The game isn’t medieval though. It’s a game with a universe around science and technology. So it makes sense to have more science and higher tech looking stuff in the game. Slingbow aint it.
I think the developers understand the theme of their own game better than any of us lowly players. Scifi modeled after fantasy certainly isn’t it. It’s not even a discussion worth having at this point. Source.
We do need more projectile weapons. We need more weapons in general. It’s like saying we aren’t going to need more than one melee weapon after we get the Lance. That’s utter nonsense.
The more items we have in the game provides players with more options to play the game how they want. It also provides more crafting material sinks which directly helps the economy of the game and that’s something the game desperately needs. Even if those items being used for crafting various weapons are used in building projects, that just means that it keeps the demand for any one individual item a lot more strong than it currently is.
I don’t think a chain weapon like you’re suggesting and describing really fits in with the science and technology theme of Boundless. It almost sounds like you’re trying to say the game needs a flail and whip hybrid weapon from D&D. This doesn’t even fit with how grapple tech is like. It really doesn’t. It needs things that align with its current theme more so someone that looks at the game can identify easily what the game’s theme is outside of being a sandbox voxel game. I would say that if people want a more fantasy-ish Boundless experience then they should really be patient for rental servers. Then they can mod it to their hearts content with all the fantasy related stuff they want.
I do appreciate you posting in the thread though. Please don’t take me disagreeing with you on anything about this game personal. It isn’t. We both want the same thing at the end of the day: a better Boundless.