That’s dedication!
Chisel…38 coin, trip…1000 coin, That comment… Priceless
Can’t wait until guilds come out. We should have a Dragons Watch guild. We could probably be the biggest guild when this game grows and has more people.
@DoomsdayKnight and myself are planning a raiding party to Nasharil. All are welcome to join. We plan to leave Dragon’s Watch between 7 or 8pm CST. If we are already there you can always join us on planet.
what are you going to raid ? @onebitknightly
@onebitknightly @Dzchan94 @DoomsdayKnight
How’s it going everyone,
We now have portals to Vulpto and Pixelgate!
Awesome job everyone! I was wondering if someone is planing one for Epsilo?
I have all the stuff to make one however I lack both a place to put the portal in Dragons Watch (tastfully) and a good locating on Epsilo to go to… I can ether donate the mats to the town or if ppl want to share some locations I’d be happy to set it up and maintain it myself ^^
Let me know =)
If there is already one up and I’ve missed it… cords would be greatly appreciated ^^
We sure want one to Epsilo, I just don’t know the plan around it, since I was sleeping. And your shop is too nice, you sell in bulk.
Not sure how you feel about it but since your Dragon statue already has 2 portals… and let’s face it, its kinda the town defining focal point lol… it seems a perfect portal hub… if you don’t want to maintain it, I could give you a Beacon to make a subsection that I have access to for the portal or something along those lines =)
I think @Havok40k has that portal in the township in beryln. Go from dragon watch to pixel gate then to Berlyn and epliso should be there with Nasharil also.
Indeed we were gonna make a portal hub, I just find that as it is, it needs some work before it’s really a portal hub.
Good to know! I’ll check it out ^^
Any chance I can help out with the roads? I have lots of matts… was planing on making a matching road from my lake house to dragons watch b4 portals came out lol… and I have lots of grass seed =)
Sure I’ll add you to the road when I log on tonight.
New portal on the north end of town. Connects to all home worlds and all ring worlds. The face of the portal is always gray but it still works.
I think the portal has a bug but i’m 95% sure its safe!
I was just curious. Is Dragonwatch still an active city? I spent all day tracking it down from my home point and it looked nothing like the videos I have seen. It still look amazing, the builders are far better than I am that is for sure. I would have never thought of some of the things I have seen there.
No Dragons Watch isn’t an active city anymore.
It’s not an active city anymore, but I’m sure it could be again, if you’re willing to reinvigorate it and get people to join you!
Thanks for the information. I love some of the architecture but I’m also very new to the game so I am still learning my way. I don’t even have the ability to create cogs or been off planet. Dragonwatch is the first city I’ve actually found.
How many people used to be in Dragonswatch? From videos I’ve seen it looks really nice, would like to work on bringing it back with spare time here and there. Only lvl 11 currently
Several builds have come and gone over time… I would venture a guess that in its height there were around 15-25 players active ish… enough that there was 1-2 players around most hours (if not more)
That was back when permanent portals did not exist… and coins had to be used to warp between worlds which were not renewable at that time either o.O
So players would come and go depending on their mining expeditions… since it made since to stay for days/weeks to make every trip count =)