we get an Auction house already...please? :)

An auction house or somewhat timely available products listing similar to would be the most ideal solution for me, a shopper. Malls have been a pretty good in-game solution, but even I grow tired of searching since my needs change from week to week

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PI am totally against an auction house in Boundless and I believe it would kill the game. Other MMO’s have quests and story to complete which this game doesn’t have.

As for footfall, I don’t understand why people see it as taboo. (And I don’t mean the co-op when I say this…) It’s not like the coin earned in footfall is taken from the explorer, so who cares. If my Oortian buttocks leaves you 80c just for being there, wtf cares? Every time someone stops playing they take coin out of the game, so the passive income is needed.

I also don’t see why you can’t treat ff as an additional supplemental income…

As for good shops… there are plenty out there and some have been around since the game has been released, or not long after…

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In my haste maybe I didn’t explain my point well enough. The point was about making sure that things that enter the game FIT the game play style. Boundless has a feel and game style and many of us want to support and encourage. Just blatantly moving other game systems into Boundless could be a concern to many people. It is about bringing the feature in and changing it to feel more Boundless in nature.

Maybe some people don’t want the “time saving” aspect and prefer the game to play out in a more discoverable scenario. That is why we don’t like auction houses and systems that give players everything in an instant fashion especially with it really isn’t helping game play at all.

Yeah we had the same counter discussion in other threads about this topic. I don’t see exploring as a waste of time. I don’t see it as a bad thing. What I am getting at is there are plenty of ways to improve and solve the problems without the simple boring cheap way of an auction house that lists prices. I don’t enjoy that game play and think it is bad for the game play and feel we should find better ways to solve our problems. I get others disagree but I have not seen any point that changes my opinion… I’m offering options while most just aren’t willing to create other ideas and just use a simple “auction house will solve it all” approach.

Nah that could be fixed and likely will be in the future. Just need to block people having access to that type of system and bring out a real API.

I don’t think people see it as taboo and instead hate how people play the game to achieve FF.

I just read your reply in another thread that you put 2 million coin in your request baskets for Umbris, etc… which I think is great btw that you have that to spend to the economy, but most players in the game have no where near that amount of coin to play with, so telling people they shouldn’t depend on some measly footfall, is really not fair.


its not so much i see it has taboo but more that it can’t be a sole reason why the AH cant be implemented the argument of “oh well it would hurt my shop cuz less people who visit it” i see has invalid if your shop is good then a system like a auction house would boost your sales and make FF irrelevant

FF shod be a boost for anything built in the game not the sole reason


But why should you care? It doesn’t come out of your coin… it’s not like you lose coin so who cares? I don’t like how people build for prestige but I’m not advocating for marble to be worth the same as sand… let people play how they wish… which in this case is in line with the game mechanics.


But footfall affects the design and usability of some builds to a large extent. Imo if a shop no longer has to invest in visibility (portals), they shouldn’t need footfall to survive. There are options to keeping shopping physical but still make it easier. Here’s a related thread if people haven’t voted there yet.


It has nothing about allowing people to play how they wish… of course people can play how they wish.

I care because of the mechanism and how it causes people to play. Same with prestige. Footfall and prestige both create certain game play styles that many of us do not like. People fail to see the conflict those systems create and the decisions and actions they cause. It is these results that are the problem and why the systems need to be fundamentally changed or completely removed.

This is why I’m against the auction house. People are failing to see the long term affect and overall game play decisions that will happen from adding that system to this game. They fail to find other solutions to solve the “problem” they feel exists. They really need to trouble shoot our problems better and solve for the root issue.

Some of us see the core issues and are pushing the developers to fix the fundamental problems of the game.

You did, as most of the times, explained very well your personal PoV.
Some People, who it concerns, are rather active Posting in this thread, you and me included apparantly.
What is the game style of bounbdless that it makes an AH invalid?
And i agree, making it fell boundless like is a good idea, if the practical use is not blocked, like with so many other Things “boundless style”.

And maybe some People want and Need the time saving a proper AH could provide? People with Family, Friends, Jobs Maybe? You want These to be left out?
And you are speaking for more then just you? I noticed that in other threads. Are you the official voice of the Dev Team?

I could quote half the thread, with ideas and alternatives, which you apparantly havent read or didnt wanted to read.
All i see in this Quote thou is your persona lopinion, which i respect, but i am not here to Change it nor can you Change mine :slight_smile:
The Option i see you offer is a inefficient and non colored Version of an AH, which in itself is made invalid as it would Need Prices displayed with coords and planet. Else we are at the beginning of the circle. Whichwould be you dont want an AH, like some others, and some others want a AH and even give alternatives how to establish it.

I am taking this one slightly out of context, my apologies.
Apparantly thou, you are hating how other People want to Play the game aswell as an AH with Prices is against your Vision of the game? Correct me if i am wrong.

(here is hope all quoting went well. I apologize for any wrong words and in no way is anything in here an attack on anybody. English aint my first language. Sorry)

and this is why i have not mentioned any alternatives the only things i could come up with would be AH’ish when we boil it down auction house it just a term used for “A thing that facilitates the buying and selling of assets, such as works of art and collectibles” we can change it to be a billboard style thing or whatever in the end if it buys and sells then its a auction house

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you can however take a page out of WoW and mod it to have the best of both worlds so say you create a new auction house stand you can then list items on there to sell now lets take WoW’s buy now and bid and mod it for boundless

you can have a 2 buy option’s(with 2 different price points) first one (default) where you eather place a bid(if we want to go that route) and wait the time to see if win the bid…route 2 would be a stright buy but with a convenience tax fee to help premote option 2(buy now) this method regardless of what method you picked for default(bid,mail buy) would tell you where the shop is and you can go there to buy the item now for what the shop keep could have listed has a lower price and without the convenience tax.

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Well that’s what I would love to see too…
If it’s a classic auction house, normal shops would die and they are beside farms and hubs the only “interactable” buildings ingame.
Maybe we can have a new portal type, that once placed and powered scans your beacon for items and prices and shows them in a list.
So anyone can use any of these placed portals to view the list of scanned items and open a warp to the choosen destination. That would let shops still be useful and give you the opportunity to get to shops many blinksecs away in one warp and let hubs still be useful for shopping since they could build such a portal without selling stuff themselfes.

Pros here are that you still see some places while shopping and not only a UI, have larger jumps, than normal portals can handle, give new players the opportunity to participate in the economy without having to maintain 20 portals to the most common hubs and having more space for your shop since you also don’t need tons of portals anymore to get ppl visiting your store.

Cons are the time consumption since you need (in worse case) go to a different shop for each item you want to buy, big shops with great portal infrastructure become less important and maybe lose some sales.

I am not sure what you mean by “practical use” … I don’t see many things in boundless that practical use as being blocked. I see things going through maybe steps people don’t like or want.

As for the auction house, I don’t feel it fits the Boundless style because it isn’t what the Developers started with. They clearly started with a system where people had shops and you were supposed to go visit and buy. They like the world in a more manual transactional way like we have seen for generations in human history. They aren’t wanting this amazon buy instantly and get instantly mindset. Now maybe their views of the game have changed or shops as we see it wasn’t the vision they had but I haven’t had a conversation about it with them or seen anything from them that would hint that they want this easy auction house solution.

In fact I could say it is the contray - they like effort and work to achieve results – e.g. look at the farming update or trading being manual.

Yeah those type of reasons don’t make any sense to me because a person can easily have a family and all those things and still play the game without an auction house. “Need” is a relative term. Everything a player needs in the game is provided. People often link “time” and other things with “need” when really they shouldn’t.

Based on the points you are making it can be inferred that what you are actually getting at is you want something “quickly” and don’t enjoy things taking the time it currently takes. You don’t want the effort of going through shops and “finding” the deals and instead want all the data as quickly as possibly so you can play “one part of the game” and not deal with “grind or whatever other hassle” you are being forced to play with currently.

If I inferred correctly, then a lot of people have that view point and I can understand it. I apologize if I misunderstood where you might have been going with why you want prices. A lot have moved past this “quicker” game play and are ok with things taking time. So trying to link auction houses to saving time won’t fly with some of us as a valid enough reason to include that component.

I speak primarily for myself but at times do so for a variety of people… Those variety of people are ones that agree with my views and I have had conversations with. Some of them are vocal on the forums while some are not. So I help support their views by including them…

As for speaking for the devs… no not officially. Sometimes I share information I know because I get to talk with them regularly or want to help update the community if the Devs don’t respond. But I never have or ever would speak for them… they always can come in and speak for themselves as I see it.

I was bringing in a variety of threads and generalizing comments which isn’t always a great thing to do and can lead to confusion. I said what I did because most response don’t stand out to me and feel like they are a continuation of the same complaints and round robin discussion we see here consistently. Two sides of a discussion that rarely compromise or try to actually change their views. People argue for “price listings” or “against prices being listed”. That is the key area I was focusing on.

I’m not sure what you mean by “non-colored” so cannot comment on that. Of course it is inefficient because I am not including efficiency in my solutioning. I see efficiency as irrelevant to the discussion on solving the problem and is something we definitely need to stay away from… too many things are causing problems in this game because of people striving to be efficient - FF slides and regen bombs to name a few.

Prices are not needed in a yellow pages type solution… I don’t ever remember seeing prices being listed in any yellow pages that I used when I grew up. It shows who had a store, where they were, and how you could contact them. So prices aren’t going to be in my suggestion and are not seen as needed.

People want to see prices to solve another problem, not what shops are active and what are not. People should probably split out their problems and tackle one thing at a time.

Hate was really a bad word to select in what I was trying to say. Dislike or don’t agree with is probably a better way to share it. I am completely fine with how people chose to play the game. There are many ways people can play and each can decide with they want to do that or not. I just chose not to do some of those actions and others agree as well. It isn’t about stopping people from playing that way it is about something else.

Text can be a horrible place to get the point across especially when people are trying to respond quickly. I appreciate you trying to understand and certainly have no problem clarifying anything I might say.

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I’m going to copy and paste this here because it appears it didn’t get read by enough people. It resolves the concerns of both those that want footfall and those that want an auction house. Additionally, it addresses the economic issues at play.

I think a review of the economic factors that play into scarcity or abundance of a given resource, and subsequently any developer interaction, is more important than attempting to address resource acquisition.

I know that sounds counterintuitive but please bear with me.

The following is based on three assumptions:

  1. players who gather for profit will gather the resources that are the most abundantly valuable.
    (Meaning, spicy beans sell well, but blink/rift would sell for substantially more and act as a substitute good for sale.)
  2. players that gather for need will gather the resources that are needed for progress as long as they don’t exceed the cost-benefit threshold of buying if they are available.
    (Meaning, if it makes more sense to gather fossils and buy beans, they will)
  3. players that gather for building will gather the resources based on what let’s them build soonest.
    (Meaning, the lowest value of time or money will be used).

To that end, scarcity and abundance of resources needs to be addressed not on the supply side exclusively. Each player will make a different calculation of what they believe is the “best” course of action that gets them to fun. Instead, systems must be adjusted to emphasize the fun.

I have suggested quest-givers before, and will do so again. We need a way for the game to “consume” resources and provide a reward. This enables builders/crafters to be rewarded for participating in the world. Quests can provide special blocks, crafted goods, etc.

Secondly, we need a “galatic gate”. This is a yellowpages and temporary portal all in one. You search for the good, it finds it and you shove (refined product made of middle-tier goods) in and it warns you directly to the shop stand. Lasts 60 seconds.

Third, the economy needs to be dynamic. Each planet needs an “oortian embassy” where players can complete quests, warp to t1 planets for free, grow the embassy by turning in goods specific to that planet in “donation baskets” or “refined goods” etc. This pulls goods out of the market and stimulates demand globally.

You will notice this is all demand-side economics. There is a reason for that - supply-side economics do not work. Limiting supply creates shortages in the market. The alternative is approaching the market as a “new normal” and building demand-side economics that move the demand curve up to equilibrium.

The macroeconomic effects on boundless are a glut of supply, insufficient demand, insufficient economic stimulus, and limited governmental (developer) investment.

In a scenario where supply is reduced, not even across the board, just in single categories, it doesn’t take long to see price-spikes correlating to low player participation in the economy, and weak incentive to supply the weak demand.

Instead, by supercharging demand so each player consumes two to three times the volume of resources they currently do, the glut goes away and prices increase. Inflation puts money in the pockets of more players with no impact on abundance.

No update on the economy can be a half-measure. It would need to include a multi-faceted approach in order to effectively tame the market.

TO BE CLEAR: all this would add are three things:

  1. a block that lets you search for goods to buy, use a moderately resource expensive block to warp there.
  2. add a neutral location on planets for low level warps, donating resources for perks and benefits on that planet to incentivize repeat visits.
  3. a quest giver that rewards unique items for completing resource intensive quests.

#1 has pieces of it already in the game.
#2 is doable, especially given the work on the coin machine.
#3 is already in the game, but needs the quest content added. (Shrine guardian dude).

It won’t change your current gameplay, but it will make it better.


I would love an auction house.


And this is the difference. I have visited the planet and seen what is there. why do I havet o repeat the activity time and time again. It does not change and doe snot get more interesting. Exploring indicates finding something new to me. Going through the same portals time and time again is not exploring.

Solve it all no. But at least you get players to engage in the economy that will not now due to the time sink it is and will continue to be even with a larger player base. The reason it works in large MMO’s is because they are large like Boundless. 50 planets and growing. How can anyone expect an economy to work when the information provided to the consumer is so lacking.

I am honestly curious how having to shop makes up for a lack of quests or a story? especially for the players that have no interest in running a shop.

edit: I do not disagree that quests and some backstory might be a good idea for Boundless.

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Nice idea, but I would like it more if it was not a “neutral location” but the normal planet as otherwise you land in a boring area with only shops. I prefer the idea of a “new portal” type that lets you warp to items listed by the block of your point 1. So if you want to travel to a definite location like Dzassak PS Hub you need to take the good old portals we all know. If you want to travel to the white refined gleam that sells for 0.5 coins you take the new portal type that can open a free (for the user not for the mainainer as it runs on Oort) warp to any item on the list. Shops need that new portal to be connected.

Plus as a user you see new locations as you dont know by the item to wich location (the white gleam seller could be on any planet on any location) you warp and can go back for free by using the sanctum and warp to your home. Well a temporary protection for athmospheres has to be added so anyone can use it safely maybe limited to the beacon of the seller after the warp (if you leave it you run out of air).

What’s wrong with relying on it? Me for instance only play a couple ish times a week so the little footfall I get helps me purchase blocks to continue building with. I have no interest in shop management or gathering as I don’t want to spend more time that it takes to continue my builds. :slight_smile: not everyone plays to run a shop etc. :slight_smile:

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Because it’s not the tap. And no one seems to want to try to get the actual tap to give us more coin. Eventually the way people game the ff is going to have repercussions and it’s going to get “adjusted” again. And I’m not saying run a shop. Most of my coin wasn’t earned running a shop and definitely wasn’t from FF.