Footfall status after Release 211

Being home bound isn’t the factor in not being able to get footfall, although it definitely lets me have plenty of time to play. Which I love that aspect but would prefer to be able to do what I used to do and loved doing. As for my home base, well, I’m off the beaten path and don’t get a lot of traffic to create footfall. That is okay with me.
We all have different likes in how we play, that is great, everyone focused on getting to high levels, making things, making coins is good. Mine is I could care less how fast I level up, how much coin I can get so long as I have enough to buy what I can’t get. I have been able to trade to get the ores and gems I needed, the rubies, diamonds, topaz for making my own coils.
My main cause was I didn’t realize I didn’t have 10k prestige. I never thought to check that as that wasn’t important to me. If I liked how I set it up, decorated it and asked some I know for honest feedback on improvements and was told it was nice, then that was enough. If anyone wants to check it out it is called The Making of Greatness, items to make great food are my main focus and some food that I make. Number 95 (I think) and I appreciate honest feedback, how it looks ae prices too high.
Added a second floor, put up some walls with some plants, boulder, fungus and other and got it up from 7k to close to 11k. Will have to wait and see if that changes it. Don’t care about how it looks in one way, will have some storage and a couple machines later on.

It IS still not solved.

I have way less than a tenth of footfall than normal, sales are rather low as well, plenty of people stuffing my request baskets tho.

I had to resort to removing any and all coin from my baskets, I’m losing coin instead of gaining it. I feel everyone has way, way less coin than normal hence lower sales too.

Wasn’t this footfall update trying to do quite the opposite?

Any idea when this is really going to be fixed?

Perhaps share how footfall is being calculated for each visitor, the formula, the works, that way we can both try to guestimate how much we’re supposed to be getting AND we could help you hunt bugs 'cos am sure “footfall is too low still” is not going to be much help for finding bugs :slight_smile:


So far since the guild update I’ve had a fraction of what it used to be. :cry:


Wow. Just wow.

I came to ask questions about meteorite loot and saw this.

While this may have been extreme, it’s a serious question: is being in my beacon generally intended to decrease footfall for some duration?

I thought that boundless incentivized activity at the beacon. I’ve read there’s a timeout/decrease in footfall for beacons that the owner doesn’t visit.

i can only imagine this would change things for a lot of people. I’m constantly in my largest, main build it’s my ‘home’ and workshop. Most other players I know, too.

Mine has gone way down too, anI never had much to begin with.

Its not intentional, is a bug

yea, i am only getting, maybe half of what i was getting. Still messed up pretty bad.

I understand this current extreme setting is a bug.

It’s awfully random if there’s not already a flag/value for this in the system.

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I dont know what that means… just sayin

No worries.

That update was apparently 9hrs ago lol. Well, according to the twitter post anyway. :smiley:

Unfortunately, I see no change in footfall either since the hotfix. It’s still as low as it was before the fix. So, either something in the update didn’t like to play nice with all the other good little lines of code or it didn’t go out to play at all today.

And much like, Aenea’s situation above, sales are down. Way down. I’m guessing that due to the current footfall situation, people are reluctant to part with their coin. We’ve entered a recession boys and girls. And I do hope the government, ehem, I mean, Devs… can fix our way out of it very soon.


Yeah agreed, its still way lower. Seems like activity overall is noticably lower, guessing quite a few people might be having beacon issues too and are trying to fix that/taking a break/waiting for patches etc. Even my request baskets arent being bought out, which usually happens within an hour.


It has slightly gone up, feels more like from 1c per visitor to 2 to 5c per visitor.

Since the update came out on Tuesday, I’ve received perhaps about a fifth in all those days of what I normally received in 1 day. So yeah, I’m bummed out…

Saddest part is tho, everyone probably has this issue, so people have less to spend which also means less sales but also less visits to your shops which means I for one had to cut down on the amount of coin in my baskets which means less visits from people selling which means less footfall which means even less coin in baskets and on and on we go!

Gota love a patch that was supposed to give everyone more coin to spend and then does totally the opposite!

Also what I find a bit of a shame is that the devs suddenly are very quiet about this…


Yep, there’s a serious knock-on-effect across the board. And it doesn’t bode well to think about the added coin sink that’s been introduced with the guild buffs. It’s like they unintentionally reworked the system to suck even more coin out of us while giving us even less coin to work with in the first place.

And yes. The tumbleweeds have come out of hiding and are now rolling across our builds as the deafening silence of the devs screams out saying “let’s all close our eyes, pretend it’s not there and hope it goes away”. :frowning:


Surely they didnt intentionally nerf footfall, its the only way coin is generated. Thats a game killer.


I really doubt that it’s been intentional but I agree with Aenea. The sudden silence is scary.


@lucadeltodecso howd the hotfix go? Is footfall working as intended now?

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Adding to this, Aenea and some 20+* people must have passed through my place in Houchus, after which I checked the footfall coin. It should be 30c per person, so that would average at about 600c after everyone passed, per beacon of my two beacons there. One beacon had about 300c (not exact) and the other something like 468c as I remember.

*(there were 32 people on-world and the most I ever see is between 2-8 people at any time)

My beacon at the New Leyden market is out of the way, but it also gets weird footfall values. It’s supposed to receive 80c per person, but it seems to be getting 10% of that, at best, as every time I check, the values are multiples of 8 - I’ve seen 24, 48 and 16c on separate occasions.

I never got a lot of money from footfall anyway so the direct effect on me is minimal, but I do agree this looks like it’s already having a big knock-on effect, coupled with the new buff coin sinks, as mentioned by C0ND1T10NR3D. It doesn’t help that we’re left to speculate. :slight_smile:

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It’s 1AM in the UK, maybe they’re trying to get some rest after 3 days of hotfixing bugs. It’s not like they can’t continue to adjust and fix things.


Ah, good point. Not everyone is a nightowl like me lol. However ‘lucadeltodecso’, who seems to be the main person dealing with this is working out of Japan and it’s around 10am there now. I’m hopeful that he’s hard at work punching keyboards in order to get a fix out to us asap. :slight_smile: