Gleambow is turning me off of boundless

I’m on PC and have these mods. I’m taking them off now just wondering if it would work different with gleambows.

Farsight for cores is leading me to a ton of dormant and completed though. To be honest right now the number of completed I find even on quiet worlds (5 or less players) has me telling myself i’m just off on the timing. I’m not giving up yet.

I’ll just have to get a few to spawn before I can really tell if I’m doing better on the “Race” part than last year heh. I do gtet the world sort of re-rendering a lot when I’m traveling quickly but so far during the first hours of the event that hasn’t been my problem.

Well im not lvl 50 on the char im using for hunting, its doable its more of a player skill cap and money cap that needs to be up… (still not so friendly for new players)

I can see it being frustrating, but I don’t have long range grapples (and I only grapple to get out of holes anyway) and I have no guild buffs running at all. Maybe its just that I am not expecting to make it to them, so the ones I have gotten to I have been happy about.


I’m not personally against giving long time seasoned players the possibility of getting more loot, if they’re up to the challenge - I am however against it being too hard for new people to get any rewards what-so-ever.

I understand you can get better at this, and if you stick at it you can manage to get this event down, but as of right now I’ve seen too many anecdotal situations where people are turned off on their first outing - and anecdotes in a community this small are in my opinion more viable than they would be in a larger game.


Yeah, I think that there should be at least some version that everyone is able to get something from the event.


Tho the pro isn’t even being used to it’s fullest potential as we have no hdr support. So I’d say it might be both possible limitations of the PS4 and maybe the coding/engine not being per say ps4 friendly. But as I know zero coding nor any of the coding/engine stuff they’ve done i could be completely wrong.

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I agree with you, but i was offering people to help them out… however i can… but no one wanted the help… so then what they want…

as of for new players, well believe me they can go its a bit more challenging (a “bit”) but ye… this is not a event like the halloween is, it asks for skill and comitment to the fullest…

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There’s a setting called “meteor farsight” or something in the mods section of the forum and this seems to be working fine for spotting the cores. This is really just a JSON file edit I usually do it manually.

There’s also a package called “better meteors and fewer particle effects” or something like that and I have a bunch of those files loaded because it helps my machine in normal gameplay, even though they say it’s not supposed to. This is what I’m taking off right now just in case the blanked particle effects are interfering with the gleambow trails in some way.

Though I doubt it as other people seem to think they’re an advantage.

I also have made sure that I have my tip for gleambows enabled but since I’m not getting any to spawn I’m paranoid it’s not working correctly, lol.

Someone was in my room speaking to me when I saw the one with 49 seconds but there was no tip. and I have no idea how I got within range of one with 3 seconds left on the timer and never got a tip of spotted anything. That’s why I’m stripping the mods and may add them back piece by piece.

Right, this is not me. Boundless hunting is plenty fast paced for me but i sometimes enjoy it. I’ve done a few hundred hours of it this year and I’m not uncomfortable on any terrain/planet except lots of holes over lava.

So far I’m probably colored by my memories of last year and probably jsut off on my timing, as noted I’ve been finding plenty of completed cores and I don’t think they stick around for hours after. Though I’m not sure.

Anyways I’m not a huge complainer but i want to share honestly about this becuse the posts about the people who do well as a matter of both luck and skill (both are honestly required even if it’s just on the timing) can make this event EXTREMELY discouraging for newer, less equipped, or even less skilled players.

The technical problems are the worst when they crop up at the wrong time but there are a lot of challenges with this event.


Let me start by saying i have a level 50 skill page specifically for gleambow. Max grapples, aoe totems, rank 5 speed brew and i can barely beat some of these. I got to one with 2 seconds left (still beat it) But most i’m just getting to too late. Even swinging and flying through the air.

The timer is ridiculous and this event is made for advanced players. Bad idea the playerbase is simply too small for the best event to be so unforgiving, especially for new players. I’m at the point where I want to tell newer players to not even bother with the event.

Edit: also want to add, once the gleambow lands the trail disappears. Or maybe the meteor is despawning after 10 seconds.


Make the timer last longer 2 or 3 mins or even slightly longer would be really nice, as i’m getting to meteors sometimes when they’re at 10 secs :sweat:


Well idk, but i think there is much more in workin on the terrain and your personal skill than gear…

I use long range grapple (only one) energy brew (for long time regen) and the shielding pie (for higher tier planets) im using a skill tree that has 40 skill points in it out of 100 and i usually manage to get to most of them at around 15-20 sec left

can be that im getting rly lucky, but idk…

But i agree for new players
the timer on lower tiers should be taken down a bit and all we can do is ask advanced players not to abuse it too much so the new players get a hang of it

EDIT: also if anyone needs anything to know about the event or any new players here need something feel free to pm me here or on discord ( [LC]Galenika#6631 ) ill happily help everyone… i want this community to grow (not only me everyone does) so i encourage newer or even vet players to ask if they dont know something, dont just leave it be :slight_smile:

I think this may be where I have been doing well on Boori. I have been sticking around areas that I know well from gathering and that are free from large amounts of water since that slows me down a lot.

I have also been doing most of my running around with an atlas in one hand to stay “landlocked” and increase my chances that if one spawns it will be within running distance without a ton on nasty terrain challenges in the way since I am not a grappler.

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Yes, thats the smart thing to do, well know terrain is half of the job done… i wasnt a grappler either but i learned it in an hour or so (TY Pathfinder from apex :smiley: )

I will say i’m quite fast and responsive with this event, as I’ve got a fully decked out skill set for this event along side my super long and fast emerald grapples, speed brews and of course guild buffs. As i said i do barely just get there in time to hit the meteor before it dies out. But as a bit of a funny note i have killed myself a couple times with how i’m going lol :sweat_smile:


Ye well thats where the terrain part comes in, since you would know how to navigate the fastest way, believe me thats why i dont even bother changin the planets i hunt on even tho its T4 and T3

I had this problem, I was able to fix it by changing all of the visual settings down to the lowest, other then the draw distance, I put that at max, and made sure the network setting for chunk download rate was also set at max, that seemed to have fixed it for me at this time.

I am on PC with a GTX 1080 Ti driving a 2560x1440 display, I know my machine should be able to handle max settings fine but for some reason it cannot.

The experience was Borderline rage inducing while the problem was happening…


Im on the same train. I had to lower all the settings and still Its horrible to play.


Im on PC

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Same thing with me I start running towards it and all of the world disappear around me very annoying I stopped doing the event last time because this happened then as well

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Many issues last time too. I believe they ended up changing the timers. I wish they’d loosen things up a little bit so everyone could enjoy this awesome event. I’m all for working towards higher levels/crafting/machines/skills & character progression, but not during special events :confused:


Maybe timer starts with meteor life, and just spawn a couple more cuttles? Idk how people would feel about this.

But getting to the meteor is painful when the game has a stroke every 3 seconds.

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