Why does it cost Stability to protect Stability? Using the protection paste reduces stability cost by 50% for two turns in the forge, so why does it cost 100+ stability and 50 vigour? Using Math, for 50 extra vigour i can essentially use the same amount of stability had i NOT used the paste at all…Here’s some screenshots if you feel like doing math too.
Used two special gum reduced vigour by total of 100, placed protection paste in.
After using it i lost 50 more vigour(fine im cool with it, its gotta cost something) but i also lost 103 stability!
After using 1 pure boon compound 2 i lost 50 more vigour, and 50 stability.
I didnt take any more screenshots after this, but when i used the next one i lost another 50-ish stability. For a total of 150 vigour and 203-ish stability lost. Had i not used the protection paste i’d have saved that 50 vigour and spent roughly the same amount of stability.
Edit: would the benefit be better had i been using pure boon 3 or one of the other higher tier boon compounds? Not sure what they cost in stability or vigour. However, my point stands…