DEVS: Forging, could you give us your thoughts?

I disagree. I think chiseling outside a beacon is fine.

Saying that it’s an exploit strikes me as dishonest–the devs are aware that it works,and if they wanted to change the system they’d do that.

Also, in order to make a hole the same size as a block, you have to hit two blocks twice each. That’s 4 hits – 8 for a two-block high hole.

Furthermore, you only get to see two blocks width-wise when you chisel that way as opposed to 3 if you’re using a hammer.

I’ve done both extensively. The hammer is decidedly better now that the chisels don’t grant EXP.

As to the rest, the devs are aware of how the chisels can be used. If they have an issue with using them on higher tier worlds, they’ll find a solution to the problem. They’ve been quite good about removing overpowered methods up 'til now, and as the game stands currently the balance is quite good between the chiseling and the mining, as far as I’m concerned.

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This is true, but forgetting a minor detailed. A STONE chisle, with no skills, is working just as good as an IRON Hammer, with MAX Hammer and damage skills.

That isn’t a good thing, that isn’t balanced at all.

You’ve shown a singular ability to argue with me while ignoring the substance of what I’m saying, friend.

Hope you enjoy the game. I’m certainly not enjoying the conversation.


Awesome to hear what you had to say about the recent changes @olliepurkiss , glad to see the reasons I like the changes are the same reasons they were made :joy: Also, Spitter Eyes are now more in demand = Hunting just became more profitable. There are always 2 ways to look at something, so please have faith in the developers (this game is awesome, so we have no reason to think their brains suddenly fall out when it’s time to do an update) :laughing:

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If statistics don’t convince you, how about anectodal evidence?

Myself and five of my friends have owned this game since it was called Oort online. We were very much looking forward to release (having played EA) but missed release due to being on field training. We got to/figured out bomb mining just in time for the nerf (2 friends left game), got to the gem wall (2 more left the game) got into forging to climb the gem wall only for it to not be viable now, for us (one more left).

Out of 6 people I’m the only one left (I ran the numbers on my calculator). My group aren’t casuals, we play LIF and Wurm Online, but constantly being behind the EA group and only getting further behind is frustrating.

Everytime a nerf or ‘bug’ gets fixed that only make progression harder for new types to progress, I get a little more tired of the game. Everytime I spend my skill points, only to have that build change with the patch and I spend all my cleanse points, I get a little tired of it. Everytime I have the white knights from EA, sitting on their gem mountains, scoffing at our concerns, I get a little tired of it.


Lol!! The jabs


It sounds to me like your in some sort of race or compitetion. And you probably shouldnt treat it as such. The games not your job its for fun. So what if others are months ahead of you… stock pile what you think you will need for new tiered planets and vam your right back in line with everyone else. The baby train i keep seeing on here is whats most tiring to me.

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I’m not treating it like a race, I’m just trying to enjoy myself. But when I can’t even find gems on a swiss cheese planet that won’t regen or progress at a reasonable rate it is a little frustrating. Everytime I build my skill tree I get shut out of it by devs moving the goal posts, and I either have to spend precious cubits on even more cleanse points or grind yet another alt.

Long time players don’t usually have these issues as they’ve mostly cashed in on the pre-nerf fun.

I’m just trying to relay my experience as a new player (the last of a large group) so you can see it from our end. If that makes me a part of the ‘baby train’ so be it. I enjoy this game enough to complain and I want it to succeed. Disregarding opinions as ‘baby train’, crying will not help

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I didnt mean you specifically more so as a whole. I seldomly come to the forums anymore because of this and i know about 5 others that dont dare tred here anymore due to the drama and just pure cry baby whoa is me attitude. Ive found i enjoy my time on boundless much much more when i dont gotta look at complaints all day long on here or how others are being mistreated by a nerf or buff thats from a patch. Obviously the devs dont care if you liked this or that better. They changed it for a reason it wasnt how it was supposed to be. And if you like the game this much to stick it out maybe you can find it in you to quit taking every patch so personal. And let the people who made the game that all of you are enjoying playing so much make the decisions and just roll with the punches. Its alot kore enjoyable when ya do i assure you of this.


I understand this but the thing is. even thou this game has been released officially. It still feels very much incomplete quite a few areas, There is alot of room for lore to be added, there is alot of room for new items and blocks to be added, and even thou alot of people keep talking about a “endgame”. Because T8 worlds are not even out yet, in my book there is no such thing as “endgame” in this game yet. And as such, there seems like there is alot of room to add more stuff in over the coming months, and hopefully, years.

So, is it really that much of a bad idea for some items to have no use? I do think you are planning on adding more things to craft, hopefully quite an amount. so while an item right now might have little use, later down the road, then it might when you add something new to the game.

If you are trying to make it such that, right now, every item haves a use, and some kind of value right now, i feel like that is not so good because

  1. It causes you to arbitrary add random items to current crafting just for the sake of having stuff added.
  2. because you are doing this, you are reducing the amount of unused items/blocks for new things you add down the road and will either have to have even more overlap when it comes to items being used in more then one crafting or you will have to add new items and blocks to the game, items are easy, blocks maybe not so much? as then you may or may not have to alter how worlds regenerate blocks to add the new ones in?

I kind of feel like its better to leave some things open ended then to tie everything down when there is so much more you can add to the game at this point, even if it means some items may have little to no value at this time. The Ash block for example. I think should have gone into something new you put out down the road and not into something that was already in the game.

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Wow. I remember playing Wurm way back in the day. If there was a game that defined grind, then that was the game. Brings back memories though :grinning:. Played LIF for a bit.

Those 2 games are grindier than this game. BTW, there are other ways of getting coils than mining.

So you’re saying, if a game is bad, you should just suck it up and force yourself to play it and enjoy it, even tho it’s bad, because that’s what the Devs created, and the Devs are gods that create perfect games with no faults? Is that correct?

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned through life, it’s that nothing is perfect, and there is always room for improvement. More than that, it’s a thing called money. The more that people pop into the game, then imediantly turn arround and leave and tell their friends not to play, the less money the game is going to make.

But the more fun the game is, the more happy the general casual players, the more people are going to talk about the game, promote the game, and encourage and play the game.

Hardcore, challenge driven, Perma Death only games do exist, yes, but not as an MMO. They make a game, then if people buy it and stop playing tho cares? They already made the game. An MMO tho is a continuation. They have to pay for new content every few months, server compacity, forums, and so on. Running any kinda MMO, even a small one, takes a lot of money.

How do MMOs like WoW? Guild Wars 2? and other MMOs keep players around? By being fun. Where there is grind, but it’s hidden behind addicting fun. You’re always progressing, you’re always doing a new quest, in a new zone, fighting new enemies, with new skills, leveling up, getting stronger, seeing bigger numbers, able to customize your character, your armor and weapons, get better loot which look better than before, and so on. MMOs have a grind, yes, but they hide that grind behind many distracting things.

Boundless doesn’t do that. There is a straight up grind of you hitting your head against a tree, rock, plant, or mob, on the same few worlds over and over. You can’t just start on world 1, level up to 5, got to world 2, lvl up to 10, go to world 3, and so on till your level 50 on world 12 or something and never need to go back, you don’t get new weapons as loot, you don’t visit new worlds unless you CHOOSE to, and even then you don’t have to explore it. There are only like 4 enemies in the whole game, I don’t even think there are different skins for them, or colors! There is only 1 random event, Meteors, all the worlds look different, but act the exact same, with nothing to distract us, or focus on, but more grinding.

For example, with Iron pretty much being the most useful and only material tool worth using until you hit end game and have everything, from beginning to end you’ll only ever see and use Iron Tools, only need to make and buy Iron Tools. So the grind for money to buy Iron, or replace Iron becomes the focus, with nothing else to hide that fact.

People want ways to hide that grind, to make the grinding FUN, instead of just a job. That is why people like me, who want to enjoy the game, come on here to complain, hoping the Devs notice and make the game more fun and less grind filled.

But if the Devs just ignore the players, just make the game only how they want it to be, to ignore those that complain and only those that like what they make is happy, they won’t be getting very much money from it in the long run, and you’ll quickly find the game getting worse as the Devs can’t fund new content. I mean they are already having some trouble it seems, being such a small team.

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Boundless does exactly that.

thats the way u chose to play because u only want to do i ur way

yea maybe up to t3. then elemental mobs, mighty and strong variations which give a huge pallete of different mobs with different attacks. until titan come out :3

bs. u have bases on lower lvl worlds, block break much easier there, so farming low lvl material in mass is way easier, u have connection and infrastructure there and ur home and build and shop and city are there? stop lying with every word u write.

The game is fun enough to keep me and obviously u too around. Why should be efforts made to hide any grind? so that u can call devs out on not being sincere or when u eventually get somewhere in the game, it should be marginalized what u have achieved to hide any grind? What makes this ur idea, that playing this game is not fun but a job? what u do in the game is up to u.
iron is good until u have better options, which u will encounter in the mid game. How about just playing through the early game, while try using every opportunity u have instead of banging ur head against some wall repeatedly?


No, it doesn’t lol. You get a new journet ‘Quest’ thing you can choose to do, but don’t need to to progress. Thanks to Portal Hubs you can visit every single world in the game in under an hour, tho you’ll die on the higher ones with protection skills. You fight the SAME enemies each time. Always Cuttletrucks, Hoppers, Wildstock, Spitters, and Roadrunners. There are no other enemies, unless I’m missing one I forgot. You don’t get new skills, as in powerfuls, abilities, special attacks, throwing fireballs, flying, making enemies bleed, and so on. You don’t get stronger, you get weaker as you progress. Blocks get shielding the higher level the world, unless you spec completely into damage and a single tool, you’ll not be strong enough to break the blocks in the higher level world, even with better tools, faster than at lvl 1 with stone tools on lvl 1 world. You do see bigger numbers, but only when you skill into damage, or upgrade to a higher material tool. But leveling up, and progressing naterually, doesn’t do that. You can customize your ■■■, height, horns, and color. Which isn’t much. You don’t even got clothes, or different face options, nor get cool looking gear.

Boundless does nothing that I said, stop lying.

This made me laugh, because your just lying again. Unless a player just hands you free money or free items, you’re going to be a Gatherer or Hunter. You can’t craft, or sell, if you have nothing to craft or sell. And just starting the game, you have no money to buy the stuff to progress.

So you literally have to grind, right from the start, to gather materials to get started, and then keep gathering materials till your shop makes enough money for you to Sustain yourself, being able to buy resources, and sell the product for higher than it costs to buy the materials. That is the only way to get around the grind, but even then that’s a very limited way to play.

Did you even read your own posts? “then elemental mobs, mighty and strong variations” More specific “variations”. They are the SAME enemies, just with a subtitle that changes their stats slightly, but they are the SAME EXACT ENEMIES. Just cause it’s stronger, or looks ever so slightly different, doesn’t change that. An enemy that is blue at lvl one, then green at lvl 10, and red at lvl 20, are still the exact same enemies just recolored! That isn’t a good thing! Especially when there are only 5 enemies I counted in the game, and I believe 1 of them is 100% passive until you damage it!

I’m not lying. You go to a single Metal World for Iron or Copper, you go to a single Coal World for Coal. You go to a single Lush World for Plants, and go to a single lvl 1 world for rocks, trees, and soil. But as soon as you don’t need those resources anymore, or can break blocks in a higher world easily in 1 hit, you never go back, unless for different colored rocks and wood. But if you just need any old Rock, and can 1 hit rocks on your planet, why would you leave to another planet when your 30 blocks away from your home you can dig down for all the rocks you need. Or all the plants nearby, or all the trees in the area? If you CHOOSE to leave to an older planet, that is your choice, but you don’t NEED to.

Because it would draw in more players. Me, you, sztosz, gill, PiratenBraut and many others? We’re only a low number of people. Did you forget this is an MMO? There should be 10s of thousands of players, if not hundreds of thousands, even if this was an indie title most people haven’t heard about. But it’s not. From the looks of it, only a few hundred people play the game, and as I and many others have pointed out, a lot of people have already started, and got up a shop or town or a few plots around the low level planets, and then just left and abandoned everything.

I want to run a shop. I like running shop games, such as Shop Keepers. And at times I love Mining, when the grind doesn’t feel so bad. But now? I have a portal but no one buys my items, even tho I know for a fact they are some of the cheapest in the whole game. People rarely sell me things in my request baskets, even tho they are more expencive than if I were to go out and buy the items at their cheapest. And I don’t like mining like I used to, cause instead of just going around and mining freely for fun, I not have to actually search out materials specifically, I have to collect Iron to smelt, and Coal to smelt it with. It’s a way of thinking. When I was starting out, I was mining, just because I could, I had no goal in mind, other than just to mine. Now I have to mine to get resources for my shop, now I can’t take a break, now I can’t just hang out or visit people. I have to work, to keep my shop running. I have to work to progress. I have to make money if I want better tools to get more resources to make more items to sell.

But more than that, if I don’t run a shop, I can’t progress. I can’t make coin without selling stuff. People only visit my build because of the shop. I’m only making money right now, to do what I want, running a shop, because I have a shop, and it takes money to keep running the shop, on top of grinding out materials. I have to spend so much time grinding materials, and buying what I can’t, that I don’t have any other money at all. I start every day with Footfall money, about 700c, then end every day with 0c. Over and over. I can’t progress very far on a lvl 6 world to get Gems that others already farmed out hours before hand. I can’t afford to buy gems or coils either. And even if I had the gems and coils, and could progress, the grinding would just be so much worse, then Titanium and especially Gems, are much harder to find and farm then Iron, which I can find right in my backyard.

I’m literally stuck in a loop. I keep going, hoping something changes and the game gets better. But others won’t stay, they get caught into this loop and leave the game, as shown with all the abandoned Shops everywhere. I know I’m not the only person stuck in this loop, and others are stuck in other grind loops for other reasons. For me, it’s running an iron tool shop. For others it could be building but unable to craft, or mining but not able to find many shops to sell their resources at a fair price and so can only sell enough for new tools, and so on. Stuck doing the same thing, again and again, not making any progress cause we don’t want to do another activity. We joined the game and play it our way, and not to play it a different way. So when people don’t get their way, they stop playing the game.

This is just an outright lie. You CAN skip some progression with coin but you absolutely DO NOT need it to progress.

It cost exactly 0 coin to run a shop. You do not need coin for literally anything in the game aside from warping. It sounds to me like you want the benefits of a shop, without doing any of the work required to actually run it.

This tells me you’ve been careless with your coin and now are upset you dont have the coin you’ve spent. I’ve bought quite a bit of stuff in boundless but sold nothing at all. Overall I’ve made at least 50k just from leveling up without footfall. All before I ever touched titanium or gems. Stop spending your 700 footfall coins every day.

This here tells me that you do not yet have the stats to properly move up to titanium and gems. My miner, level 22, has had decent success mining amethyst. Granted, this would be easier for if you had made better financial decisions. I suggest you buckle down and grind out some gems. And then sell them. Use that coin to upgrade your mining equipment and do it again and you’ll be amazed at how much easier mining will become.

Or you can stop waiting time complaining and start working towards obtaining those items yourself. It will require some dedication and patience though, which I’m going to assume you dont much of.


I’ve had the portal about 4 days I think, indeed not very long. I didn’t craft it. I bought 2 Portal Conduits for 1k each about 2 weeks ago, then saved up enough footfall to buy 18 for 5400c to be able to finally open the portal and run it for a 6 days. After that, I found another shop selling Oorts for much cheaper, and bought them out of their 20 oort to refuel my portal for the next week and a half.

Ah, but I do, cause there are stuff I don’t do. I don’t go out farming monsters for Bones, I don’t go out cuttign wood for Sap. I have to buy those resources. Till I waited for my Footfall to collection to be high enough, I couldn’t even buy a portal and open it to even get my shop as visited as it is, which again doesn’t even make much anyways, tho 10 times footfall is nice. Seeing 700c a day is better than the 60-200c only a day.

Did you even read what you quoted? lol, Running my shop, costs me coin, because I can’t go out farming for all the resources myself, so I have to spend money for the resources I can’t get. You are correct that it COULD cost 0c, if I did everything myself, but I can’t and won’t. I don’t mind doing something of the work, but some of it I find very very boring and not rewarding at all, such as farming mobs for bones. I’d rather buy those resources to craft what I sell, but that takes coin.

sighs That’s good for you, but I don’t play the game the same exact way as you. I don’t make 50k from leveling up without Footfall, cause I don’t play like you do. And it’s not me being careless, it’s me not able to find many shops that sell a lot of bones and saps cheaply and being forced to buy from higher priced stories to keep my stock up on tools.

I probably could do this, buy why? I would be forced to grind out not just Gems, but all the other resources too. I can bearly grind out the Coal, Fiberish Leaves, and Iron for Iron Tools, and buying Bones and Sap to make Glue, without being bored out of my mind. If I could just subsitute Iron with Gems or Titanium, I probably would do it, but it isn’t that easy. The Recipies are much more complicated, needing many more resources I don’t have access to, nor know how to get, and would require even more grinding, which I don’t have time for, nor find fun to collect.

I have no motivation to hunt down those items myself, wasting all the time, effort, and still not making progress. Because I would get high priced items to sell, but also have to buy expencive resources I’m pretty sure I’ve never even seen sold anywhere, need to level up my crafter even more to unlock lvl 3 tools, and lvl 3 Machine Building to make the Coils too, and upgrading my Workbench with Coils, and other machines I need to craft the resources I need to make the tools, and of course I’d have to constantly go out mining for a very rare resource, competing against other players to get to it first, sicne the Regen is still broken and too many people at the Gem level farming all the gem worlds at all times.

So I can do work, lots of work, force myself to work, just to do more work, just to see a little bit of extra money going back into affording that work. It’s another loop. Sure I’ll be selling items for a higher price, but those higher price, comes with spending more money on the extra resources I can’t craft or grind myself to get the items needed to craft the new item to sell, which loops again and again. I change things, but it’s the same loop, no progress.


Either way, this is my loop, effecting me. But like I said, other players are in their own loop, unable to progress in their own ways. Either by Lack of Knowledge, experience, not wanting to grind, can’t grind, time limitations, mechanics working against them, or any number of other reasons.

I’m looking forward to the day you actually make a suggestion and try to help the game or community, instead of always complaining about my complaining about actual issues I and other players have. Or have you not noticed that a lot of the issues I bring up, and you complain about, usually had others giving it a like and backing it up, showing that not all of my complains aren’t effecting just me and only me.

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im looking forward to the day when u “grinded” urself out of the early game, in that u have walled urself in because of the restrictions u impose on yourself. The wall is in your head already v.v

u outright refuse to gather some types of basic material, while it looks u gather other stuff with very low efficiency… and then u complain that u dont make progress?
gathering ressources for ur crafts and builds is an integral part of the game.( not the only part, so in theory u could skip this nearly completly, but with the hardship of a very restricting way to play this game). and i dont care if other games put emphasis on different things

have u ever brought up a suggestion that really helped other players? u just have to scroll up for some of my suggestions. stop saying toxic stuff like the accusation that i am only complaining. Thats what u are doing and its repugnant


Cant and wont are very different things. If you’re unwilling to do the work than you dont get the reward. This tells me literally all I need to know about you. Continue to ignore the options presented to you in multiple threads and stay stuck in the loop. Doesn’t hurt me any. Rest assured I will not bother commenting on anything of yours in the future because I now understand the true reasons behind your “loop” and you clearly have no intention of working your way out of it.


I could make a list from what I remember, if you wish?

Grind Suggestions, PvP, Putting classes in the game and indepth idea of what they could look like, ideas on how materials and resources could be better balanced and progression having both actual meaning and being gradual instead of a wall, and so on. Pick an issue with the game, and I probably made a suggest about it somewhere else in one of the other threads.

I want to thank you for this, cause I decided to actually do what you said, and found that the devs posted and I didn’t see it earlier, so I got to read their ideas. I would have missed that if I didn’t reskim through the whole thread.

Saying that, I just spent the last hour going through the thread, rereading every post you ever made in this thread. And know something funny? Other than 1 post telling your experiences with the new Forge Recipie Changes, and 1-2 posts of you answering a question to people, every other post was talking back to me or other people. There is not a single post in here, where you suggested an idea of any kind.

Meanwhile I brought up two. First being to remove the ability for Chisling to work outside of a plot you own. Namely cause A, it has no use, since it’s a tool purely for decorations in builds, and anything outside your plot you can chisle would vanish. Secondly, people are using Stone Chisles, with no skills or levels required, to search and dig around in high level worlds, faster and easier than a minor with max level mining dmg skills and a iron tool, which is higher tiered than a stone tool. So a balancing suggestion. And of course I gave a poll ingame suggestion:

If that is what you wish. I play the game how I want to play it, and you play the game how you want to play it.

It has nothing to do with unwilling to do the work to get a reward, when the reward isn’t worth putting the time in. I don’t have infinite time of the day. Taking a few minutes to write a post on a forum I don’t even need to be home to interact with, is much more different than actually sitting down and playing a game for 2+ hours a day.

There is also the arguement that games are meant to be fun and entertaining, but clearly you play video games because you like to work, while I play them for fun. I am only a Casual Player after all, not a hardcore, 12+ hours a day grindaholic that only has to worry about picking which task they want to do for the next 12 hours.

u actually dont read what u even quote: did u ever make a suggestion THAT REALLY HELPED OTHER PLAYERS? a bug fix of a perceived bug is not in that category. a polling system??? u seriously think a poll that pops up when u start the game assists other player in their progress?

Jirodyne u have to stop lying into other peoples faces. ill quote for u, just from this thread some suggestions to other players ive made, just for u:

want more? alone from this thread i made suggestion after suggestion to assist people. What did u do? Spreading lies and complaining

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