Just people that don’t think it’s worth the money right now, whether that be due to lack of customisation options or some other reason. In a way, I don’t think it matters why they don’t think it’s worthwhile all the while there’s not any discussion that involves the developers about how it could feel more worthwhile. We’ll just have to wait till we get pricing for that. (If it’s cheap enough, a limited customisation, no perks sovereign would still be worth it, for example).
For me, it’s lack of customisation. I believe unlimited plots is actually a logical step (given that a plot on a sovereign world != a plot on a public world) based on intended functionality, but am unconcerned whether a sovereign world bestows additional plots or not. I’ve got several thousand to play with, and given I’d still have to gather the resources or the coin to pay for them, I’m not going to have used all those plots any time soon. Not being able to pick biomes or colours on a world is the deal breaker for me, especially given the inability to change colours down the line once more have been ‘released’.
While there may be more threads created expressing concern, the voices actually in those threads seem pretty evenly split. And the thing is, if there is ever a good time for dissent, pre-launch is the time (given that we’re rarely engaged about pre-development concepts any more). It’s the point at which it’s not too late to make changes, to discuss ideas and alternatives. While Wonderstruck are under no obligation to listen to those ideas, now is the time to voice them.
As a reference, see my recent suggestion (Free home beacon warp for sovereign worlds) to change from warping to a home ‘beacon’ to warping to a home ‘location’. It makes logical sense and brings flexibility, allowing a ‘home’ to be on sovereign, but it’s basically gone unseen because (I’m guessing) that feature already exists in some form and it’d be more work to re-do it at this point than most people think is worthwhile.