Farm Lighting Question

Also replanting sucks big time so having your organic crops take longer to grow is a great way to maintain sanity :slight_smile: Starve them of light so you can see the light.

Chances are, they’ll still be ready before you come back to harvest.



Must just be gleam lanterns. Sorry no farmer here :blush:

:exploding_head: :dizzy_face:

So… white is the best I guess? What would lanterns do then? Like non gleam ones, do they even count?

nope :slight_smile: or pretty sure they don’t. See the debug panel, there are 2 values, either sun or gleam :slight_smile:
(different values between Raw Gleam, Refined Gleam, Decorative gleam lanterns and so on )

was referring to the screenshot up top :slight_smile: but yeah

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Alright :sweat_smile:

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This I at least know where to get:

Here’s a luminance chart of gleam, gleam lanterns, and poles and stuff.

There’s more info there in the thread.


Learned this from kindling I have a rather large kindling farm that actually puts me to sleep when replanting it. Literally makes me sleepy. Oddest thing.


This is great @Nightstar thanks!

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I don’t understand this.

This corner is at Crop: 25% Seed: 104%

The middle is at Crop: 40% Seed: 110%

The other corner is at Crop: 75% Seed: 108%

What am I missing here?

I think you can fix that by changing the end of your row.


the left corner is seeing more iron than the right.

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Ideally I want them all to be max seed as in Crop: 40% Seed: 110%

I’ll look at it a little more

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Muhahah!! 1% off on one corner…grr.

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You might actually go past the corner if you want it perfect.


I’ve only done this a few years ago for inorganics but yeah, it’s a pain.


Yea perfection isn’t a biggie if a few are off no biggie.

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Checked the setup at Farm School and it appears to be the same way.

Yes you can stack them however mind, that a plant counts as a functuional block, therefore you can only have 520 per chunk, which is about 4 levels

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You can also hide the lava by chiseling the lower part of the block. I use white refined gleam for my farm

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I’m pretty sure that all but one of the crops got moved to the “Grass” system now.

One of the inorganics still counts as mesh. Combustion fraction IIRC.

could be, maybe combustion and/or kindel

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@May-L04 White gleam (and the other colors) works to just have to use more of it to light up the areas.

From low to high light intensity;

Gleam-refined gleam-deco gleam-lantern.
(The reach of the light goes up)

Had shots of my underground farms on Lamblis (when i build Terra Nova the first time) but can’t find them :wink:

I used white deco gleam and it was basically 1 block and 5-6 between each light source. Adding more was unnecessary.