DKPoll: Plots on sovereign worlds

I would also like to add too much water. Also not a fan of lots of water with water forrests, ya know those trees in shallow water. If I then want to build there I have the annoying issue of needing to remove the trees, but also it’s on water…

Besides I rather then have just water!

I think I know what my ideal planet should look like! A lot like Trung actually without what I wrote above, and a lot more actual rivers. I like to make bridges over smallish rivers but there are non really on Trung… So basically Trung with a few changes! :slight_smile:

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Under other circumstances I’d agree, but in terms of the Boundless forums, I’d actually dispute that satisfied players are less vocal. Wonderstruck appears to have as many vocal proponents of their work as it does vocal detractors. Beyond that, it’s also true that forums are heavily skewed to be populated by the more dedicated Boundless players.

What I’m seeing is as many long-standing, known players say they’ve been waiting for this for ages, but given its current state will be saving their money as I’m seeing ones saying that what we’re getting is fine just the way that it is. If that’s what the core of players are saying, It stands to reason (to me, at least) that the more casual players aren’t going to be more inclined to pay money for things.

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We also all kind of agree that the forums is a subset of hard core dedicated long term players.

Presumably new people will have different wants and needs than we do.

Meaning people who want unlimited plots? Or people who want colors? Or other.

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Any other time, sure, you are probably right. But I’ve always felt that very very few threads are created expressing satisfaction when it comes to patch pre-release time. And I know I am definitely one of those “vocal proponents”, absolutely I am, but so often I find myself trying to simply explain and reason as to why a certain thing simply cannot be the way a person wants it and as a result I am met with… displeasure… as a polite way of putting it.

Again in this case… I have no problem with being given unlimited plots myself, it won’t bother me in the slightest, I have everything I need resource wise on the existing planets and I will have a planet of my own to build on.

Maybe they will indeed add such a promotion, of either cubits or plots to encourage players to give up their hard earned money to rent a planet. I’d be happy if they just gave every single player of this game 1000 plots the day the patch is released, 100% balance that way.

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This is very well said. Even though I am not happy with the current system’s release, I don’t think the system they have set up for color selection is bad. I just that it’s going to take time for my guild and I to be able to set up colors on our worlds to complement our favorite building styles. I do wish they had greater terrain selection, and do see that as being more important than colors since I am willing to terraform an entire planet. I level faster than I can build, so it would just be a really long term project.

All in all, it’s going to be a good update for the game. It’s just not the update I waited since 2017 for…yet. In six months, once people have thrown hundreds/thousands of planets into the mix, it might be. Honestly, most of us that play will deal with pretty much anything and get over it. If not we wouldn’t be spending a large chunk of our lives on this game.


Just people that don’t think it’s worth the money right now, whether that be due to lack of customisation options or some other reason. In a way, I don’t think it matters why they don’t think it’s worthwhile all the while there’s not any discussion that involves the developers about how it could feel more worthwhile. We’ll just have to wait till we get pricing for that. (If it’s cheap enough, a limited customisation, no perks sovereign would still be worth it, for example).

For me, it’s lack of customisation. I believe unlimited plots is actually a logical step (given that a plot on a sovereign world != a plot on a public world) based on intended functionality, but am unconcerned whether a sovereign world bestows additional plots or not. I’ve got several thousand to play with, and given I’d still have to gather the resources or the coin to pay for them, I’m not going to have used all those plots any time soon. Not being able to pick biomes or colours on a world is the deal breaker for me, especially given the inability to change colours down the line once more have been ‘released’.

While there may be more threads created expressing concern, the voices actually in those threads seem pretty evenly split. And the thing is, if there is ever a good time for dissent, pre-launch is the time (given that we’re rarely engaged about pre-development concepts any more). It’s the point at which it’s not too late to make changes, to discuss ideas and alternatives. While Wonderstruck are under no obligation to listen to those ideas, now is the time to voice them.

As a reference, see my recent suggestion (Free home beacon warp for sovereign worlds) to change from warping to a home ‘beacon’ to warping to a home ‘location’. It makes logical sense and brings flexibility, allowing a ‘home’ to be on sovereign, but it’s basically gone unseen because (I’m guessing) that feature already exists in some form and it’d be more work to re-do it at this point than most people think is worthwhile.

Yeh that’s what I mean, won’t be connected economically

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I’m going to agree to agree, you’re probably quite right. I’'m as much a victim of my own perception as anyone else is of theirs.

And yes I do recall reading your original post I believe and your suggestion seemed well rounded and thought out, I think I saw it a with a few posts on the tail of it offering constructive criticism and I carried on. As you say, it seemed a reasonable and harmless request that offered convenience. I honestly didn’t feel passionately enough about the topic to comment whatsoever and I didn’t see any evidence of anyone (in particular the OP) saying anything that seemed unreasonable… and I carried on.

I’m one of those that grew up in a world where it wasn’t free to warp to my home beacon. I can always get home at a maximum cost of 100c from any planet so yeah… a different perspective of things led to my opinions once again.

I respect others opinions, and I share mine.


Oh yeah, I feel you on that. I’ve been around since well before launch, so I remember the ‘good old days’.

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Apparently with voting i was most against the majority.

That said i voted from world owner perspective. Visitors should stay as is no added benefit only an extra “public” (resource) world.

Have to add if we have to use the plots we already own some if not most community builds will probably disappear. Because most owners will probably use the world more as a “public” world (free for all).

I would probably if/when i have my planet plot all i need + safety border so that if needed i can change the design. But 10.000 plots won’t be enough for all the mapping. The rest will be free for all.

Watching vote distributions of these polls is probably more interesting than the actual results. Both with this one and with the one about colours availability, after the first 50 or so votes the “more freedoms, not how the devs built it” opinion streaks into the lead. Then at some point through next day, you get a heavy influx of people who agree with the current developer ethos.

A cynical person could easily draw some pretty negative conclusions from that. But for purposes of fairness, I’ll just assume that people from different timezones are more likely to share opinions.

When I did the math, earning 10 plots per day it would take you 100 days to earn 1,000 plots… 1k plots really isn’t that much when you start filling in volume such as a 20 x 20 x3 area… you’re already at 1,200 plots. I currently have Boundless on the backburner because earning plots is just not fun when it’s your main goal.

It is fun to be rewarded plots as an added bonus for playing. It is not fun to grind plots by the thousand.

I’ll be back to playing 4+ hours per day if I can buy a private world with unlimited plots =)

This isn’t meant to be any sort of threat or demand - it’s just what I personally want out of the game right now.


I am satisfied and I want to make noise about it!!!


Whatever final details for the sovereign worlds system when they finally come to live, I am going to welcome them with arms wide open!!!
Very happy and looking forward to seeing some cool new worlds and builds. :sunglasses:

Great job DEVS!!!



Excited people also make a big noise, just so it’s clear there are multiple camps of loud people :smiley:

haha yes this, i hadn’t scrolled this far down yet.

Prepatch is the only time you can really be vocal though, yea? and expect to potentially see change or compromise? Once it’s live and people get used to something, it’s hard to go back and change values/systems unless it’s just an outright utter flop.


My point exactly. It’s only logical that people with concerns over how a new patch is to be implemented would be very vocal about it pre-patch. This applies to both the existing satisfied players worried about how change will affect their game experience and also the dissatisfied players that are hoping for changes that will bring the game up to their expectations.

You will see that I am able to be reasoned with when I conceded the point that I too am only human with my own biased perception of how things are:

This… I cannot even begin to deny, flawless logic presented with a smile at the end!! I love it! :joy:

And you, my friend, are the picture perfect example of an excited person!!

I get what you’re saying with this whole post, it’s genuinely interesting to note. But it could be interpreted in a million different ways, so I feel compelled to offer up the optimistic assumption that perhaps the people who agree with the current developer ethos are in game right now enjoying themselves and don’t get to the forums to vote on this ground breaking poll.

The results of these polls do essentially have little to no value whatsoever as we have no idea how representative the people answering are of the entire community. So let’s interpret them with the facts that they do provide. which are the numbers you see beside each poll option. More often than not these polls are showing a fairly equal number on both sides I take it? I genuinely don’t know, because while I’ll occasionally vote I don’t ever actually come back to check on the results as I know they mean so little… so little to me that is.


if people get unlimited plots on rentals it messes up the footfall system and makes game so unfair for people staying in the normal worlds doing the husttle
plus they keep there cubits they dont waste on plots and can buy skilpages more alts
also unfair
just rent and work for ya plots if not you all cheaters for me
if you want unlimited plots wait for creative these worlds are linked to the main public universe and should fall under the exact same rules as them
renting a world is to control who can build there our not
and to build megaprojects without the hasstle off abandonen our troll plots
in my opinion offcoarse
our buy them plots :grin: pump some cash in the game


Plots don’t give you footfall.

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if i go to your planet and you can plot everything
everywhere i walk is footfall for you

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Nope. Plots don’t give you footfall.

if you have a house off 20k prestige and i walk on those plots and you plotted the entire planet you made the change i walked on those plots super big giving you more ff