Do we need a wipe?

it’s simple

when you release a game and say it’s the permanent world to play in then you don’t do wipes

unless there is an agreement we have cycles of time, seasons of sort during which we try to accomplish as much as possible and reach some sort of end game - wipe after that, restart and playing the game from beginning then is ok

but that’s not the model implemented in Boundless
at least for now there is no end game, some time line of global events triggered by players actions and progress that would lead to a dramatic finale after which we feel like winners or losers (versus titans for example) and then we start again trying to better what we achieved in previous eras/seasons

it’s the permanence of the universe that makes big scale building and organizing happen; no one would engage in building to such extent if we had a season-like gameplay model; there would be more activities outside creating settlements, targeted at leveling up and engaging in some global events (player triggered?)


You have me speechless from those words coming from you. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.


Exactly this. A wipe is not going to fix any problems in the game. A wipe will just create problems.

Not only that, but if we did have a wipe, how would we ever be able to trust that there would be no wipe ever again?


Yeah, well, he did edit what he said to Lynda. What I quoted right after was his original reaction. XD

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Yeah, but I am not 100% against wipe.
But when devs decide to wipe they better bring some lobster and steak to exchange all of our hard work.
So far, a lot of people bring out some idea, but for me those are just 5$ cheese burger.
They want to use those to exchange our design, time. The answer is huge NO for sure.

Many people mention about new planet, but it basically just same system with different color of same blocks. There are more other ways to provide same things without wiping entire game. If devs wipe the game, and just want us to restart everything, I really don’t feel it worth to invest my time to do the same things again. I already know how to get forge tools to gather 2000+ gems / hour. What’s different if i need to start again ? I can still get everything done in 4 days. Only things may takes my time is to build the new house beautiful as it used to be. Also base on my alpha experience and Patch 1.0 release experience, i can list the time line how long takes big guild to build a city + portal network.

  1. Portal seekers took 1.5 - 2 weeks to build up all the portals hub and make it functional .
  2. Ultima was not that strong during that moment, they were still growing, and focusing on big city development. They also start their hub at the same time with different strategy which is invite different city in different planet to be their portal hub. (around 1.5 weeks They already got very huge city in game)
  3. My first guild Shadow dragons, as one of core managers, we got all the power coils setup in 2 weeks, and we start forging and bomb mining. One of our member got 1m in 3 weeks by selling power coils.

Base on the story line I list above, there is no way for you to dodge big guild to create big city in short time because they have knowledge of the game ( which we all do ) But the things we don’t have is human resource. As one of the key resource in the game is “people” , Especially experienced hard core players, when they all in one guild, I believe you can see the portal network and big city done within 1 week.

As result, whats the point to wipe ? To exchange first couple days of explore ? Then everything back to the same ? For me its totally not worth and waste my time.


I don’t think OP meant a wipe as in just starting everything fresh and telling current players to deal with it.

I can see a couple of logical reasons for adding new planet types (similar to exos or rentals I guess) or new fundamental systems.

Everyone keeps saying they want a free weekend to get more players, they want titans, etc. How do you add more players when the servers can’t handle 40-80 people fighting a basic meteor? You get different servers/ISP. If the game doesn’t eventually add more players…there may be no game at all.

People also keep rage quitting over plot issues. Devs said they are trying to fix things. Part of the limitation is probably that plots are currently tied to cubits/GC/$. A new system might be better.

Things can also be added without taking away.


Alright, here’s what I’d ask in exchange for a forced wipe :

  • A blueprint system to copy my build and paste it over the new landscape.
  • New natural blocks added. As in, new rocks, new leaves, new woods.
  • New crafted blocks to go along with the natural ones…
  • New creatures to populate the worlds.
  • Up the limit of how many players can be on one world.

And that’s just the base of the basics of what I’d consider acceptable. As long as we can copy-paste our work from before the wipe to after the wipe, I’m fine with it all.

If they need to wipe the game before they switch the new server, then there must be something wrong.
I believe with modern days tech, they can backup the world and change to better server.

Also a new system to attract new people not even related to wipe.
Wipe only destroy the world, it won’t bring you new system. So what you need is a new system not a wipe I believe. Only if they have a system really really really surprise players, so “some” players may willing to exchange it.

Adding new planet to Boundless won’t help us get new players, because for new players all planet are new for them. The most important things for them is game experience in early stage. I believe for this part, Devs don’t need to wipe the game to achieve this goal.

I may ask more XD
For example craft-able outfit, new skill system, mount or pet system…etc
Something like and “have to” wipe, then I may agree to wipe the game.
If anything can be just adding to the game, I really don’t see any reason to wipe everything.

Oh yeah, definitely, but this is why I wrote “that’s the base of the basics”.
Of course, I’d ask for more too.
Buuuut I don’t see how outfits, skill system, mounts or pets would require a wipe.
Like, I could understand it if each world had to be re-generated with the same topology but with new natural blocks in the mix.

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Probably the only senarios that would require an actual “wipe” would be if they decided to use different code languages, change to F2P with mtx supporting the development, seperate plots from irl $/Gleamclub. Everything else could probably just be added or changed.

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What a lovely community. :face_vomiting:

Which part of that was inside information and which was your opinion? Are they thinking about a wipe in a few month?

Devs are looking into streamlining the game. The wipe is somerhing he has wanted I’m 99% sure because of the separate paragraphs and the fact that he spoke of his own personal opinion.

There is zero chance a wipe is coming. This is all just a conversation.

I didn’t want to speak for him but I dont want people to misunderstand and think a wipe is incoming.


On the one hand, it means I’d stop playing and could stop fretting over bloody oort to fuel portals and play other games again.

On the other hand, no. I’ve invested so much time and effort to get what I’ve got. I payed for a full release game. Not early access or a beta test.


Absolute and resounding NO from me.

I bought into a persistent universe with persistent worlds and persistent it should be. I’ve bought gleam club to maintain my persistence on a persistent world. My guild mates have paid for gleam club to maintain their persistence on a persistent world in the persistent universe… are you sensing a theme here?

Ok… blueprints… all well and good if you have a small “move anywhere” type build. Many don’t. Many have large builds which have made use of existing terrain features on the existing persistent worlds and incorporated them into their builds. That’s not something you can just pick up and place somewhere else. Also moving entire cities so they’re the same layout, in the same configuration, incorporating whatever terrain on a new world as they are on the current persistent worlds would be nigh on impossible.


Totally agree there.
But let’s say your beacon also encompasses the land, that would be less of a problem, now, wouldn’t it?
But that would be IF there had to be a forced wipe.

Otherwise, I’m 100% with you on the “I bought into a persistent universe” part.

I just got one question. Why do we need wipe ? WHY?
Answer: We dont.
At the moment anything can be changed. Bad resource generation ? Can be fixed. Remember how devs fixed gem generation near caves?
Why I got a feeling all this is based about one thing, namly: plot borders, some players are afraid they are not “first”.
Boundless is unique game, there is absolute no need to be first here. Its not a race. Its not a comptetive game. its mostly creative sandbox with online features (something that i missed alot in minecraft + all this constant wipe fuss…, dont get me started how i hate seasons in PoE too :stuck_out_tongue: )
Unless there is nothing code breaking, major server database issue etc I dont see a point of wipe. And also there are tools called “rollback”.


It might be slightly less… but … should players have to claim an entire river, or mountain or other large terrain feature so that it fits into whatever new landscape they find? And that’s if they can even find a suitable area, on a planet they like, with the amount of space they need.

And what if the wipe didn’t change the topology or colors of the world, but added new natural blocks for more diversity?

I know, I know, it’s a lot of “if”, at this point. ^^
If there’s a blueprint feature.
If the worlds keep their topology (shapes of mountains, etc).
If the worlds keep their colors.

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