The pitchfork grants a stat bonus of rage on your character
That’s pay-to-win.
The silver pitchforks will take care of any nasty vampire critters we run into!
The pitchfork should definitely be the first purchasable custom skin for the lance!
the Revolt Set: pitchfork&torch
in an old fashioned style! get yours! start a sadly ending ogre hunt with your friends and neighbours!
Better still, make it a skin for Founders only. It would be a meta joke at pre-purchase rewards.
we deserve it
we earned it on the field
Shotgun the ogre skin!!
Perhaps the pitchfork will be the first item to take both hands when equipped?!
Maybe the pitchfork is the exclusive weapon that is promised to the backers!!!
What have I done…
Why aren’t you selling pitchforks yet?
You made a great suggestion and we are running with it!!!
Running with Torches and Pitchforks that is!!!
Shut up and sell me a Sapphire Pitchfork!
But then what will you do when they release Oortstone Pitchforks?!
Upgrade to Dark Matter pitchforks of course!!!
They will warp time and force anyone hit with it to use a dial-up modem!!!
I’m so glad this thread had been hijacked by Humour! I shall be spinning my Pitchfork with Emerald, so that when it hurts, it hurts for longer . . .
this so fits!
ahw was waiting for the floating logic there
long story short. if she weighs the same as a duck she’s made of wood and there for? … A WITCH!