Crafting Professions

ikr… I was looking forward to a coop mmo but all the solo players wanna crush my dreams :c

I think hotbar skills is the way to go, but limited amount of skills you use at once, so only having 5 or so you can use at once, for example, its what would make combat actually tactical and make one fighter feel different from the other, for me being able to define yourself and your build is what is important, however i would really not like getting the wow style 100 skills at once on the hotbar, that is tiresome to keep up with.

i can only see 2 other systems that doesnt use hotbar skills which is minecraft stab stab, which would personally make me cry if we got something that simple and then darksouls/monster hunter combo systems which works relatively well in third person games made for it, but they tend to not work well in first person games, and even then you dont have much difference, every sword user is the same, every hammer user is the same, so on and so forth.

i can then end by asking. what combat/skill system would you see as ‘‘fun’’?


You forgot the ambidextrous Skyrim battle system that I would love too see. No bulky UI that takes up half your screen. No cooldown-management simulator. No [max dps, easy rota, trololo brawler build] guides all over the web. But also no buttonsmahser like Minecraft.


Oh yeah i totally forgot that one. personally while i loved skyrim i always found that system horribly simplistic, it was more or less button mashing just a bit slower. but its a matter of taste i guess

i really love the witcher fighting system but I don’t think it would work in a first person view :confused: I wonder if the devs already have plans how combat will work… @ben @james

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generally brawler/combo style tends to not work well in first person, i have to admit i have rarely seen proper first person rpg games, most of the time they are in third person because it is just so much easier for the teams to work with in terms of combat.

yeah i know :confused: I didn’t play much eso (the pc of the guy i wanted to play with is too bad :c) but I used to hate the combat >_< I’m not a big fan of skyrims combat either (Although in my opinion skyrim itself gets pretty boring quickly and I don’t get all the hype at all :smiley: ). Maybe they should make 3rd person combat and first person exploring, building etc. or something like that.

The camera mode have been discussed alot. but they also stated its not quite that simple to make a camera style, so i suspect its going to be one or the other, prob first person, with small exceptions such as a self inspect ish mode. personally ESO had a skill system in terms of combat skills, added the abilty to make yourself however you want and it made sense in first person, but sadly third person will always be superior in terms of combat advantage so everybody (me included) played the combat in third which made it lose a bit of its char.

EDIT: eventually the combat system is going to be very closely tied to how enemy behavior is made, for example if they are always in packs i would assume it would involve quite a bit of AOE abilities and if they are single target but smarter and harder it would implement some kind of dodging mechanism (hopefully) the primary thing for me other than being able to make your own build is that you dont just stand still doing nothing, i love games where you have to dogde and evade enemy attacks.

Ben said that the game will have a ‘‘mild borderlands style combat’’ whatever that means XD

I think I’ll sit back and see what you guys and the devs come up with :smiley: But if the combat will be like mc i’ll stop playing immediately :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: borderlands combat?! Hell yeah let’s slay titans with some badass 300000 damage shotguns and rocket launchers! No seriously what is mild borderlands combat? xD

found the quote


but MC combat? not gonna happen. here is from the first survey they made

1% for minecraft combat, the combat system is most likely going to reflect this to a certain degree, in what way i have no clue.

Who the hell is the 1%? :smiley: I bet it’s Xx_itzMCsurvivalgamezpvp_xX :stuck_out_tongue:
well I’m glad it wont be like mc :smiley:

ps: you should tag @ben :smiley: He needs to explain :stuck_out_tongue:

i honestly hate the hotbar skills, cause it makes everyone the same, instead of personal ab ility to hit faster, and it should be more based around your weapon on how a fight will end, instead of just pressing 1 to use ‘Arthurs Lash’ for example, i find it very boring, and i hate it cause its a auto aim with a chance especially with range weapons. i would prefer the use of actual skill, how accurate are you instead of the attack always targetting him, in my mind i would prefer more of a skyrim system, for fighting attacks, which will have multipel combinations, standard hit, heavy hit (costs stamina) running hit, running heavy, jump hit, jump heavy etc. i have never been a fan of these click 3 to do heavy attack, there is no skill involved. apart from speed to hit a button.

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i think it would be bad for him, he have already been tagged like a million times already, also if you quote somebody they get a notification

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I think ‘Skill’ here means personal skill, WOW is the 1% where you activate a skill and the game does the rest of it for you. Whereas personal skill is like a shooter game where you have to aim, take into account gravity and wind etc etc, everything us up to you in a skill based system. Something in the middle would be the best.

Kerpie sums it up perfectly.

i always take the role of a sniper or a archer in games and this auto aim thing you get in wow, ESO, guild wars etc just defeats the purpose

are you sure you are not mistaking tab targeting combat for hotbar combat? but it definately makes alot more sense and i can understand why you wouldnt like it, what i find odd however is the fact that you use the argument

and then mention skyrim where you only had these very few attacks to do anything with, but indeed without it the game might become more twitch based but i would personally find it a bit bland in the long run :smiley:

for everybody being the same, have you seen TSW skill wheel?

TSW Ability Wheel

this is what i mean with limited amount of skills on the bar at once, you can make thousands of unique builds and i could play a different one every single time, but yeah, its a matter of opinion i think :smile:

EDIT: yeah… both of you are mistaking hotbar skills for tab target combat it seems :confused: with that i agree, tab targeting should not be a thing, but softlock might be a thing, it can get a bit tricky to do full hit detection in an mmo where there can be smalle ping problems.

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I think with “borderlandish” combat he means real targeting and no target locking like in WoW and probably only one special skill and no hotbar. At least that’s the core of the borderlands battle system.
And that sounds awesome if you ask me.

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alright so lets say that is the case, you can have a bow and all you can do is normal attack and charged attack (skyrim style) no matter how high level you get that is all combat consists of, and everybody else who uses a bow will have the excact same abilities. that sounds really not fun to me personally >.<

i can understand the appeal in it, but in an MMO where there are so many other people it would feel kinda sad (for me atleast), i played a bit of Skysaga (another voxel mmorpg) and i noticed they did just that, minecraft style click combat (which it seems is what people want for this game?)

with the skyrim one you need more thinking im my personal opinion, as in sword and shield combat you need to think about, distance, , blocking, timing etc should i block now or is it a waste cause i’m blocking a weak attack, should i dodge this? when will he attack?, in heavy weps you need to watch your stamina cause if you run out to fast your screwed, for range you need to consider the drop, the speed of the enemy running how far will you shoot in front of him, where is the best vantage point? cause height is everything.

skyrim using more timing and strategy which is more skill based (not skills you activate)

now i haven’t played the one you linked zouls, but from the looks of it it would be hard to implement where as skyrims is simple plus remember we will be swinging on grappling hooks constantly, so the little hotbar skills wouldn’t work so well.

my view of the average mmo combat is the winner is normally determined by who can use the most predefined skills that deal the most damage in the shortest amount of time there isnt realy much timing apart from waiting through the cooldown, you can attack him without really worrying about the distance either… (this is 1v1 combat im talking about not big group) and all these skills normally work for games that have the standard roles, tank, dps, healer… as you pick the best skills to fill your role.

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t also with skyrim you can kinda create your own fighting style rather than just pulling predefined skills
with these systems its also more equipment based and the battle will be determined by your equipment and your skill to use it, for example i can beat a heavily armoured noob who has hardly any skill, where as i may have alot of skill with a bow as i can use the enviroment to my advantage, and i would normally be the winner, so the battle is determined by the player not the predefined skills one has.