The aim:
To see if gums give category boons equal weight, for example, special increases the chance of special boons, on a hammer that would be aoe and magnet. We assume these are weighted equally, because if not it seems like it would be an unfair set up, but run over a x amount of attempts, does it prove to be so?
And does the type of tool affect the weighting of the boon chance?
The set up:
A single diamond hammer, a boon compound that adds 1000 boon points, special gum, character and forge with maxed stats.
The method:
Add 2 special gums then activate boon compound. Then use deconstruction resin 3, which should give back 75% of mats this will also be interesting to test).
Repeat 100 times.
This could be potentially repeated multiple batches of 100 (depending on how much time/enthusiasm/material loss I have)
Then repeat process with a spanner.