Forge Simulator [v1.2]

I’ll play with it and get back to you tomorrow, but even with 4 trait reduction gums the chance of hitting the damage boon (when it’s the only active boon) is just 82%, so there’s plenty of room for rng to mess it up :confused: But if it’s consistently the expiration turn something’s wrong.

Another test I can think of is to spam more trait reduction and see if it still happens.

I put fifty earlier and spammed dbc2 it took roughly 20 more rounds max out :laughing:

Sorry it took longer than expected, but I’m now 99% certain it’s just rng being rng. The boon weights aren’t affected by buffs expiring at the very least :thinking:

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No worries! I appreciate the effort! Glad to know it’s just RNG!

Oh my. Thanks for this ill play around later.

Version 1.2 Changelog

In no particular order

  • Added deck builder. Activate it from the top left button, select which ingredients you want in your deck and copy the url to share your deck. Tool selection is saved as well.
  • Log window is cleared when the forge is reset by clicking the tool name or the reset button.
  • Implemented resins, activating one will let you know of the result in the log window. Setting resin output will be improved to include the final boons/quirks/defects
  • When stability or vigour runs out there’s a message in the log
  • Added a button to copy the current log to clipboard. Visible while the log is expanded
  • Improved mobile interaction, you can now spam the ingredients without the page zooming in

Numerous bug fixes which probably have new bugs in them :smiley:


Oh isn’t this the sad truth about fixing things

Defect reversal catalyst seems to be broken

Thanks, should be fixed now. A few other catalysts were broken too :sweat_smile:

Small fixes applied, the number of known bugs atm is 0, keep them coming if you find any!


Absolutely phenomenal work, thank you for doing this.

I used it quite some time ago to piece together and test out the Lucient forging method. Happy with the results.


@wakeNbake Hi :wave: how much would you charge for a grapple and bow just like the ones in your screenshots?

Honestly man I have absolutely no idea. I’m not even sure I want to do that again, that was 4 times I put myself through 300 odd rounds of forging hell, this form of forging that is not even fun if I’m totally honest.

I made myself a pair of grapples and a matching bow each for a friend and I (although I really wanted to make them heavy projectile I was not prepared to go through the RNG again after getting these boons first attempt because that kind of luck never happens).

The rough price in materials including the bow was about 30 to 40k based on what I put in request baskets.

Honestly I wouldn’t bother with the bow, yes it’s nice, but for the price I would have to charge in order to retain my sanity while forging these the small advantage you would have over a well forged gem bow just doesn’t justify it in my eyes.

The grapples… they are worth it. I love em and will be forging myself another set once these ones wear down a bit. If you’re interested I can show you the method and you’re welcome to forge a set yourself.


I’m totally intimidated by the forging, lol. Even with this amazingly helpful guide… I think I’ll just let the pros handle it and buy the grapples for now : ) thank you for the reply!


No problem, and sorry to have to say no. I’d rather just share the method and let others have at it, haha.


I agree, Lucent forging is NOT fun.

I’m currently not noticing any bugs that I can tell currently though.

Good job! Your only the 3rd person ive seen make a clean 480 rank with the boons you wanted!

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Thanks, I think it must have been your grapples that you were auctioning some time ago that showed me it was possible and therefore inspired me to figure out the method. Turns out getting the right boons is really not much harder, if at all harder, than any gem forge as you can take 2 gums with you. Figuring out how you do it defect free was really easy because there really is only one option for that right! haha

Actually there are at least 3 ways I know of that you can get a clean forge. Have you tried getting 3 boons (all different gums yet)? Dum dum dum challenge time :wink:! Im soooo glad to see you did it too! This is a super smart community.
It is a long process, and i noticed you mentioned 300ish rounds, not 600ish. Did you get by with a single slot for invig?

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Yes I did 3 separate boon categories on the grapples, using again only 2 gums so it required one to be rolled at random, I chose the grapple range as my random as the other 2 are the only ones in their category.

And yes, done with only 1 set of invigoration. I suppose if I could give up a gum for 2 sets of invigoration and this would allow me to make 2 items at a time…