Exo Shuttle Station - Free Rides to Exos!

Great to hear, welcome!! :smiley:

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This service is possible thanks to our awesome captains, especially Paka!


Thanks, I’m really happy to be able to do this! :slight_smile: Getting to meet people, and it is nice to be able to help folks out!


Arbran not up for that much longer, taxi to amethyst hotspot in about 10 - better raid it while you can! :wink:


I had said in chat was planning to run another Arbran taxi but I overslept, sorry. :flushed:

BUT, a new one is up, Kirta, Coal… Kindling!! :smile:

Going to log on and set a warp spot, thinking taxi in about 15-20 here. Might be able to run another a couple hours from now too.

Edit instead of new post cause forum telling me to shut up now: :rofl: (8:14 am EST)

I’ve got a few gleam spots in the station for you all - 2 and 3 are better than the first one. :slight_smile:

If you want kindling, I’d recommend going ASAP. I wasn’t the only one raiding it that I saw. :wink: It is loaded, but it is also very easy to get to. Go now.

What you want to look for are the bright long hotspots near my cursor here and NW of it - those long lines are likely the big tunnel/cavern areas underground. You’ll sometimes see long ditches on the surface above these, find one and dig right down. You can get hundreds quickly - on goo exos I LOVE when I see this formation! I did find one massive one, more a big blob on the map, before I left, wish I could have stayed longer! Curious to see how cleaned out these are later, may have to go to the smaller ones, haha. I’ll try to run a taxi 5:30-6:00 pm EST or so! :slight_smile:



Heading to Kirta in about 16 mins! Meeting at station.

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Wya says ur offline

Ill brb had to log off to check whos by the door xD

5 mins max i hope

Ok if anything happens I’ll dial 999
Though I don’t think that’ll help much, since I’m in the US

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Haha no all good. At the station now!

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I missed the shuttle but joined the guild . I’ve been to one Exo…Ever! lol and am hoping to improve that number .


Glad to have you, welcome aboard!! :smiley:

I really think this guild will boom… it has been a ton of fun for me, for sure! :slight_smile:


A trip to Kirta in about 13 mins! Meeting at station!

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Our latest Kirta Exo trip! Man everyone looking in a different direction like a Swat team out of a movie haha. Awesome first pic.


Great shots!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1: Can I share these on Twitter?

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Thanks! Definitely! Please feel free to do so.

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Thanks, here it is!! :slight_smile:

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New Umbris Exo up! :smile:

Calc VII-B

ID: usw3_t6_1 (151)
Server: gs-live-usw3.playboundless.com
Temporary: Yes
   Appeared 14 minutes ago
   Will be available for 5 days 2 hours 52 minutes
Tier: 7
Server Region: usw
World Size (16-block chunks): 192
Number of Regions: 34
Closest Planets:
   Alcyon: 42 blinksecs (warp 3340-3420 coin)

Figure on a taxi from me around the usual time, 5:30-6:00 pm EST.

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Trip to new umbris planet in about 14 mins. Meeting at station!

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