he has become One with Lava - the God of Fire and the Source of All That Is… tssssss, bulp, bulp…
Ha! The possibilities would be endless!! (also very VERY dangerous to build)
Ok @Jeffrotheswell, this time I’ll record you placing the block and I’ll try to out run it!
A lava core in the center of the island that flows down to the Slum Market below o__O where they have blacksmith services (machines) to help customers craft… droool
Hęlls yha that’s where the town forge could go.
Ok @james you have us all worked up now!
If you want to hand over a lava source block, I nominate myself to look after it. I’m trustworthy… honest.
Btw… speaking of lava, I noticed something weird with lava today while out caving. I mined a diamond block right next to a lava pit. I got the diamond but the lava never moved into the newly opened space. That open space has that one face with the lava that never flowed in to fill the space. I am wondering if lava has the same viscous properties as water.
The only thing I ever notice with lava is ‘ARRGH! Get me out! Get me - Naaargh! It burns!’
Sometimes you have to break a nearby block to get flow.
If you decide to build with lava in a city, keep it away from me. Have warning signs “Dz don’t be stupid… lava is not your friend, it has taken the lives of countless tools of yours”
Sometimes to get fluid to flow into an open space, it needs 2 or 3 other flows into it.
I feel like this town would be an excellent location for my healing brews shop…
Please join us
I can offer you more mats for graves, for all the deads I will be having, pretty soon we’ll have a graveyard in Elopor.
“I’m so freakin ready”
For the sake of safety, I feel the lavaducts should perhaps have a glass roof…
Nah. Climb at your own risk
It’s an enter at your own risk zone. … danger was my middle neme… now I’m dead
I’m definitely using lava in my build if we get a lava aqueduct
if its carrying lava it’s not an aqueduct