Exo Shuttle Station - Free Rides to Exos!

Ok, got a bunch of gleam spots and one sapphire/topaz mine up! :smiley: Will try to do some more mines later. I think the gleam might be more in demand, though.

Offering rides in the community events chat is working out nicely, definitely getting some riders! :slight_smile:

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The Sapphire/Topaz here probably isn’t any better than on Galan, no?


Just got up and going, but Alpha unplayable for me at the moment due to odd issue so Atlases may be a bit slow coming for this one.

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Though I don’t mine Galan, it is a pretty low % it looks like on both, and T5 - so may not be that worth it. I’ll focus on the gleam, myself.

@Soju-VB - Thanks for the heads-up and all your work as always! :slight_smile:


I’m focusing on Gleam, myself. :slight_smile: With my experience on Galan, I think we’d be hard-pressed to find a planet with better Topaz/Sapphire mining than Galan (unless it’s a T8, which would give more drops per vein mined).


I’ve got a pretty good sapphire mine set up on Houchus, for any interested in the permanent mining too. :smiley: Access via TNT Houchus. Yep - sometimes for sapphire and topaz I’ll mine them on the T7s once the rift is all torn to pieces. :rofl:


Put some completed atlases for Alpha in both shuttle stations.


New Umbris exo up, Kala! :slight_smile:

At TNT Cardass now, might have to bail but will try to hang out at least 5 min and run taxi if any need one.

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Is it correct, that there are never any tokens for goo hotspots or goo caves in the exo shuttle, or did I just miss them countless times?

Not a critique, as I find them easily myself, but as a huge goo hunter ive been wondering. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I’ve put some up in the past and others might have too - but the goo areas get cleaned so easily that I won’t do it unless it is a very thick area (goo tunnel layers), I figure it might lead to frustration if people take them and they’re wiped. Even with the tunnels, you have to know to tunnel through the layers, worried newcomers might go and get annoyed if they look empty.

But I’ll try to get some more of those up if there is the demand! :slight_smile:

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Yeah, you have a point there. Probably best to only token those massive hotspots, or just not at all. Thanks.

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Next time we get a good one/goo tunnels I’ll get some up! :smiley:

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I, for one, will grab one. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Got some mine and a few gleam tokens up in the stations! :smiley:

If the mines get regen bombed, can’t guarantee that those of you who follow me on Twitter won’t get treated to a rant that might or might not contain some choice terms, depending on how evil Evil Paka is feeling here. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’ll always keep it clean here of course, but got a lot of pent-up grumpiness at the moment needing an outlet. :smiling_imp:

… Boundless, and the exos in particular, really are a good distraction and escape for me, more than ever. :slight_smile:


Just make sure to include a pic or two of your gold cute cat (Fiona?) along with the rant :joy:

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Hehe, well, I’m ALWAYS good for cute kitty pics!! :grin: (Even if they happen to have a mouse she has mangled)

Edit: Disregard gleam spots 1 and 2, I’m going to take those down in a bit and replace with a much better area!

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Aww what a sweetie!! :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just found the dark glass structures on the exo with gleam inside them, I’ll get up a token to those as well (spot 7)!

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hahaha cute cats xD

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Im guessing there were originally three cats in this household, but number two cat ate the third.

My condolences. :smirk: