Footfall status after Release 211

Regarding the 24 hour timer, that just means that at hour 23 you get 0c, but at hour 24 you’d get footfall. Therefore, if you visited at hour 23 and got 0c then visited again in another 23 hours you’d get footfall since the second 23 is past the 24 hour mark.

On a side note, ETA on footfall fix…? I have a few transactions pending but nobody’s coming off that coin until footfall works again.

The footfall fix happened earlier today. That was what the update was for. And the timer works differently now. Timer starts at the first time a person steps on to the plot and starts counting down at that point. So a person can walk on them say 5 times in one day but the timer is still counting down from that first visit

So footfall is nerfed then…? 51-63c from alts of friends who haven’t visited in at least a few days (that would otherwise have given 80c). I use the term nerf lightly because if this is the new economy, so be it. But if it’s still broken is it going to be fixed?

If this is the new and improved economy 2.0 expect prices to keep staying low.

Just seems a step in the wrong direction with guild buffs costing 3/4 of your soul.

It sounds like it’s not the intended direction. Share your findings with the devs and let them do their magic. :nerd_face::+1:

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Yeah we ran 2 alts through a plot on a 10k+ prestige beacon, were supposed to get 80c each time but got 51c once and 63c another time. Neither alt had visited for at least 2-3 days. Just wondering if this is how it’s supposed to be.

I have waited to post to see if things were going to change into the positive as there have been several updates the last few days.
I usually had between 150- 300 c coming in on a beacon I have and it was 0 c today.
Could be a lack of visitors however my little portal plot had 324 and usually netted about 500 over the last few days.
Still waiting to see if things pan out better or if this is going to be the norm.
If so then the buffs are gonna be far and few between for my little communities guild

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Until the update from Monday afternoon (UK/EU) I got about 10% of what I used to get. Now It’s up to 20-25% of what I used to get.

Many report 30-35% apparently. It’s kinda all over the place.

I feel the tweaking of this is going to be difficult because to make sure people would’t suddenly get massive amounts instead after changing from once every 24 days to once every 24 hours they decided to use unique visitors, repeat visitors, etc., etc. and put that into some form of formula.

That could have worked rather well, but then they also add a check if a visitor hasn’t already set foot on another beacon in the same settlement owned by the same character which also means we see less footfall overall because it basically means they treat all beacons in same settlement of same owner as a single beacon (even tho I still have to run my butt off to all the beacons to check if someone might have hit that beacon first so there could be coin in there!).

Granted this is to prevent footfall traps, I didn’t have any like that, I got my footfall from mostly 2 beacons where most of the plots are on, one is my main, the other my merchant who owns the shop plots but also most of the market plots.

And with these I am now seeing 20-25% of what it used to be.

Formula needs tweaking! @james Any news on when the next tweak is gonna happen? Also, would love a dev roadmap!

While we’re at it. Could you guys add a setting to beacons, not just a lag for master beacon, but also a flag for setting 1 beacon in a settlement as being the master footfall beacon for all the beacons oned by the same character? That would both be rather handy AND make it more clear what is happening…

This is how footfall has ‘always’ worked. It stops people exploiting by just having a run of 20 beacons to get 20x footfall. This is not new behaviour.

If a player runs into our beacon multiple times daily, are they added to the player total that is used scale down coin for busy beacons each time they re-enter the beacon?

Is that scale down determined by new player visits or total visits by players other than the owner?

The reason I ask is that we have multiple players that run our shop and wonder if we are reducing each other’s footfall coin by continuously sharing beaconed areas. Also, our customers going back and forth between each other’s beacons multiple times per visit.

Here ya go.

Ok thanks so co-shop owners won’t cause a problem with their own movements. It doesn’t seem to address if the customer going in and out of beacons as they browse isles are being counted as a new visit down every isle or not. Would this taper down the coin for multiple times with a single customer visit? Our beacons split vertically through all the isles and shoppers weave horizontally across both. It would be helpful to know if we should change our plotting layout.

ShopA Beacon l ShopB Beacon

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Important thing to remember is that now everything is based from the last payment, not the last visit.

So a player can visit many times, but when and how much coin you receive is based on why you last received payment from the visit, not from when the last visit was.

Hope this helps.

Ok, it wasn’t clear in what I had read. So the variable that determines the amount of coin the next visitor brings will be the total of prior PAID visits? Not total visits by players

Heh, not quite.

Lets use an example.

Visit 1. Citizen A visits settlement 1. Owner Z receives coin for this visit.

Visit 2. After 24 hours citizen A visits settlement 1 again, owner Z receives coin as it’s been more than 24 hours since owner Z received coin from citizen A.

Visit 3. Citizen A visits settlement 1 less than 24 hours after visit 2. Owner Z receives no coin from this visit. System does not register this visit as no PAYMENT was made.

Visit 4. Citizen A visits settlement 1 more than 24 hours after visit 2, but less than 24 hours after visit 3. Owner Z receives payment for this visit as it’s more than 24 hours since last PAID visit by citizen A. It is less than 24 hours since last visit, but that does not count as it was not a PAID visit.

The amount paid is determined by some other factors, but hopefully this helps somewhat!

PS, this is to my understanding, if I have got it wrong then apologies!

Thanks, I already understand that part. I am seeking clarification about how coin is scaled down for the total number of players. Higher traffic tapers down the coin per visit. I would like to know what counts as a visit adding to that total. Each new player, or every visit a player makes regardless if paid or not. In the diagram of my shop above, am I setting myself up for failure from each customer entering/leaving the beacon many times per visit?

Payments scale down according to payouts. So a person visiting your beacon 20 times before 24hrs hits from that first payment it still has only paid out once

Have waited a couple days to report back to see how the changes went. Seems to have stabilised on about 30% of what it was pre-patch for most of mine. Except 1 that is significantly busier, which is now only about 15-20% of what it was. Seems the busier the beacon the more its reduced.

I still seem to not receive much footfall anymore. Before was about 2k a day. We have a hub on Sorissi which a couple of us maintain, it is also my home base. i believe i received 700c for a day now.

Also wondering what the update was about just now…