Forge Simulator [v1.2]

There’s still the disclaimer that there will probably be bugs. The forge logic isn’t always so logical, so I hope that players who know those weird cases test them out here too. I tried to figure out how each thing interacts with everything and in which order but there are most certainly some that I missed.

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I feel like i should post something different to “awesome.” on one your threads one of these days cause im getting a little repetitive. But there’s really only one thing to say…



Awesome start. Looking forward to the deck feature :]

Small question - what “weight” did you give each boon? Does each one have an equal chance of occurring or did you make some boons (magnet, crit damage) occur more often.

Awesome work either way, gonna add this to the useful links in my forge guide, cheers!

If it’s based on the info that @Tonezone gathered, then they all have equivalent base chances. This is all based on another thread we were all in previously and also from a LOT of forges. A lot a lot.

If I remember correctly :sweat_smile:

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Boon weight discussion in another thread Experimenting to test forge boon bias


1 is baseline, gums add 10, as said it’s based on the linked thread. The first post in this thread links to the one where @Tonezone analysed his numbers.

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Seriously though, solid work! I’ll make sure to play around with it and see how the feel is. I always do the exit/enter machine to get out of the animation (even with the skip) anyways, so it should have a similar feel.

If there seems to be anything that’s off I’ll let ya know, but I’m pretty confident in this.

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Ahh mb, glanced over it and musta missed that part, cheers!

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This is amazing. Nice work!!!

Let me know if there are any strategies which work in the simulator but not in game. We can try to nail down any discrepancies in the probabilities.

Also, I would be very interested in what an AI could do with this. It might come up with totally new forge strategies that we never even thought of.


Totally dumb question that I should know the answer to by now. What is the effectiveness of the lucent gem equipment?

I believe 42%

That’s will full coils?

I couldn’t remember, so thank you!

I could continue forging after applying setting resin.


I’m not even sure what setting resin should do, reset the forge?

If I only knew how to make proper models, making it choose the 8 ingredients on it’s own goes beyond my knowledge. I was planning on just combining this with a basic AI I give a premade deck to so it’ll figure out the average cost of X boons with those ingredients.

The gum weights are close enough that I don’t think a strategy would fail, at least I hope so :smiley:

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if you dig it smash that like button when mayumichi gets 50 likes i think she gonna make it even better


reset forging scren and maybe pop up window showing the summary of forging (something like: shovel +1000 dura, +500 damage, light source); that window would have a button to start next forging session (that would close the forging result window and return user to the reset main forging screen)

as for accuracy of the simulator: I think, that even with some error in calculations here, it’s still a great tool and amazing help for those who only start forging; it quickly teaches how all the ingredients work and can give very good idea of how the ingredients should be applied (the order of use that is); and all that without a need to do it in game and lose precious ingredients (thus saving time needed to replenish stock)

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I’m not sure if the resulting boon data (how much damage does aoe remove etc) is somewhere in the assets, they’re not in forge.json :thinking:

@the-moebius it’s actually she* :wink:


ah sorry i think everybody is male in english lol


No problem, I’m not even sure if it should be corrected, not that important.