Exo Shuttle Station - Free Rides to Exos!

Some completed atlases for Hercul in both shuttle stations.


Thanks!! :smiley: I’ll move a couple over with kindling when I jump on next. Kindling hotspots seem spread out from the bit I saw, but got into one area that is pretty thick with it.

Note to self: Remove regen bombs from wheel ENTIRELY before mining. Just ruined and had to redig a nice diamond mine on Neon I had saved. :woman_facepalming:

On Hercul, went back and got several hundred kindling for a friend pretty quickly - but decided not to take anymore unless friends in need, as there are only a few big hotspot areas and the kindling seems concentrated, easy to clean out quickly. So left some for y’all… but if you want it, might want to go quick! :wink:

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I’ve noticed the location tokens have had a cost lately in the bitula exo shuttle. Not mad about it just might not want to have free location tokens marketed. Or a separate pay spot for the better spots. I don’t mind paying for locations if it helps pet for the taxis just wanted to know about it so I didn’t have to go back and get more money.

It’s mostly because when they were free people would take every single one of them. We don’t need the coin really; see one of us and we’ll be happy to give you a few thousand coin to buy location tokens with :slight_smile:
Sorry about that!


Why do people gotta ruin a good thing. That’s so frustrating! The exo shuttle is the best thing. Come on people don’t be greedy!



I also used to run a “swap meet” where anybody who joined the guild could bring their junk and swap it for other people’s junk (everybody had full perms to a few plots full of storages) It was really nice!

Then somebody came and took every single item (somewhere between 5 and 8 full inventories worth) and since the devs couldn’t tell me who it was (just to kick them from guild, not to name and shame), I had to give up on the project :weary:

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I actually came across the reminants of that and thought it was a cool idea.


After discussing with DK, I’m going to lower costs (of mine at least) on the tokens back down to 10c. :slight_smile: Hopefully that will be enough and we don’t have problems… if it has to be raised again, like DK said, either hit me up for coin or the tokens themselves.

I’d prefer they’d be free too… but mentioned sometime back in the thread, we even had someone cleaning out our blank atlases. Which as I noted I consider the Oortian equivalent of taking the TP out of a public bathroom. :woman_facepalming:


I wish there was a log for us to see what people grab.


Some completed atlases for Shimus B in both shuttle stations now.


Probably offer a taxi to the new Burn exo in chat soon once I get logged on and settled in here. :slight_smile:

After looking at the resources, definitely will be digging some Ruby mines! :smiley:

New at Exo Shuttle: info on what items show when you put them in atlases!

Currently the stock is overpriced while we figure out prices that will discourage meanies from coming and buying all. These are meant for exos and for people to buy just one.

But I don’t fault the guy who came and bought all our beans. Those things are a b*tch and a half to get!


Wait wait wait… the shimmering orbs reveal the glow caps?

… HOW did I not know this?! :smiling_imp:


Great work DK! :slight_smile:


Some completed atlases for Lexrulanet in both shuttle stations now.


Got a bunch of tokens up! Tons of Ruby mines, and two gleam spots. :smiley: The gleam spots both in this area, best I saw and I got all the regions while looking for mining spots…

OT I know, but can’t help but mention: Struck me that I need to come up with a better analogy here… since I think TP theft is probably going to become a lot more common! :frowning:


Forgot to post that I put some completed atlases for Iotas in both shuttles.


Well, I can’t be certain, but it appears at least some of the mines I’m putting up are getting sabotaged now. :frowning: I’m pretty careful about making sure I clear enough space around where I save the location so you warp straight there. Several of them now, going back to them to mine myself, finding myself put on the surface. Possible they are getting regen bombed.

You CAN still of course mine right back down, but this is just frustrating… I do this so that mining is more accessible, bypass the mobs, and a time saver. Cranky Paka is Cranky. :rage:

(If possible, like on the current exos which have good ones, will try to save these in caves if there are any I see from now on, even if it means being a little away from the best spot)

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On a happier note, at TNT Serp now, will do Alpha taxi in a few here if any want! :slight_smile: